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Can anyone recommend me a good book about the 1932-1933 soviet famine? I am honestly not a communist so I am not inclined to defend/condemn Stalin, but I am interested if someone can offer me a neutral book on the subject.
Because from what I've read, many popular books on the subject are complete crap (see link)


There was a book that I forgot called 100 year anniversary of the bolshevik revolution, or, something that talks about why and how the narrative is a bit of bullshit and how the numbers were severely inflated by sources like the black book of communism. People basically just hate communism (wonder why) and so they want to smear it. Sorry I can't actually remember the name of the book anon.


"Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture; 1931-1933"


The way its portrayed historically is pretty much bullshit.

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