>>148238>The keyword here is "was".Who fucking decided it
wasn't? Seems like the change was just kind of made behind closed doors and then imposed on the people who were already there.
The restrictions imposed on it are actually
stricter in ways than a lot of non-chan forums even have, now, and that decision was clearly made by a bunch of little despots. Yes, it was a stupid decision to take a board which was closer to old /b/ than
current /b/ is, and start imposing a bunch of arbitrary rules on it, some of which they don't even bother to tell people about. That is incompetent management, the problems it creates were incredibly predictable, and I have never seen moderation on any site I've used degrade to that extent.
>Point of correction (not disagreeing with the idea) - The site admin doesn't do shit, intentionally, since 2021. The mods get together and decide.True! It's a problem!
>wut. no.>Most people aren't autistic enough to leave a site because they aren't allowed to post pepes and wojaks.Yeah, but they get banned for it, so it doesn't matter if they're "autistic enough" to leave. Also, it's an offshoot of an 8ch board, so frankly I think you're still underestimating the autism level - that's something which comes with the territory, and if you're
that hostile towards it, then you're going to antagonize a lot of harmless regulars. In fact, people who
don't post those also get banned for so many bizarre, often unknown reasons that the question of whether or not this was a
reasonable decision is almost a moot point. But for the record, it wasn't a reasonable decision, and the moderation have proven that they are not reasonable.
>That said, I still believe there should be intentional efforts to promote original memes developing.This is a dumb ass /pol/-era idea of what memes are. If you really want stuff to catch on
methodically, just populate the site with boomers, and have them spam everywhere with the most bland shit imaginable until people think it's popular. Memes used to be fun, it was a dumb hobby, it was reaction images, now ya'll think it's a
project and that's kind of sad.
>Even a slow original IB is better than a fast 4chan clone.I mean, at peak 7chan had loads of crossover. I remember it was like… 2010 or 2011, and there were dudes there who were just
wild about trollface still. It's not like it was the anti-4chan.
>Nah, tell American immigrants that McDonalds and Coca-Cola is boring, mass-produced and everywhere. Go to nearly every country in the world and it's there.If /leftypol/ers owned McDonald's and Coca-Cola, we'd be extremely powerful. If we had the capacity to open bottling plants and storefronts anywhere we wanted, using as much of those recipes as we wanted, running them however we wanted, and no one would stop us or charge us for the rights, that would be
an asset to us as a group. I'm not a fan of Pepe or Wojak, but that shit didn't
belong to anybody else. They were part of /leftypol/'s inherited culture, the users had as much right and ownership of those memes as anyone else who used them did. There's not some outside force which owns them, it's not a megacorporation, it was something which was our common right.
>You can't just blame it all on their self-destructive moderation, because if that were the case than leftychan would have started to take its place, instead of being as dead as 7chan.If America's healthcare system is still so bad, why hasn't everybody moved to Canada? Like, that's a much more pressing issue, isn't it? Why hasn't everyone reacted accordingly?
I almost didn't even come over here. .org literally had to become unusable (posts randomly disappearing, weird out-of-nowhere range bans which mods would give bizarre non-explanations for, etc.) before I'd even consider its (former) competitor. The schism which this site
lost was years ago, and even after .org came out on top, they continued to accuse this site of being too reactionary, too sketchy, etc. I almost didn't even give this one another chance, myself, I guarantee you that a lot of people will get put off of .org and then not even think to come here. A lot of people didn't even migrate from /leftypol/ to bunkerchan, and a lot of people didn't migrate from bunkerchan to either of these. Every time this happens, it loses users.
>That's why /leftypol/s should continue developing culture and extending that which we've created instead of just saying 'god i miss 2020', throwing charcoal into our engine.A lot of mainstream memes which
still go around are older than the oldest /leftypol/ memes. At best, your sentiment here is neurotic.
>While we produce no value, expect withering and death.Memes
have no value. They're fucking memes. The only problem with the memes other people like is that you don't like them, and that
doesn't matter, right? Right??