▶ No.7737
Okay so with that out of the way, nearly everything you describe has nothing to do with socialism or commmunism as any proposition. You're describing a hyper specific unicorn as if it were a product in the supermarket of ideology, and yet this unicorn is never described as if it were something humans would actually use. This is intended and its a meme that was advanced because no one really believed in communism for a long time.
Even if you were seeking to describe this unicorn, or you were proposing those descriptors as a real situation which has nothing to do with historical communism/socialism, none of that requires a philosophical explanation of why it is natural and inevitable. For one, Marx never said "the perfect unicorn version of communism is inevitable and history will produce it with no volition whatsoever, yet the revolution will be bloody and I am the Evil Overlord Xenu". Communist parties were, like any political organ, active participants in history, and they always had programs written by the Party rather than an esoteric interpretation of unchanging dogma. So right there, philosophy and the theory don't make prophecies of that sort. Marxism was never predictive in that sense, and that's a common charge made against them. It didn't stop the stupider of them from hectoring others as if they did believe that, but most of that was the Marxist contempt for anyone they considered stupid or worthless, which is basically everyone who didn't get what this really was.
In the formation of their actual programs, and the platforms presented for the public - because this had to be handed off to actual people who had to make something functional - philosophy was far removed from the explanation. The Party theoreticians had to maintain fidelity to reality. Only when the wheels came off the bus - the 1950s and late 40s were the indicators that we were on the Evil Timeline - did the theoreticians retreat into kookville and turbocharged fads and pseudoscience, with the Secret Speech being so awful that good Soviet citizens had heart attacks after listening to such an abomination against history. It was that galling and insane.
The particular mental illness you're struggling with is anarchism, particularly Fabian-built philosophical anarchism. Let's deconstruct what you're writing. What does it mean to "democratically own the means of production?" If you think the answer is abasement to an abstract demos that will think for you, you're doing it wrong. Democratic control of the means of production is very very simple - the workers take their tools back, take the factories as theirs, take the land, take the bank. It does not entail a limited claim that requires an esoteric philosophical reading to justify it. If the question is about command and control, you're already framing it as an individual question. Collectives do not make decisions by some magic. People make decisions, whether they do so of their own accord for their own reason, or they deliberate and motions are carried jointly by agreement of some assembly. Nature does not "decide" anything. It has no concept of agency and did not need any.
The claims of communism were not about command/control and managerialism. How this is interpreted may vary, since you can establish a communist state much as it did where they basically did the same things the US did in the 20th century and saw the US as the model to emulate; or it may suggest a different technocratic norm than the one we got, which has been attempted sporadically. Communism at heart was a political question regarding the city and the commanding heights of the economy. Daily life under communism would not be inherently an inversion or violation of daily life in any relatively sane society, because the same imperatives are at work. Industry, labor, technology, science, all work as they would otherwise, because those were not directly political matters. If a politician cannot delegate this to workers, or the workers themselves took on political functions that were understood to be apart from daily and private life, they suck at politics and will be displaced by those who do get what politics is. Socialism, on the other hand, was not in the main a political proposal at all. The socialist proposal regarding the state is that the state would allow any of the social transformation to happen at all. Why the state would allow this is an open question, since socialism has nothing to say about political theory beyond perhaps judgement about the basic social units and institutions that would have any part in political life. Every politician came from a mother and father and had to grow just as any other human would, and politicians would in a sane society know that if workers are not capable of working, are not paid or are placed in onerous conditions incompatible with life, very soon there won't be any workers. A politician may embrace open democide, which is what ecologism is, and by 2000 this was so normalized that it's a wonder anyone still believes a political reform or revolution is possible. The idea that it could be different is so far removed from political thought, because all of the political ideas say the exact opposite - that all society that is not mediated by rulers is hereby abolished, "there is no such thing as society", and no argument for society-in-the-abstract can persist. For most of humanity, society is a menace to be avoided at all costs, and any potential of forming new social units only happens out of dire necessity, by whatever ad hoc arrangement are developed before the rulers come in to destroy them. There really is no alternative, at least not in the near future. Humanity's course, worldwide, is set. If there were going to be any other idea, where is it? The idea that the workers would have any control over their daily existence, let alone the means of production, has become inadmissible. You couldn't speak of democratic ownership in any meaningful sense if the idea that workers even have agency is inadmissible, and this has been glorified and exultantly shouted for over 50 years with all of the propaganda behind it. For the prior 50 years, this was merely implied, but there was enough need and want to pretend that society still existed.
I don't know how to fully cure your delusional belief that there is such a thing as society, or the ideology you don't really understand, nor do I have a "normal" to tell you what is what, and what you're supposed to believe. I have to believe that some of the things I write here got through to you, or at least began a line of inquiry. If you do, I advise you to keep that line of inquiry to yourself rather than engage with others, because the truth doesn't matter in this world. I try, because my life isn't going to be much. A proper explanation of all of the lies and how to deconstruct them would take far too long, and as a rule, any long explanation is tuned out and thought-policed, and those who protest too much are pulled aside and beaten for wanting anything to be different. That's humanity. That's the human spirit. Humans do not know anything else, and won't know anything else for a long time. But, if you begin to speak of what this has been, you're treated as if you're mad for saying what was common knowledge five years ago. You've already decided in your mind that it is impossible based on your skepticism that it is likely, and so I'm guessing your reasoning isn't destroyed, but you're stuck on the "contradictions" Hegelian horseshit. When a Hegeloid or Marxist talks like that, that is their version of saying "fuck off, retard". They have nothing but contempt for you after that, and they never change. They're dogmatic about that. German philosophy is a fuck. I'm not, though. I cringe every time I see that Germanic shit repeated, and I will say, I remain a proud racist when it comes to the German ideology.
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