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File: 1627846991034.jpeg ( 247.84 KB , 800x1224 , the_wealth_of_nations.jpeg )


I am going to tackle An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith to advance my understanding of the classical tradition of political economy of which marxist political economy is an extension.
The german political economist and translator of the Wealth of Nations Peter Thal writes in this regard
>Smith’s work lives on in the proletarian political economics; yes only here his true scientific elements have found a lasting monument
I am currently looking for an equivalent to David Harvey's Companion to Marx's Capital which helped me a lot to better understand Marx howsoever it's important to read Harvey critically

tl;dr: ITT we share secondary literature with regard to Adam Smith and his magnum opus the Wealth of Nations.
in german or english


anon finish all three volumes before dealing with smith, who is a terrible writer


I read Vol. 1 and the first 8 chapters of Vol. 2
I belive it is a good idea to take the hegelian approach and study economics as the history of economic thought and start with Petty's treatise of taxes and contributions continue with wealth of nations and Ricardo's Principles and then read theories of surplus value and finally re-read after having already a solid understanding of marxism das Kapital and continue with accumulation of capital by luxemburg and hilferding's finance capital.
that's by basic economics study plan so far


Alright good luck lol I found even reading excerpts of Smith tiresome tbqh


There is literally 0 point to reading political economy texts in current year. Don't waste your time; read the Unique instead.


let us enjoy our autism
since you read 8 chapters of Vol 2 why not read the first chapter on Smith which is Ch 10? IIRC its all about smith confusing constant capital which later develops into Marx calling him foolish for thinking all revenue can be resolved into v+s


i think i am gonna read chapter 10 and 19 of Vol.2 before before I start with WoN


bump for classical economics


File: 1628160538248.pdf ( 4.67 MB , 186x300 , pre-marxian-economy.pdf )

Pdf related, this book is a must read for anyone interested in classical Political Economy and Marx's predecessors/influences. Also, if you're looking for some of Marx's notes on The Wealth of Nations and Smith, check here:



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