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Is Madoka truly the AOTD of the 2010s?


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It's pretty good, but I prefer Parasyte. Watamote had an excellent adaptation that ended at the perfect time before the comic strip went to shit as well.


>before the comic strip went to shit as well.
I've never seen or read Watamote but the "change" made me want to pick up the manga.


What was the change?


I'm not really sure what to call it. The yuri shipping? I haven't read the manga but i did read a bunch of Watamote doujins on Dynasty and it got me interested.


Originally it was about a ugly otaku girl with severe social anxiety but she has a harem of girls now.


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Did any of you guys watch magia record? It wasn't kino like the OG series and rebellion but i still liked it.


Why is there no sound?


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saved it from 4chan, sorry.


Basically they gave her a ton of friends she didn't earn and all the humor dried up.


The author got sent dick pics from 4chan


Eh, I quit reading it before that because it went on so long. Can't fault the author for trying to change the formula though to keep it fresh after all those years.


Yes. It may not have the best storytelling but it is the most efficient one. So much emotions and plot squeezed into 13 episodes.

>magia record?
Nah I didn't. Just waiting for a sequel to Rebellion.


She earned them, though.


I actually just finished this yesterday, don't watch a lot of modern anime myself but I really enjoyed it aside from the means to the ending. I do think E10 is as close to a masterpiece as modern anime can reach. Overall really enjoyed it, was about as good as I expected. Probably AOTD as well


TBH I don't understand the hype of this show


Try watching it.


I did. I get the story its trying to tell, but it feel like such a complex mess to tell and rationalize what is essentially a simple concept.


Madoka is my favorite anime of all time. I don't know that it had the influence necessary to be AOTD though.

Also Rebellion was trash, Homura did everything wrong, and I have to pretend it doesn't exist.


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>Rebellion was trash
Wrong. Rebellion was pure kino.


I played the gacha game it is based on. The story was okay, but after quitting the game I didn't really care to watch the anime.


Rebellion was my favorite part of the whole franchise.


MM was a good anime generally.
Rebellion was very good and Homura's choices were okay.

Madoka fandom often is quite insufferable though.


Thats OPM


Over-rated art-house shit


The remake of Legend of the Galactic Heroes was AOTD.


Just found out Madoka has been milked to hell


I thoroughly disliked it. for the life of me, I couldn't see anything redeemable.


Loser otaku got character development and got a few "friends" while remaining awkward, loser otaku fanbase can no longer self-insert.


>a ton of friends
lol she got a handful of friends, why do 4chan brains always exaggerate everything

>she didn't earn

bruh she finally got friends after over 70 chapters

>and all the humor dried up

why do 4chan brains always exaggerate everything (x2)


>loser otaku fanbase can no longer self-insert
Pure projection on your part. You want her to have friends because it makes you feel better about yourself, good writing or logical consistency be damned. Look in the mirror anon.


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Nope, that would be Shinsekai Yori.

A friendly reminder that Squealer did nothing wrong.

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