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Is Attack on Titan fash?


I'll tell you, when it ends.


provide supporting arguments or >>>/b/


you could at least write about its far-right nationalist politics or the fact that the author glorifies japanese imperialism


no idea, I found the plot so slow to advance and boringly convoluted (too many questions, not enough answers), I gave up midway through s2


Not fash, just trash.


I've seen people claim that it's either fash or anti-fash.


It's only retarded


I've heard people claim Marx was a fascist and an anti-fash. Who gives a fuck.


People are really starting to become obnoxious about the Show. Like…the amount of people saying it is the geeatest Anime ever has quadrupled after the new season aired


Did they not see K-On!?


Of course they didn't, they're zoomers and/or normies


Is K-On! that good? I tried to watch the first Episode and I don't see the Appeal. Sort of like FLCL which I find absolutely horrible


It's only pushed because of nostalgia, same with Haruhi and Lucky Star.


why does it feel fash? is it because it's set in germany or is it because fashy weebs on 4chan like this show


Or because it's about killing "savages from outside who threaten us normal humans"


but it sure does have the worst ending in human history.


I thought this was gonna be a cool series at first but the initial twist with Eren turning into a titan or whatever turned me off.


Its SoL, being kind of bland is basically part of the appeal.


That's just normies cutting off polyps internet access




yeah, it turns out their Hitler figure was just a soyboy incel who got cucked by a farmhand and caused a genocide out of sheer envy.
kinda funny ngl


So that's why /a/ is in sheer piss mode.


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Glad it's over tbh.


It ended up being too dumb to be either of those things. If anything is a reafirmation of the liberal morality of "do your part" or "we all have to work to make the world a better place". Lmao, what a trashfire [spoiler]I can't believe I spent 10 years following this shit.[/spoiler]


only watched the first season when it came out should i watch the other seasons?


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Wow japanese fans are vocal about the new chapter and they are very happy. Theyre contented with the way eren's character went and the whole genocide. I guess they were holding out hope for a lelouch route, which they got. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the chapter framed. Obviously that will happen and it shows how happy they are.


Don't bother it's garbage


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ooh la dee da


Is it over. What was the Conclusion? I have read the last 10 Chapters. It got a bit too pseudodeep for me


You know what…watch atleast until the end of season 3. The 2nd and 3rd season are kinda good. The final season starts good with potential and then lets down quick, because let's be honest, the Author wrote himself into a corner at some point


thx for the advice im gonna do that


Now that the dust has finally settled, I think it's safe to say that it doesn't have any coherent ideology or theme to it. The story was little more than a set of excuses for constant carnage. I'm sorry I got sucked into it–thankfully it was when the story was already almost concluded so I didn't get strung along forever like Berserk. Would not recommend to others.


They should have concluded it after Season 3 with Erwins Death and they reaching the Ocean after killing every Titan. Would have made the show a top tier series, but no All out War where nobdy can win was better. Btw what happened to Levi? He died am I right?


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idk, is this fash, or just japanese?


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looks like the standard reac shiz tbh


Is that sarcasm in the first page? I genuinely can't tell


both, it's liberal idealism.
all liberals are fascists.


>fascism is when you have military


>soyboy incel who got cucked by a farmhand and caused a genocide out of sheer envy
So like regular hitler




Vaush is a Checkmark now? It just gets worse with this guy


I'm 100% sure this idiot is browsing this site


maybe not him but one of his under age fans. Change your hobbies so they don't intersect with him and his fandom tbqfh


he literally ethnically cleansed the entire world


Can people explain me why the ending sucked? Like, I want to know why the concensus is, that Isayama wrote himself into a Corner


My guess is he never had a long-term outline of where the story was headed. I think it was probably just a series of improvisations to facilitate endless carnage from the beginning.


Why? Because Eren died?


Nah he's still alive in the last chapter just wheelchair bound forever now


Attack on titan is just modern day harry potter


I read the whole plot into their Wikia and it's another "destroy the world" ending ffs.

All modern shonens are either "gain godly powers to rebuild the world" or "gain enough force to genocide humans". You know it's bad when One Piece has a better story.


>You know it's bad when One Piece has a better story.
Kek, One Piece will end with the former ending you mentioned. Luffy will be so fucking powerful that he destroys the RedLine with One Piece and all 4 Blues will be reunited, resulting in the All Blue.

Also, I don't get how Attack on Titan had to go the "Eldians are so hated that all out genocide by one side had to be the only way". Could the Author not conceal his Fascist Opinions and write a good Story instead? What a mess


Maybe but OP isn't centered around this shit and its main villain is the oppressive monarchy while the plot is basically a huge king of the hill match.

> Could the Author not conceal his Fascist Opinions and write a good Story instead?

The "Western" culture may have a liberal bias but the Japanese culture is basically result of a 800 years military dictatorship (shoguns + the empire), so it's extremely fash and manga/anime writers don't even see their blind spots.


Can you give some examples of fashy things that japanese writers inadvertently insert into anime

I want to know


Oh wow, it's much worse than what I've got from reading the plot in Wikia. That's Steven-Universe-tier bad.

The popular manga Attack on Titan has recently ended with a chapter 139 and has received a mixed reaction from fans, with some of the fans being really disappointed and voicing their frustrations all over the internet. The main criticism is that this last chapter assassinates the characterisation of some of the characters of the manga, including the main character, Eren. A part of the fandom speculates that this is the result of the ending being rewritten from a darker, more depressing ending, to a more happy-ish ending. I don't want to talk about the quality of the ending in general, but rather how the last chapter has betrayed its female characters and the manga's earlier anti-war and anti-genocide rhetoric. Warning: manga ending spoilers ahead in the rest of this post! CW: abuse, genocide

1. Female characters

There are three female characters that I think the last chapter betrayed in particular. First, Ymir; Ymir is a thousand year old girl with god-like abilities; however, she is also a slave to these abilities. The main character, Eren frees her from this slavery and asks her to help him commit global genocide (more on this later). Initially it seems that she helps in committing global genocide for two reasons: because she values freedom greatly and global genocide is a way to free the oppressed group Ymir and Eren belong to; and also because she wants revenge on the world. Before becoming a god, Ymir was a slave, owned by a man named Fritz who abused her, raped her and who kept her as a slave until she died. In the last chapter it is revealed, however, that Ymir did everything she did because she was in love with Fritz. I consider this a betrayal of her character, because it makes her, incapable of acting on her own, clinging to her abuser for thousands of years. Also, her strong yearning for freedom is removed: while previously it was shown that she is willing to risk her life to free some pigs from being slaughtered, now she doesn't care about freedom at all.

Second, Historia: Historia is the queen of the nation of Eldia, and the descendant of the Royal Familiy who possess magical powers. In the last arc she was hinted to be pregnant with Eren's child, however it turns out in the final chapter that she was pregnant with somebody else's child and her pregnancy ultimately is a red herring and doesn't add anything to the plot. Why is this a problem? First of all, a main character got completely sidelined to be pregnant for the duration of the last arc and does nothing, even though she is the Queen and the descendant of the Royal Family. Just as with Ymir, this removes her agency (but this would have been true even if she was pregnant with Eren's child). Secondly, the problem with Eren not being the father is that instead the father of her child is a former childhood bully of her. Just as with Ymir, an abuser is turned into a lover. While not as big of an issue as with Ymir, we are starting to see a theme her with female characters and unfortunately the same holds for the final female character, Mikasa.

Mikasa is Eren's foster sister, who is also in love with Eren. Her love is extremely obvious and Eren is shown not to reciprocate romantic feelings for here throughout the series. In fact, Eren tries to get stronger and become more independent from Mikasa. However, in the last part of the manga their paths diverge and Mikasa can't follow Eren's descent into global genocide. In fact, in the penultimate chapter Mikasa kills Eren. So what happends in the final chapter? Here it is revealed that Eren was madly in love with Mikasa (with no prior build-up) and that Mikasa cannot move on from Eren. Why is this a problem? Eren pushed away Mikasa before, going as far as calling her a slave and saying he always hated her. Again, Mikasa feels romantic love for someone that emotionally abused her. Unlike the other female characters, Mikasa has more agency, as shown in her killing of Eren. Ultimately, however, Mikasa cannot move on from Eren. I think this is a kind of lack of agency: Mikasa cannot be her own person, she is still tied to Eren.

In conclusion, the last chapter makes the female characters be in love with former abusers and by doing so, removes a part of their agency.

2. Anti-genocide/anti-war themes

The main character, Eren, commits a race-based global genocide and kills 80% of the global population. He does this because the world wants to kill his race, the Eldians, and he feels that destroying the hateful world is the onlly way to save himself and his loved ones. He is shown as a villain throughout the final part of the manga (except for the last chapter). He is shown to be in a state of depression over his actions, he doesn't want to do what he does, but he feels compelled because Eren wants certainty. He wants to make sure that his friends live and the only way to be certain is to kill everyone, even those that are innocent. But doing so destroys him inside. Even so, he keeps doing what he thinks is necessary. The manga shows this in a negative light: this global genoicde and Eren's actions are presented as the consequences of a world filled with racism, hate and war. In other words, if we can't stop racism, hate and war, we will have to fight until ultimately only one group survives. And this is bad for everyone, even the victors: Eren is mentally unstable and depressed and his supporters are shown as fascists. However, the last chapter reveals that Eren planned to lose and did it so that his friends could kill him and be heroes. His friends thank him for committing global genocide (!) so that they could live. Eren was a villain who became who he was because the world of Attack on Titan is an awful place─ retconning him to be a hero is non-sensical and paints his genocide in a positive light, when it was cowardly and an act of ultimate desperation.

In the end, I do think this ending wasn't the original ending. To me, this apparent last-minute change has completely messed up one of the main themes of the manga, which was decidedly anti-war, anti-genocide and anti-racism.

There is much more that could be said about this manga and the ending. I just wanted to add why I was disappointed with it from a social justice perspective; I think that this kind of critique wouldn't go well in the attack on titan subreddits and I just wanted to vent somewhere. The only hope for this great piece of work is that the anime adaptation fixes the ending.


Off the top of my head:
– jerking off the military is Hollywood-tier
– nationalist obsession with Japan's history, up to Imperial navel-gazing
– capitalism is never questioned
– benevolent kings/emperors/unelected leaders are frequent
– constant playing around with fascist style and imagery (Kill la Kill doing it "ironically" doesn't make it better)
– lots of "how far being authoritarian is tolerable?" plots/subplots
– lots of Nietzsche-like willpower bullshit
– lots of genes/bloodlines/other quasi-eugenics fiction
– the Great Man narrative is everywhere, even beyond shonens
– patriarchal treatment of female characters (hence, the insane number of insecure teens and incels in the weebdom)


A comment in respond to that one (I'll avoid greentext for readability):

Regarding Pixis' being modelled after the Japanese general Akiyama Yoshifuru; I think there is more to unpack here. In interviews, Isayama said his favorite work of all time is the historical novel "Saka no ue no kumo" by Shiba Ryotaro.

While I haven't read the novel myself (it's really long), I've seen Japanese fans pointing out how the character of Pixis, and even some of the dialogue, is pretty much a copy and paste of Akiyama Yoshifuru from the novel. In other words, the character of Pixis is based off a fictional version of Akiyama from a novel, rather than the historical figure himself.

Why is this important, you may ask. It's important because Shiba's historical narrative had a enormous impact on the perception of national history in Japan. Shiba's narrative in many of his novels (and I've read some of them) can be summarized like this: "Meiji good, Showa (or rather 1931-1945) bad". In his novels, Meiji period is glorified as a period of triumphal modernization and overcoming of foreign power like Russia (while completely sidelining the issue of imperialism). On the other hand, Showa period is depicted as a period of fanaticism and brutality, where militarists hijacked the country and ultimately lead to its destruction (while also sidelining the continuity between Meiji and Showa period).

Shiba's novels sold tens of millions of copies, and his influence still continues to this day. I think one of the reason his narrative got so popular is because it allowed the Japanese populace to indulge themselves in nationalistic pride for modern Japan, while shoving all the "bad stuff" to the short period of 1931-1945 and treating it as an mere aberration in the history of modern Japan, ignoring the fact that what happened in that period was a culmination of everything that happened after Meiji restoration.

Since Isayama's favorite work is one of those novel, one can ask how much Shiba's narrative influenced Isayama's view on Japanese pre-WW2 imperialism.


>In the last arc she was hinted to be pregnant with Eren's child
When the hell was this? I don't remember this at all.


The most blatant to me is how fucking obsessed they are with fascist aesthetics, especially Nazi and Japanese imperial imagery and names. It's incredibly common in anime porn too.


>lots of Nietzsche-like willpower bullshit
man it really makes me sad that willpower is associated with fascists more often
but with my willpower i will make it be associated with communism instead
one day!


it's so annoying when the Right equivocates pointing out Fascist themes in shows like AoT to criticizing anime in general - as if they wouldn't explode with rage if they watched Revolutionary Girl Utena or Gundam. to some degree analyzing those themes which appear at least somewhat fascistic in AoT is rationalization on my part as to why I felt so totally alienated from the show, and why I disliked it so much, but whether it was subconscious recognition of fascist themes or just a distaste for nu-anime, either way /pol/ are retards for liking it.


Communism is the most Nietzschean thing i can think of, and the absolute madlads that are the most famous revolutionaries confirm my belief.


>anime with effeminate “men”


Yes, that's why all the black girls in Fayetteville like it. They have a thing for fashy guys there. It's kind of hot in the forbidden love way. I kind of wish I lived closer so I could watch AoT with a fashy black qt.


Black girls don't dig white guys friend. You have more luck with asian women


i have never read him, what does it mean to be nietzschean

i don't know enough about will power nor do i believe ideas belong to anyone but why is will power associated with this dude?

reading that essay it makes sense why everybody on r9k used to talk about this man a lot


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lol nice ending


its iraeli

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