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/anime_backup/ - Old Anime board

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Why even bother hating anime? Anime is basically an awesome cartoon propaganda. Anime shall be more better & glorious under communism.


anime is good most weebs bad though


Anime sucks. Manga, on the other hand…


You meant alt lite weebs. Yeah they're cesspool lurkers.


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Anime is for degenerates
But as a degenarete western city drweller i love it


Saying "weeb" makes you just as bad.


Tfw China anime Marx was made a few years ago.


I know you can watch it on youtube with english subtitles
Sadly they used a ton of bad CGI


just use torrent jfc


Yeah and?


Recommended pirate anime besides one piece, please?


and what?


What's the difference? Between CGI cartoon or manga direct drawing cartoon?


CGI is mostly used to cheapen costs so it looks like shit. There are few exceptions.
Also most shows used both techniques so the transition between drawn and CGI ends up being jarring.


modern day Russia is as far from Communist as it's possible to be, it's insulting to refer to it as a "motherland" these days.




The term motherland is much older than the Soviet Union


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>Why even bother hating anime? Anime is basically an awesome cartoon propaganda. Anime shall be more better & glorious under communism.


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Detournment of anime could be used to spread propaganda and also, so others have proposed, indoctrinate the teens, similar to file but upholding more progressive purposes instead, against imperialist Anglo 3D propaganda productions from the glowies. Basically the idea is to unironically be promoting and spreading cultural Marxism to undermine the libshitted mainstream mass media. The valorisation of NEET ideals also can be a roundabout method to implement a general strike.


>The valorisation of NEET ideals also can be a roundabout method to implement a general strike.
Wasn't there already something like this in Japan?


She's a grey wolf you imbecile


of course, but only the USSR showed any respect to it's people that would justify referring to it's own country as a "motherland".
/pol/ pls go


>anyone who criticizes anime is /pol/
fuckin' weeb, I bet you're from there


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Go back


I mean, it's pretty racist to dismiss a whole category of entertainment just based on it's geographical origin. so yeah, it is /pol/, and you are from /pol/. you have to go back.


>dismiss a whole category of entertainment just based on it's geographical origin
Nobody did that. There's some pretty good and based animation and comics from Japan, but they're a tiny exception. Most anime is garbage, and it's not just because it's Japanese.


>There's some pretty good and based animation and comics from Japan, but they're a tiny exception.
this already demonstrates the vast superiority of /leftypol/ to /pol/, as any half-logical /pol/tard quickly realizes that all anime is degenerate by Nazi standards.
>Most anime is garbage, and it's not just because it's Japanese.
fair does, most commodified entertainment is going to be garbage.


File: 1620725278908.png ( Spoiler Image, 146.92 KB , 612x536 , 1620043176757.png )

Uphold the animated Cultural Marxist Revolution.


Don't just upload the pic. The source is important, comrade.

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