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"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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 No.147882[Last 50 Posts]

Why is this site so slow when this one is insanely better than .ogre?


It isn't good. But I think that's partly because of how small of it, if we got some genuine leftists that still stick to ogre then maybe it'd be better and it wouldn't be full of bait
God I hate the state of these imageboards, and all imageboards


What makes you think makes this place better though, OPie poerpeopre


>everything that gets my panties in a twist is bait
we've been thru this already
you are the problem
back to ogre


I'm banned from ogre so go suck the mod cocks and unban me then
But there is bait here just has there was tons of right wing false flag bait back on 8/leftypol/


the ogre jannies told me that you got banned for "bait"

who are you to argue with them little bitchoid?



Because .org won in the schism, years ago.
I was hesitant to even come here, even as shit got worse over there, because the schism always seemed dumb to me and .org was initially tolerable and I didn't really want to go to a version of the site with more Nazis. Like even now, .net would probably turn me off a little bit if .org hadn't literally started banning me randomly and giving me the runaround about it and refusing to say what I did wrong. When I learned they were straight-up doing this shit deliberately because the .org owner refused to keep their idiot mods in check, that was the icing on the cake.

Shit over there had to go from bad to literally unusable before I came over here, and I can only now comfortably say this is the better one because they straight up wrecked the other one. The problem is that most people won't even think to switch, the schism itself was, like, years ago (I think?) now, and until recently, the flagrant disregard and contempt that .org's mods have for their userbase was hidden behind sneering passive-aggression - a lot of people probably left before they had any idea just how malicious they are.


The split was over this very thing you realize this right?



It wasn't as bad then as it is now. It's gotten substantially worse than it was when it started. The coup was always a bad thing, but for a time, the coup site was both more active & run at least coherently, Bunkerchan guy basically bowed out and let them have the victory after they stabbed him in the back, and so the appeal of going to the site with less activity and more Nazis was pretty low for me. It was also a "devil you know" situation kind of, to the extent that I was slightly more familiar with .org. It's not like I'm besties with all the mods and admins leftypol has ever had, I couldn't personally evaluate the entire staff of either site or say definitively who was right in every bit of drama, I don't follow that shit closely.


The split was because faggo melon decided that he didn't like the mods either but only after nuking the bunker. Fitting that he fucked off to the mod chat then back to Twitter. Space was no Che but his inaction that got the bunker intermittently inaccessible also prevented troon jannies from getting their way on everything. plus Pyongyang was based and only troons got mad about a board they didn't have to go to.


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Reminder that the original split was because faggot BO and faggot mods decided to ban """imperialists""" and got paranoid about """fascist""" codemonkey for restoring leftypol the last after a hack

It all gone downhill from that: FAGGOT BO trying to nuke the board to force a move to fucking bunker, and getting BITCHSLAPPED PUBLICLY by codemonkey as a result in the thread on leftypol

jannoid EGO has never recovered after that and so here we are

fucking leftoid spergs..


why am I not surprised that a cat posting troon obsessed zigger nazoid is also a fucking jannoid that was a member of every leftypol mod room that ever existed?

pathetic scum


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Everyone is a troon until proven otherwise.


I seriously don't care. A hole is a hole. As long as you can get my rocks off.


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I'm sorry I insulted your troon allies. never been a janny thoughbeit



The original BO sucked after the meltdown, but yeah, 8ch's ""new management"" actually were trying to slight /leftypol/ there. The original split was mostly original BO melting down about other kinds of leftists they didn't like, though. Codemonkey was still a retard, but you're giving him too much credit here. He and Jim did get their own site destroyed by the FBI, though, so credit where it's due.


>the ogre jannies told me that you got banned for "bait"
I got banned for "soy", what shit are you on retard, who are you talking to you fucking schizo? What did you tell them? "ANON ONE HUNDRED FOUR HUNDRED AND EVEN THOUSAND BLAH BLAH ON DOT NET SAID THIS"? Take your meds


I swear to god there's fucking something going on with the ogre mods, I never seen imageboard mods that fucking shitty


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got banned 4 shitting on deprogam shills lmao


deprogram shills?


They're federal agents sent to destory leftypol.



It's genuinely the worst moderation I've ever seen on an imageboard… or a forum in general, really. It's bizarre, to the point that >>147916 honestly doesn't even seem that unlikely. It's so weird, and anti-momentum, and neurotic, and hostile to everything /leftypol/ that it seems unlikely that it isn't just deliberate wrecking. FBI, /pol/, maybe even /r/socialism sour grapes (ok, that's a stretch, /r/socialism wouldn't be able to pull this off)… I don't know, but I can't realistically assume good faith at this point.


I've joked about ogre mods being feds before, but a really schizo part of me genuinely believes that ogre(and the whole leftypol sphere) got infiltrated and sabotaged by some other group. At best it's some lib twitter bunch that hate and/or don't understand imageboards, at worse it's an intentionally malicious attack that wants to kill off any existence or prominence of some leftist imageboard online. They just don't fucking seem to be from imageboards and just fucking outright hate the idea of it and express some contempt for their own userbase, I've seen some people there ask the most newfaggy questions about basic chan shit.
COINTELPRO never stopped and despite /pol/ calling everything glowies, the most limpwristed leftist movement will still get in the crosshairs of FBI interest. Random /pol/lyps have also done rampant falseflagging and psyoping since the birth of the board back on 8ch so even if feds are out of the question, there's still plenty of sexless individuals with enough malice.


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first (and last, I hope) time I have to agree with the egoism flag

I remember a thread about forum shills where I posted a rather innocuous thought: that the techniques used on imageboards weren't exactly the same as those used against organizations, because in organizations you want to disrupt actual activities, while in the case of imageboards you want to stop their educational and radicalizing effects
in other words, that the point isn't to obstruct debate and action (no one uses imageboards to organize strikes or protests) but to make the site unappealing and creatively sterile, to make it unpopular and toothless
what caught my attention is that the post got promptly deleted and my entire city got rangebanned for "credit card scams spam"

pic related is the absolute state of .org trânsgressive cultural output


>what caught my attention is that the post got promptly deleted and my entire city got rangebanned for "credit card scams spam"

Holy fucking shit. How hard have these fucking people been gaslighting us?

I got the same weird rangeban shit with weird ambiguous "spam" claims so many times that until the Discomrade posts, I was honestly kind of worried that I might have some sort of IP compromise which somehow only showed up on that one site. I mean, obviously, the chances of something like that were extremely slim, but I have never had anything exactly like this happen before. Even now, it's kind of a relief to see someone else experienced exactly the same bullshit.


Imagine being on the mod team and having endless discussions and drama that go nowhere. Sometimes for 48hours straight. It's almost like it's their job to be shitty.


same here, rangebanned for bullshit


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>in other words, that the point isn't to obstruct debate and action (no one uses imageboards to organize strikes or protests) but to make the site unappealing and creatively sterile, to make it unpopular and toothless
Pic related discusses that. Of course it mainly discusses the rightoid side of things but don't forget glowies have targeted and infiltrated the left for decades, including more radlib things like Occupy and BLM
>pic related is the absolute state of .org trânsgressive cultural output
I tried to be nice, but honestly it's so fucking cringe they push that and capybaras while absolutely banning any frogs and 'jaks. That's why I wonder if they're literally from twitter or tumblr.
There was a point in time where 8/leftypol/ had a mark on the rest of the online left. I would see some cringe streamers use Porky, that came from /leftypol/, the Hibernian Conspiracy is a rhetoric I've seen spread around but it was really popular on 8/leftypol/ first. Stirner memes didn't start there, but they did boom there. Then there's /pol/ face.
What does it produce now?


>I tried to be nice, but honestly it's so fucking cringe they push that and capybaras while absolutely banning any frogs and 'jaks. That's why I wonder if they're literally from twitter or tumblr.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's /pol/, either, for the same reasons. They act like 2016 /pol/'s strawman idea of leftists, like they're literally obsessed with forcing memes, and the "memes" they force are themselves pre-created parodies (?) of bland PC liberal "memes." It's one of those lines where it's difficult to figure just how much is stupidity and how much is malice, because they have so much of both no matter how you slice it.

>I would see some cringe streamers use Porky,

Lmao I remember Porky straight-up made it into Venezuelan online media. GANG WEED was pretty much an offshoot of /leftypol/ memes, too.

>What does it produce now?



dude, I can't take these normoid "research papers" on "chans" with copy and pasted corporate vector art seriously

I'm sorry, I just can't!


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>board analysed
Now we can safely assume that there is NO such thing as being "too small" for a surveillance campaign.

>counter-messaging campaign

translation: glowie spam campaign

>Recent developments in artificial intelligence enabling blah-blah

translation: we will spam you to death with bots

AI is the death of the internet - enjoy getting spammed to death if you don't pay up to the glows


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>I wouldn't be surprised if it's /pol/, either, for the same reasons. They act like 2016 /pol/'s strawman idea of leftists, like they're literally obsessed with forcing memes, and the "memes" they force are themselves pre-created parodies (?) of bland PC liberal "memes." It's one of those lines where it's difficult to figure just how much is stupidity and how much is malice, because they have so much of both no matter how you slice it.
That's why even if glowies are out of the question, there will still always be autistic /pol/yps who will do it for free, and they have done so before. There were loads false flag attempts by /pol/fags back on 8chan, but of course these mentally ill autists believe in their own blue haired tumblr SJW strawmen and know nothing about leftism so they're easy to spot. At least back then. First two pics are a screencap from a mod back in the day, all of it spam by one fag.
Next two pics are from when Voat(RIP(lol who gives a shit)) was created as redditors answer to 8chan, and /pol/ immediately created legacy subs and banned anyone that wasn't right wing, turning Voat into a rightoid shithole until its death a few a years ago.
All of this shit is why I slowly stopped going to 8/leftypol/ years ago, too paranoid about being surrounded by /pol/ schizos. Then some mod drama I barely remember happened and eventually everyone went to bunkerchan, I come back and see this community really did tear itself apart. It's so impotent now, I can't believe I thought the good times were already over back THEN.


Pyongyang you will never be a janny.


it all started because caballo kept banning people unilaterally for no reason and cries to reprimand him (and other abusive jannies) fell on deff ears. The modocracy echo chamber was defended at all costs even when superior systems were implemented.


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Retard pyongyang was basically forced to quit because the jannies on bunkerchan made him.

God damn, it's really annoying how little you faggots actually know about what happened.


Glowies infiltrate leftists orgs more than anything and lefty pol was investigated by foreign authorities in the past. At its peak bunkerchan had hundreds of thousands of unique IPs.


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>damn, it's really annoying how you're not up to date with the recent drama in our jannoid chat room
sorry jannoid, was too busy posting on an actual imageboard


<anonymous chan
>your post is your property
<a forum with a mandatory unique account
>you post is the collective property
there is no ownership without identity

>whether your post stays visible or is buried depends on whether people agree with you

you just don't have enough karma "capital" to not get buried

>Free market wins again!

Until some retard shoots up a mosque, that is.


Yes the imageboard with 900 user. Very much real.
Org retards are as delusional as people who see jannies everywhere that they go.


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All real and supposed glowie monitoring of rightoid groups are always built on the longer history of dismantling leftist ones. It's why COINTELPRO was filled civil rights groups and leftist political groups and but had the KKK dead last.
>and lefty pol was investigated by foreign authorities in the past
I would like to know more


No it wasn't. Absolute mythology.
It was because coma said 'lets kick caballo', ragequitted the mod team (idk maybe moody kept deleting their posts?), zul added sage and soy into the staff room because they felt like it and made them admins, then got voted off the island, then watermelon and zero seized the server and booted half the staff, declaring a junta.
pure mod RP. the split wasn't over anything, it was an ad hoc mess in the fallout of coma leaving.
It wasn't about pask or wobbly or moody or comet or zul being incompetent and dramafags. It should have been.


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i actively dislike half the active threads and users here on this board.
but its gotten to the point where leftypol mods keep moving my posts and other posts to /gulag/ for no apparent reason. that board got 443 posts last week, making it more than twice as fast as /hobby/ and quite possibly the third most active board. shit, at least here I can post and see the replies the next morning. that's something


the funny thing is the .org mods will see this post and consider their /gulag/ op a success because you're an evil leftychanner to them.


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>i actively dislike half the active threads and users here on this board.


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>org mods will see this post and consider their /gulag/ op a success
They're really proud of killing their own site and draining users, Jah knows why.
It's insane to think these days that 8 /leftypol/ was at one point somewhat influential on the online left.


here NAFO trolls can run loose, what do you think?


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a cummie podcast where they take turns sucking each other off


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Personally, I first started disliking the ogre mods the moment they banned soyjaks. Call me retarded but I love those silly little guys. The fact that someone got mad enough at such a silly meme that they decided to ban it for good is when I started realizing something was wrong with the jannies. Of course a year later I found out that they were trying to ban 4chan memes like gigachad, pepe and wojaks altogether for 'being reactionary'. I mean the most fucking successful /leftypol/ meme ever is a wojak variation.


>I mean the most fucking successful /leftypol/ meme ever is a wojak variation.

Nah, Porky was the biggest one, that was the one you'd actually see around outside of chan circles the most at peak. Stirnerposting is also up there, and Nazbol Gang essentially spawned Gang Weed and an entire template. Also Posadist memes and stuff like that in general kind of revolved around OG /leftypol/.


Eh, Poljak is the only /leftypol/ oc I've seen that was massively successful on 4chan and the rest of the internet. /pol/ couldn't stop it and ended embracing it. Even social media normies adopted it. It gave birth to more memes like the Millions must die / The west has fallen shitposting. I don't think porky, Stirnerposting, nazbol gang, etc. ever got this big.



That's exactly what I'm talking about with Porky. It got around on twitter, etc., even the Venezuelan media was using it. If anything, Stirnerposting, Porky, Gang Weed, and meme Posadism have had more success spreading outside of chans. It's not really surprising that Poljak got bigger on 4chan, but that kinda says more about how the state 4chan memes have been in since like 2015. Also, it might be bigger than the others, but I simultaneously kinda think it could also be that it just started like 3 years after most of the others did so it's more recent. Idk.


Porky and stirner was everywhere outside the internet in 2016 and during the trump presidency.


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>doesn't dislike jannies when they ban leftists for not supporting a war for a gas market share
>doesn't dislike jannies when they ban torposting
>doesn't dislike jannies when they ban anons with a reason "lmao NAFOid"
you need to go back

is no soyjacks really THAT big of price to pay for a multipolarist modern Iskra? Think about your GLORIOUS NATION kek


ANOTHER instance of porky being used long after 8 /leftypol/ died, this meme really went places


>Of course a year later I found out that they were trying to ban 4chan memes like gigachad, pepe and wojaks altogether for 'being reactionary'.
That shit is what convinced me that they're some kind of infiltrators from twitter or some shit, operating under some fucking meme stereotype of leftists. The problem with imageboard culture is that it's filled with a hivemind of reactionary retards, not that they use fucking frog pictures.
Also people there use "glowie" all the time, and that comes from a literal schizo racist whose original wording was CIA glow uyghurs. Not really the most hard hitting critique of American intelligence agencies. And the origin should be acknowledged, but no one there is fucking calling it to be banned because it's a funny and quick useful shorthand, but following their logic it should be on the chopping block before any other meme.


2/3 times I see Stirnerposting, it's in meme form and sometimes a meme that originated from old /leftypol/. But Posadas I think is something that remained very niche, I don't see him much outside.



I mean, tbf, banning soyjaks was also stupid.


Posadas I thought didn't catch on, but then I see people referencing him IRL as a joke, or a Posadas joke will show up in some random place. It seems like a silent majority situation.



In the context of what leftypol.org is, it makes sense to ban them. Sure, they did a shit job, the stated reason by autismmod was dumb, but it absolutely makes sense. Soyjakposting is low-effort crap. And here, on a /b/ board, that's fine and fun. On a site like .org, where they take themselves more seriously, copypasting someone's comment (or just not adding any content) and posting a generic strawman picture is filler junk. In fact, it's not even the soyjak that makes it junk, that's incidental. You could just replace it with some ugly kid, it would be the same effect.

As for the 'reactionary' claim, no it's not, but it is anti-culture. Pepe, wojak, etc. are introduced culture that stifle the creation of local culture. As some douche said in another thread here, leftychan has little-to-no unique memes despite existing for two years, and same with leftypol.org over the same timeframe. Turns out the real problem lay elsewhere, but if the productive forces were there in the first place, removing introduced culture wouldn't be a bad move. See also, the imageboards a decade ago which banned greentexting (IIRC 7chan, Ponychan, etc.) to encourage the creation of unique culture.

It was dumb to ban them in-and-of-themselves, but a good move to ban the style of shitposting associated with them.


>Soyjakposting is low-effort crap. And here, on a /b/ board, that's fine and fun.

Ok, but /siberia/ was originally a /b/ board. That's really where they focused the ban most prominently, and that's part of why it's dumb and bizarre. Tbh even banning them on just the main board would have been a weird betrayal of /leftypol/'s legacy, but banning them on the goofy off-topic board as well makes no sense at all.

>Turns out the real problem lay elsewhere, but if the productive forces were there in the first place, removing introduced culture wouldn't be a bad move.

Yeah it would. Even if we ignore that the site admin should have known that /leftypol/'s population had already diminished, this just isn't a good model. Because /leftypol/ historically had a lot of Pepes, wojaks, etc., this move would automatically reduce the site population even further… so what ends up happening is the move reduces the population and simultaneously places a bunch of arbitrary, hostile restrictions on artists while making out that the art/memes/etc. (which will now be seen by fewer people) are srs bsnss and not just fun stuff to post. You're essentially taking shit ppl do already for fun, and telling them that it's work and that they should do it your way and for free. Folks don't appreciate that, can you understand why?

Even if it had been a reasonable proposal for the demographics and size of the site (which it wasn't), it would still not have been a good idea.

>See also, the imageboards a decade ago which banned greentexting (IIRC 7chan, Ponychan, etc.) to encourage the creation of unique culture.

Can't speak for Ponychan, but 7chan was pretty dead a decade ago. Not quite as dead as today, but still pretty quiet.

>Pepe, wojak, etc. are introduced culture that stifle the creation of local culture.

They were introduced by the original /leftypol/ users. Tell Mexican immigrants not to make Mexican food!

>As some douche said in another thread here, leftychan has little-to-no unique memes despite existing for two years, and same with leftypol.org over the same timeframe.

Why would we? We're both heirs to another single board, a board with Alunya, Porky, Posadas-posting, Stirnerposting, read Bookchin, the Hibernian Menace, Nazbol Gang, catgirl drawgirl, poljak, etc. We've inherited all these, but we ourselves have been split several times over. We're not your personal meme factory, get over it.


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don't you "this" me

imagine trying to control memes on an imageboard kek

you need to go touch grass sperg, and stop larping like a politburo member

>but it is anti-culture. Pepe, wojak, etc. are introduced culture that stifle the creation of local culture.

Fuck your """local culture""" nazoid bitch!

Global culture all the way! DESTROY every little special snowflake nazoid ugly clothes culture! Suck on my wojak balls!


that's one thing I really like about america (the other being guns) - they don't have this forced cringe nazoid shit with ugly ass costumes

that's part of why they are so stable as a society, and why they make third-world nazoids SEETHE kek


oh, and why their culture is DE FACTO a global culture kek

jeans and bubblegum wins over cringe soviet nazoid dances


right before soyjaks were banned there would be posts on end with nothing but a picture of nothing but the same picture of a pepe, all with irrelevant questions. it's not that they stifled a culture, it's that any type of culture was already dead. there was nothing there and no one would do anything creative with or without wojaks and pepes.
>I tried to be nice, but honestly it's so fucking cringe they push that and capybaras while absolutely banning any frogs and 'jaks. That's why I wonder if they're literally from twitter or tumblr.
capy was the result of a poll for a board mascot but otherwise, probably. when you have a heavily sanitized atmosphere, that's the type of people who will really come to it.
even the board mascot didn't really get much creativity made with it after it won.



The poll was dishonest the whole time, and participation in it was skewed heavily towards the little clique they wanted to participate in it. Plus, like, the premise itself was "ok, now that we've decided we fucking hate all the memes you guys like, which of these things our inner circle has picked do you, the adoring public, want to be "your" memes?"
They would straight up delete even polite disagreement about banning pepes/wojaks in the initial thread about it. They were determined from the getgo to ignore community input.


>AI is the death of the internet - enjoy getting spammed to death if you don't pay up to the glows
AI can detect posts written by AI. In other words we need to seize enough compute to create our own bot.


You're right about the typical soijak format and pepe throwaway thread but:
- It's still stupid to kick that shit off a /b/ board
- And they would still delete effort posts that might have had a pepe or jak.
And banning memes is the exact opposite thing you want to do if you want more content. Fucking spurdo itself is two older memes, pedobear and pepe, mashed together.
A black cat is predictable but at least it has some basis in leftist imagery, it's what Alunya is fucking based by in the first place. A capybara just feels le quirky and randum, and I'm trying very hard not to shit on that poor animal. I dunno, none of this matters. Not anymore at least.


Who pays you to post like this


>Yeah it would. Even if we ignore that the site admin should have known that /leftypol/'s population had already diminished, this just isn't a good model. Because /leftypol/ historically had a lot of Pepes, wojaks, etc., this move would automatically reduce the site population even further… so what ends up happening is the move reduces the population and simultaneously places a bunch of arbitrary, hostile restrictions on artists while making out that the art/memes/etc. (which will now be seen by fewer people) are srs bsnss and not just fun stuff to post. You're essentially taking shit ppl do already for fun, and telling them that it's work and that they should do it your way and for free. Folks don't appreciate that, can you understand why?
Good post.
>Why would we? We're both heirs to another single board, a board with Alunya, Porky, Posadas-posting, Stirnerposting, read Bookchin, the Hibernian Menace, Nazbol Gang, catgirl drawgirl, poljak, etc. We've inherited all these, but we ourselves have been split several times over. We're not your personal meme factory, get over it.
This is reminding me of some little moments in the late 00's early 10's when people would talk about /b/ is dead, it doesn't make memes anymore, reddit steals OC, all that shit no one who has sex would care about. moot had the same issue and would make /r9k/ in order to get people to make OC. He somehow didn't that you can't just force people to make memes, they have to be inspired and have reasons to think so.
>Hibernian Menace
Just to nostalgiafag for a moment, I remember on 8chan /leftypol/ they would filter (((this shit))) to shamrocks. Years later I hear people attribute the meme to some fucking fat youtube streamer, that's how far the meme traveled


>Ok, but /siberia/ was originally a /b/ board.
The keyword here is "was".
/siberia/ is not a Random board, it intentionally stopped being called /b/ for that reason. It's 'off-topic', not 'anything goes' like a traditional /b/. So it should not be treated like a /b/ board, it's actually got very little in common with them.
>Even if we ignore that the site admin
Point of correction (not disagreeing with the idea) - The site admin doesn't do shit, intentionally, since 2021. The mods get together and decide.

>Because /leftypol/ historically had a lot of Pepes, wojaks, etc., this move would automatically reduce the site population even further

wut. no.
Most people aren't autistic enough to leave a site because they aren't allowed to post pepes and wojaks.
Valid point about forcing restrictions on volunteer artists, but I don't think it would lower the population, maybe just demotivate some content creation.
That said, I still believe there should be intentional efforts to promote original memes developing. The answer isn't to just take away the unoriginal low effort ones like pepes and rage comics, but rather to encourage and promote other stuff.

>Can't speak for Ponychan

I checked after posting, I think it wasn't actually Ponychan, but one of the similar MLP variants. There were a lot of them, and I didn't use any.
Even a slow original IB is better than a fast 4chan clone.

>Tell Mexican immigrants not to make Mexican food!

Nah, tell American immigrants that McDonalds and Coca-Cola is boring, mass-produced and everywhere. Go to nearly every country in the world and it's there.

>Why would we continue to develop a culture?

<holds up examples of past cultural development
Those memes you pointed out were useful. They has an actual meaningful impact on the popularity and engagement of the site, and are a large part of the reason 8/leftypol/ and Bunkerchan were some of the most popular English-language imageboards in the world.
Suddenly, we have us and leftypol.org, combined, sinking down with an anchor. You can't just blame it all on their self-destructive moderation, because if that were the case than leftychan would have started to take its place, instead of being as dead as 7chan.

That's why /leftypol/s should continue developing culture and extending that which we've created instead of just saying 'god i miss 2020', throwing charcoal into our engine. While we produce no value, expect withering and death.


>This is reminding me of some little moments in the late 00's early 10's when people would talk about /b/ is dead, it doesn't make memes anymore, reddit steals OC, all that shit no one who has sex would care about.
And now "the /b/eating heart of 4chan" is only the 5th biggest board. I'd even say it lost all cultural relevance.
>moot had the same issue and would make /r9k/ in order to get people to make OC.
And now we have Feels good man frog and Feels guy.
I agree that you can't just force people to make memes, but in that case, it has meritable success.


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>And now we have Feels good man frog and Feels guy.
Wojak, which came from either vk or some polish board.
And I agree but they would be considered spam by current standards


>Suddenly, we have us and leftypol.org, combined, sinking down with an anchor. You can't just blame it all on their self-destructive moderation, because if that were the case than leftychan would have started to take its place, instead of being as dead as 7chan.

Jannies on org literally did everything in the power right from the start to kill this place.


>Those memes you pointed out were useful.
yes, and no jannies needed to ban wojaks and pepes to make them

if you need to ban fucking memes - then you're a fuckin mentally retarded sperg and need to be put into your place jannoid


Banning soyjaks was one of the few things they did right.


>better than .orgre
Is it tho?





>The keyword here is "was".

Who fucking decided it wasn't? Seems like the change was just kind of made behind closed doors and then imposed on the people who were already there.

The restrictions imposed on it are actually stricter in ways than a lot of non-chan forums even have, now, and that decision was clearly made by a bunch of little despots. Yes, it was a stupid decision to take a board which was closer to old /b/ than current /b/ is, and start imposing a bunch of arbitrary rules on it, some of which they don't even bother to tell people about. That is incompetent management, the problems it creates were incredibly predictable, and I have never seen moderation on any site I've used degrade to that extent.

>Point of correction (not disagreeing with the idea) - The site admin doesn't do shit, intentionally, since 2021. The mods get together and decide.

True! It's a problem!

>wut. no.

>Most people aren't autistic enough to leave a site because they aren't allowed to post pepes and wojaks.

Yeah, but they get banned for it, so it doesn't matter if they're "autistic enough" to leave. Also, it's an offshoot of an 8ch board, so frankly I think you're still underestimating the autism level - that's something which comes with the territory, and if you're that hostile towards it, then you're going to antagonize a lot of harmless regulars. In fact, people who don't post those also get banned for so many bizarre, often unknown reasons that the question of whether or not this was a reasonable decision is almost a moot point. But for the record, it wasn't a reasonable decision, and the moderation have proven that they are not reasonable.

>That said, I still believe there should be intentional efforts to promote original memes developing.

This is a dumb ass /pol/-era idea of what memes are. If you really want stuff to catch on methodically, just populate the site with boomers, and have them spam everywhere with the most bland shit imaginable until people think it's popular. Memes used to be fun, it was a dumb hobby, it was reaction images, now ya'll think it's a project and that's kind of sad.

>Even a slow original IB is better than a fast 4chan clone.

I mean, at peak 7chan had loads of crossover. I remember it was like… 2010 or 2011, and there were dudes there who were just wild about trollface still. It's not like it was the anti-4chan.

>Nah, tell American immigrants that McDonalds and Coca-Cola is boring, mass-produced and everywhere. Go to nearly every country in the world and it's there.

If /leftypol/ers owned McDonald's and Coca-Cola, we'd be extremely powerful. If we had the capacity to open bottling plants and storefronts anywhere we wanted, using as much of those recipes as we wanted, running them however we wanted, and no one would stop us or charge us for the rights, that would be an asset to us as a group. I'm not a fan of Pepe or Wojak, but that shit didn't belong to anybody else. They were part of /leftypol/'s inherited culture, the users had as much right and ownership of those memes as anyone else who used them did. There's not some outside force which owns them, it's not a megacorporation, it was something which was our common right.

>You can't just blame it all on their self-destructive moderation, because if that were the case than leftychan would have started to take its place, instead of being as dead as 7chan.

If America's healthcare system is still so bad, why hasn't everybody moved to Canada? Like, that's a much more pressing issue, isn't it? Why hasn't everyone reacted accordingly?

Look, I almost didn't even come over here. .org literally had to become unusable (posts randomly disappearing, weird out-of-nowhere range bans which mods would give bizarre non-explanations for, etc.) before I'd even consider its (former) competitor. The schism which this site lost was years ago, and even after .org came out on top, they continued to accuse this site of being too reactionary, too sketchy, etc. I almost didn't even give this one another chance, myself, I guarantee you that a lot of people will get put off of .org and then not even think to come here. A lot of people didn't even migrate from /leftypol/ to bunkerchan, and a lot of people didn't migrate from bunkerchan to either of these. Every time this happens, it loses users.

>That's why /leftypol/s should continue developing culture and extending that which we've created instead of just saying 'god i miss 2020', throwing charcoal into our engine.

A lot of mainstream memes which still go around are older than the oldest /leftypol/ memes. At best, your sentiment here is neurotic.

>While we produce no value, expect withering and death.

Memes have no value. They're fucking memes. The only problem with the memes other people like is that you don't like them, and that doesn't matter, right? Right??


i actually don't even care that it was invented by an inner circle or whatever. there was nothing else being done beforehand. well, almost nothing. i remember there being one thread beforehand about people making a siberia mascot, and not with a poll or anything. and there were a few drawings and ideas, but then that thread died because there simply wasn't enough creative people that were active there.


It's kinda cozier tbqpfhwy


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Most sane ogre mod


This is aimed at me. Believe me, it's only the tip of the iceberg.



I, uh… what's this about?


A single .org mod thinks someone from this site regularly spams CP on .org. There is no existing evidence to prove this fact, and none of the other .org mods have ever acknowledged or took action against this individual. It's most likely just an excuse for this mod to ban anons who question their overzealous moderating methods, including rangebanning a large chunk of North America only recently, causing the other mods to stage an intervention on them.

As for the actual source of the CP spam, it is unknown. All imaegboards get the same automated posts coming from some kind of botnet.

Basically, this is what happens when you can't rid of bad mods who go rogue.


I don't know, it's just someone's ban I saved months ago because of how hysterical it was.



Wait, so that ban is ostensibly over the same kind of roboposts that hit here, 7chan, 4chan, etc., but in this case they're just accusing a random user of being behind it?

That actually kind of is bizarre. You'd think someone familiar enough with imageboards to be a mod would be aware of this particular nuisance, and not be so confused about it.


Are we allowed to post snuff films here?


>Wait, so that ban is ostensibly over the same kind of roboposts that hit here, 7chan, 4chan, etc., but in this case they're just accusing a random user of being behind it?
I've seen the same kind of bot spam on wizchan, it's a common problem on almost every imageboard, especially small ones with no captcha. But it seems the ogre mods have conjured up an idea that it's a leftychan conspiracy.
>You'd think someone familiar enough with imageboards to be a mod would be aware of this particular nuisance, and not be so confused about it.
Not to the labor on about this, but again, more ammo for my theory that they know nothing about imageboards can came from twitter or somewhere else


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Probably not unless it's related like war footage or news and spoilered, someone posted a murder-suicide clip on the /r9k/ incel news thread without repercussion today.
I'm going to digress, but what made me embarrassed about .org enough to come here was getting a warning for posting a war painting. You know, the origin of the Liberators meme, of some stereotypical Slavic depiction of Soviets raping some pure Aryan fraulein in WWII made by some former Nazi member in the 50's. I made some meandering post about how the artist seems to like painting German women getting fucked by non Germans despite being a Nazi, and this is a common theme among racists.
Anyways I got a short warning and some mod literally responded with "yikes!", called it drawn CP rape snuff. It's a painting. One that everyone aware of Soviets online knows, everyone from leftists to general Russians made fun of, it's a meme. Bloody, ugly, propaganda, but a well worn meme at this point. I just don't like a mod talking that fucking faggy, and like he's never seen it before.


No, I don't intend to post anything political. These are just videos of women committing suicide.>>148279


Well there's only one way to find out


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Fug, and I thought this site was better than .ogre


imagine writing you gay tldr fantasies as a ban reason lol


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Who's the best mod? Who's the 2nd worst mod? We all know em-tse-tse is the worst.


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>You'd think someone familiar enough with imageboards to be a mod would be aware of this particular nuisance, and not be so confused about it.
This is the same person who accidentally rangebanned half of America because they didn't realise the first part of an IP address isn't unique. Imo for mods to have the power to rangeban and do shit with IPs they should have to be an IT nerd, otherwise IP addresses need to be hashed.

>Not to the labor on about this, but again, more ammo for my theory that they know nothing about imageboards can came from twitter or somewhere else
leftypol.org is only an imageboad on the surface, their rules and moderation policies are lifted straight from reddit and the likes of that chapo spin-off forum. The mods are constantly adding 'joke' reddit-humour mod notices on random posts and posting under their LOOK AT ME mod tags. Clearly nobody on that mod team has any prior experience with imageboards. All the old guard have left and been replaced with zoomers.



I think just describing them as zoomers is really, really generous. There are zoomers who know how IPs work.


Both are fine as long as it's not excessive or exceptionally degenerate, and gore should always be spoilered preferably.

That rule is a relic of .org and hasn't been updated since the split. Just use common sense when posting, and equally don't be a moralfag if you see something which you don't like.



Idk, like gore is one thing, but "snuff films" might not be a flat "yes" in all cases, right? Seems like one of those areas where it can cut it kinda close.


imagine knowing who all those fags are

fucking redditoids


It just really depends on the individual case. As long as it's spoilered, stuff like cop bodycam footage, ukraine footage, cctv robbery videos, industrial accidents etc. are fine if relevant to the thread they're posted in. It's not like we have to worry about advertisers, and the site is 18+ after all.

However extreme shit like monkey torture porn, rape videos and plain execution footage are just psycho and will probably end up getting the site taken down or at least blocked in certain countries. So that will get removed.


I don't know most of the jannies, but wvobbly is one of the reasons i quit ogre.


I don't know any of these names or their individual reputations, other than discomrade due to him publicly quitting in protest and wvobbly who's supposedly the worst and most visible mod


Both of these posts read like pearl-clutching apologia for censorship. Man up pussies, don't click it if you don't like it.


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selfcensoring is contrarevolutionary


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>I made some meandering post about how the artist seems to like painting German women getting fucked by non Germans despite being a Nazi, and this is a common theme among racists.
Not despite, but because all reactionaries are in love with such shit. Psychomarxists called this phenomenon "social necrophilia" when describing authpersons' infatuation with death, rotting, dirt, destruction, disintegrating in general & ideal clean mechanisms @ the same time. Fromm even dug out some record from the last days of European front by a German Joe who have seen Hitler outside his bunker, staring maniacally @ a rotting corpse of a dead soldier's body which was swarming with larvae. This man was seeing the destruction of Germany, & he was cooming. Talk about the us soviet troops raping every grandpa in their vicinity after that.
So actually it would be very strange if a nazoid wouldn't coom at the thoughts of the most horrific shit happening to his "fellow" germans. Absolutely sick fucks. Imagine what would happen of they would ever get to power. Oh right…


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>Yeah, but they get banned for it, so it doesn't matter if they're "autistic enough" to leave.
I literally forgot some people don't just ban evade. I Torpost as a security habit so bans just kind of don't apply.


>Memes have no value. They're fucking memes.
They can value to a community, or at least are an important part of the process. Consider something like the /pol/jak. We didn't invent the basis and the forerunners, le pol face already existed on… I want to say krautchan or kohlchan.
Then it comes over to bunkerchan and gets associated with us, we make memes and variants of it, and soon it gets used in raids on /pol/, with other 4chan boards soon joining in and /leftypol/ further ingrained in the minds of poltroons.
Stuff like that helps a community grow, with free publicity from people who found the meme fun and discovered that a leftypol existed because of it.
And look, I understand this may sound like THE MEMES ARE SRSBSNS or some shit, honestly it isn't. It's that a site needs to be worth coming to if it expects people to discover it or use it. Either that, or all the other ones need to be so repulsive like .org that it pushes people away to look for an alternative.
And that worth can be anything. Threads useful enough that people share them, funny posts and memes, whatever. I'm not saying memes should be a project the way .org tried, artificially manufactured or industrialized. Fuck that, no. But when no-one is making anything that can't already be found on a more popular site, all you get are the crumbs that fall from .org mods banning too many users. Growth isn't a goal or aim, but it's necessary if you don't want 20 users to become 19, 18, 17….


>because there simply wasn't enough creative people that were active there
One thing that astounded me was seeing a shortlived thread showing that many of these people could draw well. There's just no inspiration or passion.


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>As for the actual source of the CP spam, it is unknown. All imaegboards get the same automated posts coming from some kind of botnet.
*cracks knuckles*
0) CP advertising spam on forums has been going on for at least a decade, probably at least two or three. It is not one person or even one group. It's different groups advertising their own sites, and they don't just target imageboards. One of the current active groups makes the identical posts on imageboards and Japanese open forums, for example. The typical MO is to post a CP image, stills from a video or some other indicator (e.g. last year was an image of pedobear with a link), and a shortened URL link to their site. Sites tend to get hit by these ones every few days. Again, this is advertising, they do this to get visitors to their websites. Judging by posting styles, it's believed that some sites have multiple distinct people spamming for them.
1) You're correct, this affects most imageboards. It's not targeted. Most imageboards don't have the expertise to block them (it's not easy, especially using naive strategies or conventional imageboard features), and many more don't have the staff to quickly respond. So they're a real problem, and there's evidence they still post to leftypol.org regularly.
2) /leftypol/ has also had non-advertising CP posts, as malicious posts.
I remember one of the devs posting that around 2020 and 2021, there was a user that arrived whenever there were /pol/ raids (therefore believed to be a /pol/ pedo) who would purchase DigitalOcean servers to post CP to /leftypol/, buying new ones in different regions to ban evade, who was eventually banned systematically.
3) There was also a user around 2021 just after the split who would repeatedly spam CP to /siberia/ with filenames such as "12 years old.jpg" and IIRC occasionally write messages with them. I haven't seen CP on /leftypol/ since then so I don't know if this poster is still active, but it's likely that these posts are why m00dy alleges the link between one of the users here and the CP spam: a foreign malicious user would have just hit /leftypol/ instead and it clearly wasn't an advertiser posting those.

There have been anon posts on /siberia/ as recent as two weeks ago complaining about "the CP guy" but there's no way to know if it's just talking about the generic ad spammers or not without seeing the posts they're talking about, or finding someone who has.


how are you supposed to not click that if it's either already in the thumbnail or you don't know what it will be?
just post it on a site that thats made for niche psycho junk. win win.


Upon some memories being conjured up, I have to be a bit more generous to the mods. It's not JUST spambots, I think there was actually someone manually posting cp in random threads to shit them up. So it isn't just the usual bots that attack almost every small imageboard.
But that said, there's no reason to think it's form here. There are plenty of people that want to attack any left leaning site.


> didn't invent the basis and the forerunners, le pol face already existed on… I want to say krautchan or kohlchan.
I still refuse to believe this. I'm not even sure kohlchan was a thing yet when that meme came about. Even so, it says enough that the meme became associated with here. Most bernds would be a prime target for the meme in the first place


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I remember that on one of the /leftypol/s
>Psychomarxists called this phenomenon "social necrophilia" when describing authpersons' infatuation with death, rotting, dirt, destruction, disintegrating in general & ideal clean mechanisms @ the same time.
Fascinating, so I'm not the only one who noticed this.
I mainly started thinking about it whenever I saw old propaganda depicting the in-group as young women/girls about to be violated by the ugly animalistic Other. Like even this fucking picture, drawn by a Japanese ultra-nationalist with a fucking hatred even for Korean children, drawing Japan as a little girl being upskirted by Koreans. Someone on ogre brought up some Freudian psychologist who suggested the swastika was supposed to be parents mating, but I think that went a bit too far.
>infatuation with death, rotting, dirt, destruction, disintegrating in general
I remember seeing that conservatives on average get easily queasy and are more afraid of dirt or shit. Would fit with the meme of a neatfreak who is into weird shit.


>2) /leftypol/ has also had non-advertising CP posts, as malicious posts.
Ah someone said it before me
>I remember one of the devs posting that around 2020 and 2021, there was a user that arrived whenever there were /pol/ raids (therefore believed to be a /pol/ pedo) who would purchase DigitalOcean servers to post CP to /leftypol/, buying new ones in different regions to ban evade, who was eventually banned systematically.
And that it's some falseflag and intentional attack against the site from some rightoid, not from here. Ogre mods are just using leftychan as a scapegoat
>I haven't seen CP on /leftypol/ since then
I saw it last year around the fourth of July shooting, I think in the USA thread on /leftypol/. So they're probably still out there.


The tor node was the Achilles' heel for the jannies, really. Very lucky it got through.


Any good image boards for extremely disturbing (but not illegal) content?


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Now that I look into it, it's interesting.
I can't find any evidence that it was invented on kohlchan, but it was certainly a meme there prior to the poljak version being popularized on /leftypol/ in August 2020 [1], because "le kohl face" was already being posted on 4chan in May 2020.[2]
However, both picrels are from early August 2019 (/int/ and /biz/), the first being the day after the shooting, and a likely inspiration for the second. Whether "le pol face" was drawn off-site or by a 4chan anon, I have no idea. Odds are that some kohl user later adapted le pol face into le kohl face, and it became a meme there, then whiny kohlbabies on pol assumed kohl made it.

Funnily enough, ">le /pol/ face" (text) goes back at least to 2012.

[1] OC Thread 5.0 https://archive.li/o4roT#q821232
[2] https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/257374902/#257406601



Why would anyone who wasn't already doing that want to load up TOR just to be able to use the site when they never had to on any previous incarnation? There are sites where you don't have to ban evade just to post.


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My suspicion is that the claims that it's berndface or kohlface I think are just attempts to appropriate the meme for themselves, because again there is a hatred for leftypol and its offshoots, even if it didn't come here first. I wouldn't be surprised if the pedo spammer on .org is from KC.
Looking through my folder, first two pics (September 2019) and third(April 2020), are my oldest related to this
>Funnily enough, ">le /pol/ face" (text) goes back at least to 2012.
It may be a 'jak, which have always been a thing but much more the craze in the last few years, but the ">le [x]face" meme format was much more during 2012. The original creator probably edited a way older meme he had.
Also I appreciate the Wikipedia/KYM format of your post


>prone to being angry and volatile during discussion
its over bros…

t. le ftypol face


No matter where on the net, you Millennials cannot stop blaming zoomers or comparing them to negative standards.

Your generation is not special.
Youre not the first Internet generation with the hardware/software know how.

All of the OG culture you millennials brag about having was given to you by Gen X.


Zoomer faggotry is somewhat self aware. Millennials are faggy and oblivious to it


everything millennials whine about is the same shit they do.

they whine about boomers being grumpy old men ruining kids fun.

And they turn around and accuse zoomers or Gen alpha of ruining pop culture.

Like what intrinsic diffference is there between 2007-2013 and post-2016?

Pop culture has remained similar since the mid-late 1980s.

Yet millennials will swear up and down the aisle that individual year numbers have unique flavors.


Cishet men are the biggest clientele of any alternate gender/sexuality.

All trans and gays seek the validity of cishet men in one form or another.

Unique IPs: 41

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