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 No.5506[Watch Thread]>>5572

I'm looking for books on Middle Eastern politics and history. Give me some recommendations. Also, has anyone read this? Is it any good?


Orientalism by Edward Said is a must read. You don't have to aggree with everything he said, but you should still read it imo


If you're interested in Iran specifically, Between Two Revolutions is a good book written by a Marxist that presents the history of (mostly) 20th century Iran through that lens very well.


File (hide): 1619919756920.pdf ( 1.78 MB , 205x300 , All the Shah's Men_ An Ame….pdf )

> Between Two Revolutions
Thank you very much for the recommendation.
>>5506 (OP)
I'd recommend "All the Shah's Men" by Kinzer on the topic of Iran. He has some other good books as well, such as "The Brothers" and "Poisoner-in-Chief".


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Hello everyone, OP here, I read all your books and they are very good. And I want to provide an update on picrel. I read it, and after reading a lot of different accounts on Lebanon and Hezbollah. I can say the book in picrel is accurate. The author isn't a Marxist, but is legitimate and gives a accurate understanding of the group and it's history. If anyone disagrees I would love to hear about it.

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