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Can anyone recommend me literature on strategies in war? From an officers perspective. Preferably something broad. I don‘t have any knowledge on the subject matter so something that is introductory material would be great as well, but it doesn‘t have to be.




Thank you, I already got the first recommendation.


>Clausewitz, On War.


basically this


Che, La Guerra de Guerrillas (Guerrilla Warfare)
Mao, Selected Military Writings






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>From an officers perspective




I love war and want to know the strategies
Best ones


>Don't shoot while moving
>Always shoulder peak before a proper jiggle peak
>Pull your aim down as you spray to compensate for recoil
>Always call out your flashes


>Pull your aim down as you spray to compensate for recoil
that's smart

But what's a jiggle peak


Do we know how Trotsky was good at war? Where did he get trained

Did he write down his learnings?
Did stalin have any war writings and tactics?

Who were the main guys behind defeating Nazis? Are there books from them


I have another question that I've always wondered
Is a tactic bad because it is well known?

Since Sun Tzu's Art of War (Also why is it so popular? lol) is so well known and analysed by many

Is it outdated? Are the lessons still worth learning?

What are some other hidden lesser well known great books about war tactics?




>Is a tactic bad because it is well known?
No, definitely not. It should be assumed the enemy can read the same books you can.
>Are the lessons still worth learning?
I think they are. It's been a long time since I read it but there are ideas there like:
>Appear weak when you are strong, appear strong when you are weak.
So basically it's about managing information. Now isn't that very timely?


It is.
I'm going to read it now

I have one question about the enemies with the same knowledge and tactics
Who comes out on top? Would it be just a flip coin's chance of either one's victory?

The one with the most discipline to the old ways wins or the one who finds a way to deviate and create a new path through the blueprint wins


>I have one question about the enemies with the same knowledge and tactics
>Who comes out on top? Would it be just a flip coin's chance of either one's victory?

war could be seen as a game of imperfect information. Both sides are seeking for more information to strategize and exploit around.
Sometimes the information is bad, and you really can't account for that.

Even if a general knew whole armies could fit into a swamp, would he really put forward resources to scout it?


>Who comes out on top?
The one with the superior logistics and resources.


sure those two are important but it's not just one or two things.
Anon I suggest you read up on asymmetric and guerilla warfare, as well as insurrections and other smaller and other more niche topics. There are plenty of ways in which a small and poorly equipped army can defeat a larger and stronger foe


I meant to say smaller and niche types of conflict


>The one with the superior logistics and resources.
"Captains think tactics, colonels think strategy, generals think logistics."
(To which one might be tempted to add something like "ministers think diplomacy.")


File: 1628096059252.pdf ( 1.22 MB , 200x300 , OperationalArt.pdf )

PDF related is a bit limited since it mainly covers a Soviet understanding of war, but it is a really interesting piece of writing that shows how generals have changed and adapted strategies according to previous experiences, and lays the foundational theory of Soviet and current Russian Deep Battle strategies. Would recommend highly.

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