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After 27 hurtful lonely years I have come to a conclusion and created a masterplan to getting a real life waifu. All preparations are made. I'll post this here before starting bc if it works i will never visit this place again. I'm no lunatic so I know waifus cant exist in the material world but they can and do exist in the ideal word. So my plan is in its essence to destroy the material world (atleast for me) and live purely in the ideal world were my waifu exists. How do I plan to do this? I studied german idealism quite thorougly and I understood that the power of the german idealists in its synthesis through the negation of the negation can be used to achieve this. Indeed the german idealism at its highest form with hegel was already capable of such things (it is quite possible that Hölderlins insanity and Hegels sudden death have something to do with this through secret notes from Schelling that never got translated I found diffus connectins). Now we come to my plan through year long work I saved alot of money. Quite luckily for me Hegels birthhous which is now a museum is closed rn due to renovations bc of corona these are stopped right now tomorrow evening I will break into this house and wont leave until I reread his lifework their by trying to comprehend his dialectic at his birthplace I will be able through his idealism to spiritually channel his ghost through the worlghost and will not only understand his Ideas but also Hölferlins and Schellings they will show me the way to my waifu or I will go insane trying it and will end like Hölderlin were I will think she is real both is ok in my books
Pictured my waifu


You don't have to do all that. Just watch the film Blade Runner 2049. The main character has a relationship with a virtual program that progresses through the Hegelian stages of becoming spirit. In the end their love is actualized. Understand that and you can understand hegel


You talk alot of shit for someone without a real life waifu


>So my plan is in its essence to destroy the material world (atleast for me)
it won't work the way you think. Hegel and Holderlin got lucky since their progress on this route was impeded. but if you put the pieces together correctly, and do what they could not, i'm afraid you'll negate the whole material realm at once and we will all be caught up in it.
>con: everything we once knew will have disappeared into nothingness
<pro: waifus for everybody!


well then choose a waifu just in case


highest stage of down bad
holy shit

i think 2d waifus are just training wheels for 3d waifus
at least that's the case for me, i'm going to be an excellent husband


I'm gonna go now wish me luck


good luck anon!


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kuso thread


This sounds great. I'll try it next week, see how it goes.


just create a tulpa. in spite of the schizo community surrounding it it's a thousands year old practice which is understood quite well by neurologists. as long as you can visualize something in your head then you're good to go. if you have aphantasia like me then you might as well get a sex doll or something.


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Just get a sex doll


What do you mean understood well? I never found any studies on tulpas.


Tulpas are real unlike n*kes




Just get your hands on GPT-3, get another AI to dynamically animate a face and add a memory to it.

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