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What is the materialist explanation for yaoi fangirls/fujoshi? Why are there so many of them and why do they so spend so much money? Why are straight women obsessed with gay men?


What no dick does to a mf.


men are simple with 2 dimensional stereotypes. they clash or mesh, but no matter what they're still bros
the mere thought of the hot head fuggin the nerd makes panties wet


A lack of sex and relationships leading to a projection of sexual need onto everything including male friendship.


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Why do the guys like yuri, or the YTs obsess over sissy, blacked, and similar fetishes?


Lesbians will read yuri while gay men do not read yaoi.
Fetish porn is fetish porn while the main appeal of yaoi is romance more than porn.


This only feeds into the stereotype that gay men are horndogs looking to fuck and nothing else.


Gay men are men in that they don't usually care about romance or would rather just have romance be a secondary thing.


But I like yuri specifically for the romance


Gay men in Japan are almost exclusively into bara, where the story is almost never important and the typical characters are very different (yaoi has more thin pretty boys, bara is dominated by muscular/overweight men which would never be found in a yaoi story). There is a hybrid bara/yaoi genre that has a small but passionate fanbase.


I posted a whole bunch of essays and studies about this in the PDF thread >>8736
There's several theories as well as different reasons for girls to get into it.

In my opinion, the popularity of BL nowadays might also be influenced to some extent by the fact that gay shit is much more popular and thus female-oriented, male/female anime porn is relatively obscure among them, (especially because "straight hentai" is largely "male territory", while BL has become the de-facto "female territory"), thus fewer women find out about it, most otaku women are in an environment that promotes gay shipping, while straight shipping is rare with some exceptions this, of course, is extremely common in liberal online circles; fujos have evolved just like the internet has evolved. Straight couples also tend to appear in all-ages works while BL is more often pornographic.
Yumejoshi—those who fantasize about being with/fucking anime guys—exist, but they're not as big as fujoshi—those who fantasize about anime guys being with/fucking each other.

To be fair, yaoi "romance" is, most of the time, just porn for girls (it definitely makes them horny), even if it's less graphic than men's porn.

I was about to say this


The yuri which lesbians prefer to read is somewhat different from the types which het males prefer to consume though, similar to how yaoi and bara have different audiences they're targeted to.


How can you tell them apart? There doesn't seem to be a name to differentiate them, so I had no idea it was like that.
Apparently straight women also like some yuri but I bet it's much more romantic and lighter instead of sexual.


BL allows girls to self-insert and to schlik on males that don't exist, not because they're 2D but because they're generally males with all the good traits and none of the bad traits. There's a lot of studies on this, but I'm more of a yuri scholar.

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