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File: 1608528812157.png ( 315.04 KB , 1130x900 , _2a51dbabebc661520803424b….png )


Post memes, speculation, hype or contempt for Berserk and see the latest developments of what Kentaro "checking fanboy suicide status when I pull off another Hiatus" Miura.




Do you think the pandemic will make him work harder?


I doubt it. Man has probably been locked in his room or studio for years, and while he's released a few new chapters, it's hard to tell where this story will go from here, as most of Miura's works have been made more along the lines of making shit up as i go at some points.

But to be honest, I can't blame him. The man has to be cautious as to where he goes with the story, not to mention the time it takes to draw his panels.

You can't rush art but by god, it hurts to wait


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If Miura ever dies before he finishes, do you think his assistants will pick it up?


it'll just make him play more idolmaster at best


I knew I'd heard these somewhere before but could never place them!
Thank you!


If you want the name of the artist behind those songs, it's Susumu Hirasawa : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-et_5qY46rQ


Doubt it. It will exist as a tragedy and a lesson of what a man can be, and what his work could have been.


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Why didn't Berserk ever get a properly ambitious anime adaptation? Is it super unpopular in Japan, but appears more popular to gaijin because of outsize influence on other artists compared to the size of its readership?

Will we ever get a serious anime? Will we even get some more licensed vidya?


>super unpopular in Japan
no fucking way,it's at the same level at JoJo,it's one of the fifth best selling manga series of all time (or it was at least,not even 2 years ago)
The "gaijin intellectual" would tell you it's because it can't go to the level of detail as the manga.
The reality is probably a mix of the license falling onto the wrong hands and shitty legal framework making it impossible to stop (like what happened with OPM season 2),money and contract being signed primarily by the editors instead of Miura who probably just want to do his shit and not participate that much in the adaptation (maybe I'm ABSOLUTELY WRONG on that tho) and the terrible state of the animation industry,of how the workforce has to work,and capitalism in general.


>the terrible state of the animation industry,of how the workforce has to work,and capitalism in general.
I meant over Berserk's ENTIRE history. Like, what is it about Berserk that has made it such a pariah for adaptations, even if it's so influential?

Even the first anime, earnest as it was, was made on a shoestring compared to others of the period, and halted a couple dozen chapters behind the manga.


It made him release a chapter.


Berserk thread on hobby might get moved here. Repost some of these posts there when it arrives.


Please move/repost these to >>1822

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