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I have never watched a single Anime nor read a single Manga in my entire life. Where should I start, what are the essentials? What is the "State & Revolution" of Anime and/or Manga? Don't reply EVA, I hate that little twink Shinji.


read berserk


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Watch K-On!


The popular franchise Boku no Pico is a good place to begin. It's almost an epic in the way of the old Greeks. If that is not based then try the Himegoto , which is more anticapitalist themed.




EVA or G.i.t.S






There are several threads for this.


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Try this one, OP




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>Chainsaw faggot
The rest of the list is good, but chainsaw man is actual shit.

Anime starter
- Any of the Ghibli films for art
- Fist of the North Star & Desert Punk for post apocalyptic stuff
- Akira, Jin Roh & Ghost in a Shell (1 and 2) for Cyberpunk
- Naruto, One Piece & Rave Master for shonen adventure and action
- Gun Buster, Gundam & Macross for Mecha
- Tiger and Bunny, One Punch Man & Astro Boy for hero stuff
- Ranma, Highschool DxD & Inuyasha for romcom with action
- Konosuba, Familiar of Zero & Now and Then Here and Now for isekai


start by finding a better hobby and don't watch any anime ever


Studio Ghibli + Shaft studio + 3-4 classics. That's all there's worth in Anime.


Watch Perfect Blue (movie)


I want more pictures of anime girls hugging communists.


I got filtered by the first episode. It was overtly trying to be dramatic for characters that haven't been established yet and even an insert song as if there was any real drama.

It's like going on a date and the other person pledges their undying love for you and wants to get married immediately or they kill themselves.


>It's like going on a date and the other person pledges their undying love for you and wants to get married immediately or they kill themselves.
A really good analogy for why I genuinely dislike Utena, it feels like it tries too hard for a concept that was never supposed to be complex - magical girls doing girl things while fighting enemies.


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>It was overtly trying to be dramatic for characters that haven't been established yet

Is it? The first episode shows us that Utena challenges the green boy to a duel, because her best friend Wakaba was humiliated by him, and suddenly gets dragged into different stuff she didn't expect or anticipate. Reminder that she didn't give much fuck about Himemiya and planned to get rid of her and all that duel stuff. A fairly reasonable plot.

>and even an insert song as if there was any real drama.

Utena's narrative is more complicated than in a usual anime. The episode are meant to later be included into an unexpected bigger picture (and things like songs are supposed to subtly forshadow/gain new meaning later).



Original Gundam and the sequel Zeta and Char's Counterattack are classics, I hear LotGH is also quite good. Akira is one of the best movies ever made.

Uzumaki is probably the best manga I've ever read, and if you like Shounen YYH (up until Dark Tourney) and HxH are the heights of the genre.


>Uzumaki is probably the best manga I've ever read
Really? It feels a bit lame to me TBH, but maybe it's because these kinds of 'scary' manga feel too absurdist to evoke anything other than slight confusion and shrugged shoulders.
>HxH is top of the game
while I agree about Gundam, Akira, LotGH and YYH, HxH is overrated as hell, people are too caught up in the decade(s) old hype of the show to realize that they've essentially been bamboozled by rereading YYH crossed with (original) Dragon Ball and some Naruto thrown in. Not bad, but way too overhyped.


>anime girls and Hitler in photo edits but with commies
Fuck that lazy shit


> HxH is overrated as hell
That's probably fair, it didn't become a favorite of mine until I rewatched the series and reread the york city arc


Yeah, I think I went off on ya a bit, sorry. HxH fans on /a/ were some of the most obnoxious to the point where, a show I once enjoyed, now gets a knee jerk reaction from me.


>Original Gundam and the sequel Zeta and Char's Counterattack are classics
"Classic" trash, perhaps you mean. They're written by a 5-year-old.


Because you don't even deserve an image with your (you) for this cheap bait


Really anon? You're going to sit there behind your keyboard with a straight face and tell me any of the characters in Char's Counterattack act like human beings? Keep meming.


I think you've been stuck in zoomer-land for too long anon, that or you've been watching the dub… probably both. stay mad


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I mean Tomino is known for writing quirky -or highly mentally unstable- characters, but that's a huge charm of the show so whatever. Same anon went all rage-tier in the other gundam because he recycles love triangle tropes or something


He's not wrong, Gundam and especially Tomino's Gundam series are full of insane or stupid characters. A better mech show for a newcomer would be Gunbuster or Macross DYRL.


Anyone watching psychic teenagers fighting fascism in space for the level-headed and cool takes probably isn't watching anime. But I haven't watched either of those so idk


> Gunbuster
Also wasn't Anno hugely inspired by Tomino's work


>full of insane or stupid characters
And? Society and the world is full of insane and stupid people.
I mean I did recc it earlier, just pointing out that Gundam is a good show and characters being erratic and weird is hardly the worst thing that can happen to a show.


The characters do dumb shit, but the setting also is dumb to allow the dumb behavior to happen. For example, why was it so easy to sortie without permission in Zeta Gundam and why did this shit happen multiple times? One would expect a paramilitary organization to have some degree of discipline and punish disobedience. It's tiresome seeing this stupidity repeated over and over for 50 episodes. Which is another reason why Gunbuster is great since it's only 6 episodes.


>a paramilitary organization to have some degree of discipline and punish disobedience
Buddy, you have no idea how utterly undisciplined the military can be when they don't want to. Besides, for a fictional story like this I can suspend my disbelief, because there's plenty of good, interesting moments and good writing.
>this stupidity repeated over and over for 50 episodes.
They're selling the show, it's like girl punch boy gags in an anime, it's there because they need to extend run-time, or in this case, kick off the episode's plot, that's what corporate meddling can do.


>and good writing
Name some examples, I struggle to think of any.


It's not that I'm struggling with examples, I know they're there, but I haven't seen Gundam in a while. I think I'd name most of the episodes such as the dropping of a Colony on Australia and the death of the MC's friend/love interest 'by his own hand' etc. I also really enjoyed Chars, and thought he was a rather well written fascist.


Char acts like a retard with wild character shifts from one series to the next.


Char is literally mentally unstable that's ironically fairly consistent of him to be like that.


I forgot to mention the Lupin III series by MonkeyPunch. The anime series and its movies are excellent and the new 3d film is one of the best CGI animated movies I've seen from Japan.


Speaking of Lupin the III
A short animation called Diamond Jack really encapsulates a lot of the visuals of the series well; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRpiBvwKX6c&ab_channel=RachelKim


Watch Evangelion


That's not exactly beginner material IMO.


Watch Excel Saga and Slayers and just TRY to tell me that anime isn't good xD


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Read or watch Parasyte.


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Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura are all fun romcom fantasy.


FMAB and Sailor Moon are good.


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