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I want to get into indian history that isn't just british colonialism. muslims, hindus and sikhs waring over each other sounds way more exciting but you rarely hear anything about the era and the place.
recommend any books to easilly get me into the settings, both books about the cultures and politics.


cool swords


This book is sort of related. Tamerlane was the progenitor of the Mughal dynasty. I can't vouch for this book because I haven't read it yet. but I intend to order it with my next paycheck. It's not a history of empires and states though, it's just focused on the biography and myth that surrounded Tamerlane in his own time and the time after he died. Might be of interest to you as it represents the stories of a culture that was very influential over India before the British came.


>It's not a history of empires and states though, it's just focused on the biography and myth that surrounded Tamerlane
that's how I like it.


May as well post pocahontas you son of a bitch, how dare you post that shit on a materialist board. Fuck you liberal.
then you are a retard


You seem really upset. Maybe you should dilate?


Here I attaching 3 books written by Indian marxist historians. Hope it helps, OP.

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