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-value is generated by labour


-because money is represetative of value, it allows people to hoard value.


>As the production of commodities further develops, every producer of commodities is compelled to make sure of the nexus rerum or the social pledge. [41] His wants are constantly making themselves felt, and necessitate the continual purchase of other people’s commodities, while the production and sale of his own goods require time, and depend upon circumstances. In order then to be able to buy without selling, he must have sold previously without buying. This operation, conducted on a general scale, appears to imply a contradiction. But the precious metals at the sources of their production are directly exchanged for other commodities. And here we have sales (by the owners of commodities) without purchases (by the owners of gold or silver).


If selling is the trade of use-value with exchange-value represented by money, then to say that selling something to a miner isn't selling is wouldn't either mean that

A)mining doesn't generate value, even though it's human labour

B)precious metals don't have value, which in turn doesn't add up to either option A nor with out precious metals became money-commodity to begin with?

P.s.: Im reading a Portuguese copy, so some terms might be incorrect to the English version


>B)precious metals don't have value, which in turn doesn't add up to either option A nor with out precious metals became money-commodity to begin with?

Nor with how precious metals

Fucking autocorrect


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Marx is talking about using precious metals as money.

Buying: money form -> commodity form
Selling: commodity form -> money form

But if you are mining "money", at the point it enters circulation it is not yet in money form, since you produce it as a commodity to be exchanged for concrete use-values. For you it is commodity form -> commodity form. But for the person you exchange it with, it will be already in money form, therefore for them it is commodity form -> money form, i.e. selling.

If you have only buying and selling, the amount of money in circulation couldn't grow. This is how it grows anyway.

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