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I wasn't expecting much from such a cutesy-looking show and ended up getting a pretty mature and down to Earth seinen about wage slavery and Japanese culture.


Second season has a lot of jerking off to a Musk type porky.


The guy says he wants to abolish work by automating everything though.


And Musk says we all gonna live on Mars. Don't be retarded.

This series basically glorifies and excuses wage slavery.


>This series basically glorifies and excuses wage slavery.
It's a Japanese cartoon the fuck did you expect


I don't know if anything changed in season 2 and 3, but the first one was pretty critical of Japanese work culture.


Even in the first season it wasn't as critical si you think. Remember the scenes with the pig boss, in the end he is shows as almost a good guy. In the follosing seasons even more so.


something closer to this i guess


I don't know how you can watch this and think work doesn't fucking suck.


Well as I said I've only watched the first season so I'm probably gonna say something stupid, but ok.
I really appreciated how Ton was written: he's a tyrannical, vulgar and sexist slave-driver. He's definitely a piece of shit but not inherently evil: he's the byproduct of Japan's corporate culture. When he was young like Retsuko he was bullied by his superiors and seniors, watched them act like tyrannical, vulgar and sexist slave-drivers and when it finally came the time for him to be in charge, the world around him changed a little: sexism and mobbing aren't tolerated anymore (or rather, they're not THAT tolerated anymore) and he got an admonishment for something that would have been laughed at back in his days. He's the typical bitter boomer that doesn't like that the world has stopped revolving around him, despite all the privileges he's got. Even without Ton, not much would change for Retsuko, her boss would still be a different kind of asshole because that's what capitalism produces: slaves and slave-drivers.


Just because someone is a boss doesn't mean they can't be good at heart. It's more so how the role of being a boss is what makes them do bad. Which is more constructive than portraying bosses as bad just because they are bad people.


author flinches a in the manga, he's a high paid sarariman and feels bad about being well paid when he's a cancer to society - not wage labour itself is fucking awful.


"All i do at my job is make rich people even richer". It's doing way better work at criticizing a system than this shitty furry fest that i regret even watching.


>it's bad because it doesn't present people as black-or-white cartoons
Like >>7353 and >>7358 say just because the guy isn't a literal cartoon villain doesn't make the show bad, are you seriously this childish? The character is a literal chauvinist pig but I guess that wasn't in your face enough for you.


>it's bad because it doesn't present people as black-or-white cartoons
Not really, no. My problem is not with protrayal of specific character but with the tone and context of how they present wageslavery problems. The problem is that while it does present working as a wageslave as hard, in the end it present itself as being desirable for main character. In the end it is even better than actually expressing yourself through the only hobby main character does. I admit that it's not as noticeable in 1st season as it is in 2nd and 3rd, but wagecuckery is real in this toon.


>The problem is that while it does present working as a wageslave as hard, in the end it present itself as being desirable for main character.
Are you talking about the idol arc? She gives up on that because her death metal screaming was both a hobby and a personal outlet and commodifying and turning it into a job would ruin it for her and she also didn't want to deal with all the troubles idols have to deal with in the industry.


>Are you talking about the idol arc? She gives up on that because her death metal screaming was both a hobby and a personal outlet and commodifying and turning it into a job would ruin it for her and she also didn't want to deal with all the troubles idols have to deal with in the industry.
I am talking about the whole show. Every time whe wants to escape the wagie cagie, show says that it's better to be inside.

Also, it's not because of commodification. She overcame that and made a choice of singing, which is quite clear if you pay any attention to the show, what was used as an excuse to get back into cagie was an attack by a fan of previous vocalist.


>Daddy Musk will make robots work instead of humans. He is so cool.


quit getting mad at cartoons


>Every time whe wants to escape the wagie cagie, show says that it's better to be inside.
It thought the message was "it's not easy to escape from the wagie cagie".


NO. I have nothing better to do anyway.

Nah, it showed returning to it as a positive thing. I mean the language was pretty obvious. Same with hyena guy - he returned to status quo that was more comfortable for him instead of going for the girl that shared interests with him and was genuenly interested.


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Cool discussion you've got itt but I just wanted to say I wanna fuck Fenneko

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