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 No.7407[Watch Thread]>>7410

they're out there somewhere…. out in the wild wastes of the north americas and euro trashlands

The West Has Fallen. Billions Must Die


McAfee AV was shit and the guy himself was a cartoon huckster.


>McAfee the guy was a cartoon huckster.
Maybe, but he lived his ideals. Gotta respect that.


>>7407 (OP)
Fisher was insane rabid anti-communist crank.

McAfee looks like a bank clerk compared to him. And McAfee was a coke overdosed shizoid.


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Can you imagine if people swooned over the piss takes of video game champions the same way they do for chess champions? Mastering a game doesn't mean you have mastered every other avenue of intellectual pursuit.


Not sure how this is related to the thread. Anyway chess teaches you how to think ahead in a complex possibility matrix. You need that skill for any intellectual pursuit. Chess is of course not the only way to get that skill, some video games will do that too.


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chess is for faggots,faggot


chess is for everybody


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chess is gey though. i remember asking regular fems to play and they all froze up started shitting themselves and asking for checkered patterned toilet paper so they can wipe their asses with idea of playing chess. then they started to gangrape me with their assholes because wanted me to never to forget how much of a faggot i am for playing chess.


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<played chess
<builds a proletarian superpower.


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<played chess
<dies like a bitch
<causes chess obsession in dyke russia


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>dies like a bitch
Lenin died of a stroke, dogs very rarely get strokes. So no.
>causes chess obsession in Russia
I think Russians liked chess before Lenin came along. Maybe because it passed the time during long winters or something.

>Monero and McAfee pic

Yeah as far as crypto-currency goes Monero is OK, at least it's not a scam, and they're actually trying to make it function like money. I can respect McAfee for being a unyielding free-spirit they could not break although they did manage to imprison him and his suicide might have been murder


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lenin had rabies so he did die like a bitch
>although they did manage to imprison him and his suicide might have been murder
xplain, jermaine
how was he epstiened?


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You're just mad that Lenin building a superpower is the ultimate chad move that nobody can top. Maybe playing chess helped him doing that who knows.


>how was he epstiened?
I don't really know, the Spanish courts ruled his deaths as a suicide
But the people who knew him and his wife say they don't believe that.

I've only saw a few videos of McAfee, he seemed to have a fully integrated personality, where his philosophical outlook, his ideological values, his actions and his personality traits seem to have been in complete alignment. People like that don't commit suicide, in most cases even psychological torture can not break people like that. Therefore i doubt the suicide explanation.

Also he was really rich and people like that have enemies and know other rich people's secrets, and that's why they tend to get "suicided" if they go to prison.


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>is the ultimate chad move that nobody can top.
his super pooper "he built" aged like rat piss and is a joke then and now. idol worship is cringe
>he was really rich and people like that have enemies and know other rich people's secrets
the great chain knows no ends


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The Soviet Union was a great success in many ways, it ended colonial imperialism, it destroyed Nazism, it build out the industrial base of a huge part of the world which immeasurable raise the quality of life of many people. It pioneered many technological advances like the ability to go into space. For a first attempt at a socialist system, this is really impressive. The first attempts at capitalism don't measure up.

>the great chain knows no ends

what does that mean ?
All rich people know each others secrets and when one of them spills the beans it all unravels like a long chain reaction ?


You could say the same thing about any western capitalist country in the 20th century
You have on rose colored glasses into order to justify/support your identity as a Communist


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>The Soviet Union was a great success in many ways
main project became an abject failure
>it destroyed Nazism
fascists won
>it ended colonial imperialism
kickstarted neocolonialism with nationalist paintjobs
>pioneered many technological advances like the ability to go into space
space is a meme, fuck space
>what does that mean ?


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>You could say the same thing about any western capitalist country in the 20th century
No western country comes even remotely close to the kind of progress the Soviet Union could realize.
>You have on rose colored glasses
NO of course not, i do understand the short comings of the Soviet system very well.

But my view on history and countries is very different than yours (probably). I compare societal systems to what came before. The Soviet system was much better than the Tsarist system, which probably would not have survived the first half of the 20th century, because they could not have done the kind of Industrial build-up that allowed them to survive WW2. The Soviet system also had more political liberties than an absolute monarchy, so even if you think the Soviets did not have enough freedoms, they did have more than what came before.


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>No western country comes even remotely close to the kind of progress the Soviet Union could realize.
My vote is on the greek city states/leagues each testing dynamics of democracy and slavery, each variation a lesson. also herons steam engine, ancient computers, and ancient memes


And yet here you are, posting from the western capitalist country that won the cold war, from the comfort of your mom's basement, on a phone or computer reliant completely on a capitalist supply chain, and not being gulaged for posturing like an edgy political dissident
<Wow much successful!!!

>I'm so worldly and smart

Do you even have a passport? What was the last book you read that wasn't written by a self professed leftist or communist?

This whole post comes across like a manifest statement of Dunning Kruger syndrome.

Literally every country got materially better off during the 20th century.

The USSR got caught with their pants down when the Nazis invaded and we're reliant on the American lend lease program after that. Had Hitler not been such a schizo retard and didn't invade the Soviet Union in the first place, Stalin would have maintained his literal alliance with Nazi Germany.

>The USSR had tons of freedoms

Ah yes, you could just decide where to live, where you wanted to work, could take a vacation whenever you wanted. /S

What percentage of the Bolshevik party leadership in 1921 was still alive by 1940 btw?

I say all this as a defender of the Soviet Union as well - but from a perspective that it was the least worst possible system in Russia at the time, not from the perspective that it was great or the best possible.

<Seriously though. Do you have a passport? How does being an internationalist work when your solidarity and understanding of the world is entirely abstract?


Also Comrade Dunning Kruger,

You really need to work on establishing a better sleep schedule


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>western capitalism won the first cold war
Yes but it's also loosing the second cold war. Might makes right philosophies are retarded and self defeating in the long term because nobody has superior strength all the time. Ultimately the only thing the cold war proves, is that western capitalism could not compete against Soviet socialism on peaceful terms.


Remember that the US imprisons roughly 5 times as many people as the USSR did, the level of hypocrisy is earth-shattering. If you are complaining about the political repression in the soviet union, that did exist, but you have to consider how utterly brutal the repression against communists was before the revolution. They did not retaliate in kind, if they had done that… It would have been something else.

>a phone or computer reliant completely on a capitalist supply chain

This argument isn't coherent because all the stuff gets made by workers, not the capitalists that own the means of production. But it's still funny because most gadgets have Made in China written on it. So their made by a bunch of workers in a communist country.

>a manifest statement of Dunning Kruger syndrome.

insult =/= argument

>Literally every country got materially better off during the 20th century.

That's probably not entirely true, but even if it was, the meteoric rise of socialist countries that managed to double their life expectancy within one generation during the process of industrialization, is something no capitalist country got even close to realizing.

>The USSR needed the American lend lease program

I know that American distortion of history teaches this but lend lease represented a minuscule fraction of the USSR war machine. The US can't claim the USSR's victory over Fascism in WW2.

>Had Hitler not been such a schizo retard and didn't invade the Soviet Union in the first place, Stalin would have maintained his literal alliance with Nazi Germany.

Stalin tried to create an anti fascist alliance with the western liberal democracies, they declined and made Hitler-pacts, so as far as "literal alliance with Nazi Germany" goes that's not something you can pin on Stalin, since he was backstabbed trying to build an anti-fascist alliance.
Also in your hypothetical example where Hitler wasn't a Nazi doing fascism, fighting the Soviet Union to the last German on behalf of the imperial bourgeoisie, there would not have been a reason for the Soviets to destroy Germany. If you delete Nazism from Germany's history they would become reformist social democrats, that's perfectly acceptable.

>The USSR had tons of freedoms

compared to the absolute monarchy that preceded it, Yes absolutely.
>Ah yes, you could just decide where to live, where you wanted to work, could take a vacation whenever you wanted.
WTF are you talking about ? Social mobility of labor in the Soviet Union was higher than in any other country ever, by an absolutely enormous margin. Compared to the preceding monarchy where it was basically none, that was one of their biggest social achievements and probably their greatest appeal-factor regarding ideological export. The Soviet Union was gigantic and had loads of tourism too, which also was more affordable compared to tourism in capitalism.

You suck at this, i'll give you a hint, the Soviets had a austere selection of consumer goods, that were durable and good value but not much else.

>What percentage of the Bolshevik party leadership in 1921 was still alive by 1940 btw?

No idea, it's kinda hard to track down data about Bolshevik party carders, given the turmoil of that era they probably didn't keep good records.

>I say all this as a defender of the Soviet Union as well

I defend the Soviet Union because it was a massive improvement. Ideologically Marxists do not believe in an end of history, so there only is the development level of the productive forces that allows you to have the next step of improved social relations. Also the Soviet Union has to be upheld because it refutes the totalizing neo-liberal ideological concept that there is no alternative to them.

>but from a perspective that it was the least worst possible system in Russia at the time, not from the perspective that it was great or the best possible.

Given the chance for a do-over, one would probably pick a sortition democracy instead of a leadership democracy. Because sortition has really good interest-representation and does not need any purges. And later on one would push harder for cybernetics.


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canned response


You're AI has an anti-soviet bias and it's doing the Neo-liberal thing where it pretends to not be ideological. Also it has reading comprehension issues, the post it replied to said that capitalism could not compete on peaceful terms.

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