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I am constantly feeling sleepy. I cant say wheter this is normal or not. Like, I dont know in which moment it becomes pathological.

I rather dont have serious issues if any at all when talking. I rarely go into internal monologues but when I do explain something I dont have significant problems. Thinking seems to work well in theory but I am somewhat unsecure wheter I dont think too slow too. In my life I rather had at least average intellectual abilities but when I deal with abstracts it doesnt work too well.

Whenever I do read something, no matter wheter it is philosophical, political or fictional work, I am getting tired very quickly which makes productive reading very hard for me. The fact that focusing and remembering stuff also seems to be generally hard for me doesnt help.

I can recall various things when I try but still its quite hard to go on with the reading for prolonged time. I can also comperhend the material quite well if I really slooowly study it, but it seems like I am getting way to slow than I should go with it. Whenever I try to read regularly I fail. I also have impression that reading on the pc is easier for me than reading real books, although when I read the digital books I get distracted easier.

I really think that I could read something with the interest if I wouldnt feel so fuuucking tired all the time, I dont do anything interesting anyway and I like theory.

I also lack motivation, but I think that I could overcome this if not the tiredness (Or perhaps I somewhat rationalize my lack of motivation with the tiredness problem).

So basically Id have few questions for you guys:

Did or do you have simillar situation to me? What could cause it? Is there any way to get rid of it or to cope with it?

If you read regularly, how long did it take you to get used to it? Did you have problems with focus and memory and did they have gone after some time? How did you managed to form a habit of reading in the first place?

Perhaps something more will come out later or Ill recall something more on that problem of mine.


People are creatures of habit. Stick as much as possible to a fixed sleep schedule. Fix a time and spot for reading (not the bed). Don't set a goal in terms of reading X pages. Don't allow yourself to do anything else than reading during the special slot. It's either reading or doing nothing. Spacing out and staring at the wall counts as not doing anything so don't be mad at yourself for doing just that. Over time you will become more used to reading without interrupting yourself.


Things you might want to try:

1) standing desk
2) varying the time of day in which you read
3) stimulants (from coffee to adhd meds)
4) find discussion groups of something intellectually interesting in person (or uh places like here i guess)
5) change your diet, in particular try cutting out/reducing sugars
6) cut out other superstimuli like social media (or at least any with likes), vidya, porn
7) less ambitious works, scaffold up with wikipedia, etc
8) meditation
9) look into sleep hygeine if your sleep is off (bed only for sleep and sex, get up/go to bed at consistent times)

IMO if you throw these against the wall one or two is likely to be helpful, even if it doesn't solve your problem entirely.


I used to imagine I was reading so I could sleep faster. It was such a sleeping pill that just the thought of reading made me drowsy.

It takes some time until your distracted mind can focus on the subject matter. The harder the reading is, the more time it takes.

You also need to form a habit of reading in general. You should also sit somewhere and not lay down. I've also tried just giving in and taking a nap, then when waking up, do my reading.

I've gotten much better at it.

This is golden advice. 10/10

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