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the holodohoax did not happen. it's a complete lie. it have vague description and changes description every time.

give me things that help me get the message to people that it have vague description and that it changes description every time. post copypasta, papers, books, your own writings, websites, videos, debunks, and etc.


The "holodomor" you mean? It's always been facetious because the Nazis are mocking the idea that famine is "bad". Really though, this is more of an Anglo/Fabian obsession than a German history obsession to say they did nothing wrong. Usually the Germans don't give a shit and go straight to the fantastic racism, or they outright say "the famine was good because it killed weaklings who deserved to die". The Germans just brag about Nazis killing communists, because the "justice" narrative is not a thing German history or philosophy believes in. That's always an insulting sop because they believe democratic nations are weak-willed and can be cajoled and threatened that easily. They're happy to let the Fabians do the more flagrant lying and fake hand-wringing, then join the strawman fake arguments to "teach the controversy" between fake shit.

Soviet internal documents suggested two million famine deaths, and they would have more reason to acknowledge the reality since no one in the party needs to lie to themselves. At the time, either the estimates lined up with the version of events leaked from the USSR, or everyone involved just said "shit's bad", because it was the Great Depression. Everyone was starving. The Nazis themselves didn't bring up the Ukraine famine, except to prop up the kulaks who said "hell yeah we're killing the worthless poors who were Judeo-Bolshevik pawns, for the cause". For a German, killing poor people of a lesser race was considered meritorious in of themselves. If they did inflate the numbers, it wasn't to make the Soviets look bad, but to praise the good work of their collaborators. That really is how Germans were trained to think. They are a disgusting race.


Naturally, governments aren't in the habit of advertising bad things in their country, especially when your argument is "Soviet society is prosperous while capitalism starved its people for the profit motive and price system". Everyone lied hardcore in their public relations.

Now what they don't tell you is about the famine FDR presided over, which was "out of sight, out of mind". If anything close to what happened is acknowledged, they have their excuse that it was killing excess nigras.


US numbers are difficult to say because eugenics always lied about its death count, saying "only" 10,000 perfectly legal sterilizations, when anyone knew these people sterilized and outright killed any time they were given an inch. Eugenists carried out democide gladly and wanted more of that, always grasping for more blood for their god. No one is going to rebel against that when they know the price of that, and there is no organized force saying that. The moment someone did, it was "jumped in front" by those who had no interest in poor people dying, who weren't useful for them except as props to toss aside. The communists said outright they expected death and would not be distracted by it - and the eugenist hardliners bragged outright they wanted to exterminate poors and grinned at the thought of solving the "Negro Problem" that way. The Progressives in America made this their brand and that's one reason for the bizarre race narratives, more than Jim Crow just being arbitrarily mean. They know exactly what they did and didn't want anyone saying it too loudly before they can terminate those who protest too much and are willing to do a "public kamikaze" and stand long enough against the beast. They do not allow such martyrs, trained the country to laugh as those selected to die. Germanism ensured it.


That sort of calculation is always made with "genocide" - which is why they invoke "genocide" and racial thinking, to cover the true strategy of democide and the use of racial animosity to get poors to attack each other to "get ahead".


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reposing this effort post by some other anon

< Fraud, Famine and Fascism by Doug Tottle

< The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933 by Davies and Wheatcroft


< Lies concerning the History of the Soviet Union by Mario Sousa


< The Soviet famine of 1932-1933 reconsidered


< Archive of writings of Professor Mark Tauger on the famine scourges of the early years of the Soviet Union


< Blood Lies by Grover Furr


< Pages 95-111 of Another View of Stalin by Ludo Martens - Collectivization and the ‘Ukrainian Holocaust’


< J Arch Getty reviews “Harvest of Sorrow”


< The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933 by Mark Tauger

< Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933 by Mark Tauger

< Mark Tauger reviews The Years of Hunger by Davies and Wheatcroft

< Stop spreading Nazi propaganda: on Holodomor


< The Holodomor Hoax: Joseph Stalin’s crime that never took place


< Real Stalin series: famine of 1932


< In search of a Soviet Holocaust: A 55 year old famine feeds the Right


< The Ukrainian famine: only evidence can disclose the truth


< The “Holodomor” and the film “Bitter Harvest” are Fascist lies


< Holodomor Hoax: the anatomy of a lie invented by West’s propaganda machine


< The famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine the eyes of historians, the language of documents


< How many people did Joseph Stalin really kill?


< Evidence that Stalin was unaware of conditions in the Ukraine and tried to relieve the situation when he was informed


YouTube videos
< Why the Holodomor narrative is wrong

< Holodomor series - part 1 - fraudulent photos


< Food shortages and problems in the USSR


< Did Stalin continue to export grain as Ukraine starved?


> "Recent evidence has indicated that part of the cause of the famine was an exceptionally low harvest in 1932, much lower than incorrect Soviet methods of calculation had suggested. The documents included here or published elsewhere do not yet support the claim that the famine was deliberately produced by confiscating the harvest, or that it was directed especially against the peasants of the Ukraine."
Koenker and Bachman, Eds. Revelations from the Russian Archives. Washington: Library of Congress, 1997, p. 401

> "In view of the importance of grain stocks to understanding the famine, we have searched Russian archives for evidence of Soviet planned and actual grain stocks in the early 1930s. Our main sources were the Politburo protocols, including the (“special files,” the highest secrecy level), and the papers of the agricultural collections committee Komzag, of the committee on commodity funds, and of Sovnarkom. The Sovnarkom records include telegrams and correspondence of Kuibyshev, who was head of Gosplan, head of Komzag and the committee on reserves, and one of the deputy chairs of Komzag at that time.

> We have not obtained access to the Politburo working papers in the Presidential Archive, to the files of the committee on reserves or to the relevant files in military archives. But we have found enough information to be confident that this very a high figure for grain stocks is wrong and that Stalin did not have under his control huge amounts of grain, which could easily have been used to eliminate the famine."
Stalin, Grain Stocks and the Famine of 1932-1933 by R. W. Davies, M. B. Tauger, S.G. Wheatcroft.Slavic Review,
Volume 54, Issue 3 (Autumn, 1995), pp. 642-657.

> The Political Bureau believes that shortage of seed grain in Ukraine is many times worse than what was described in comrade Kosior’s telegram; therefore, the Political Bureau recommends the Central Committee of the Communist party of Ukraine to take all measures within its reach to prevent the threat of failing to sow [field crops] in Ukraine.

Signed: Secretary of the Central Committee – J. STALIN
From the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation. Fond 3, Record Series 40, File 80, Page 58.

> It is a matter of some significance that Cardinal Innitzer’s allegations of famine-genocide were widely promoted throughout the 1930s, not only by Hitler’s chief propagandist Goebbels, but also by American Fascists as well. It will be recalled that Hearst kicked off his famine campaign with a radio broadcast based mainly on material from Cardinal Innitzer’s “aid committee.” In Organized Anti-Semitism in America, the 1941 book exposing Nazi groups and activities in the pre-war United States, Donald Strong notes that American fascist leader Father Coughlin used Nazi propaganda material extensively. This included Nazi charges of “atrocities by Jew Communists” and verbatim portions of a Goebbels speech referring to Innitzer’s “appeal of July 1934, that millions of people were dying of hunger throughout the Soviet Union.”

Tottle, Douglas. Fraud, Famine, and Fascism. Toronto: Progress Books,1987, p. 49-51

> QUESTION: Is it true that during 1932-33 several million people were allowed to starve to death in the Ukraine and North Caucasus because they were politically hostile to the Soviets?

> ANSWER: Not true. I visited several places in those regions during that period. There was a serious grain shortage in the 1932 harvest due chiefly to inefficiencies of the organizational period of the new large-scale mechanized farming among peasants unaccustomed to machines. To this was added sabotage by dispossessed kulaks, the leaving of the farms by 11 million workers who went to new industries, the cumulative effect of the world crisis in depressing the value of Soviet farm exports, and a drought in five basic grain regions in 1931.
> The harvest of 1932 was better than that of 1931 but was not all gathered; on account of overoptimistic promises from rural districts, Moscow discovered the actual situation only in December when a considerable amount of grain was under snow.
Strong, Anna Louise. Searching Out the Soviets. New Republic: August 7, 1935, p. 356

> "The conquest of bread was achieved that summer, a victory snatched from a great disaster. The 1933 harvest surpassed that of 1930, which till then had held the record. This time, the new record was made not by a burst of half-organized enthusiasm, but by growing efficiency and permanent organization … This nationwide cooperation beat the 1934 drought, securing a total crop for the USSR equal to the all-time high of 1933."

Strong, Anna Louise. The Stalin Era. New York: Mainstream, 1956, p. 44-45

> in 1920 when the NEP was implemented and the Soviet Union moved from War-Communism, to a temporary stage where a free market existed, the much feared consequences of the market became evident. Despite the previous land reform nearly 3 million peasants, were quickly once again without land, because the kulaks had driven them bankrupt and then bought their land cheaply. This resulted in 10 or 11 percent of the population (kulaks) owning so much land and also horses and machinery compared to the rest of the peasant population that they produced 56 percent of the marketed food. The kulaks largely would decide if the towns would get food or not. Kulak speculation on the food market caused a shortage already in 1927 when the marketed share of grain was only one third of the pre-war years although production had exceeded pre-war figures. This ineffectiveness was what initiated the idea of collectivization, with Lenin writing down the basic idea before his death and Stalin putting down the plans and implementing it. Among the many actions of the collectivization program was the confiscation of farm land and the machinery and livestock that was on it (private property, NOT personal property). However there were some problems;

> “Collectivization was not an orderly process following bureaucratic rules. It consisted of actions by the poor peasants, encouraged by the Party. The poor peasants were eager to expropriate the “kulaks,” but less eager to organize a cooperative economy. By 1930 the Party and already sent out cadres to stem and correct excesses… After having exercised restraint in 1930, the Party put on a drive again in 1932. As a result, in that year the kulak economy ceased to produce, and the new collective economy did not yet produce fully.”
Blumenfeld, Hans. Life Begins at 65. Montreal, Canada: Harvest House, c1987, p. 152

> “During the 1932 harvest season Soviet agriculture experienced a crisis. Natural disasters, especially plant diseases spread and intensified by wet weather in mid-1932, drastically reduced crop yields. OGPU reports, anecdotal as they are, indicate widespread peasant opposition to the kolkhoz system. These documents contain numerous reports of kolkhozniki, faced with starvation, mismanagement and abuse by kolkhoz officials and others, and desperate conditions: dying horses, idle tractors, infested crops, and incitement by itinerant people. Peasants’ responses varied: some applied to withdraw from their farms, some left for paid work outside, some worked sloppily, intentionally leaving grain on the fields while harvesting to glean later for themselves.”

Tauger, Mark. “Soviet Peasants and Collectivization, 1930-39: Resistance and Adaptation.” In Rural Adaptation in Russia
by Stephen Wegren', Routledge, New York, NY, 2005, Chapter 3, p. 81.

> Some of the Kulaks, angered and resentful, rather than integrate into society as an average worker (who frankly lived in conditions 10x better than under Tsarist times), decided to take action.

> They burnt crops and slaughtered livestock, those with machinery broke it if they could. In addition to their vandalism and arson they murdered government officials and peasants siding with them, there are even some (unconfirmed) accounts of them poisoning water supplies.
> “Almost all the collective farms established in 1931 and 1932 were shockingly mismanaged. What else could be expected when every village in Russia had been the scene of bitter internal strife, when animals had been slaughtered or allowed to die through incompetence, and grain had been buried, and barns and houses burned? It has been estimated that livestock dropped by 50% during those tragic years and there were large areas, as I saw with my own eyes in the North Caucasus in 1933, where miles of weeds and desolation replaced the former grainfields…”
Duranty, Walter. Stalin & Co. New York: W. Sloane Associates, 1949, p. 77[10]

> During the thirties, the far-right, linked with the Hitlerites, had already fully exploited the propaganda theme of `deliberately provoked famine to exterminate the Ukrainian people’. But after the Second World War, this propaganda was `adjusted’ with the main goal of covering up the barbaric crimes committed by German and Ukrainian Nazis, to protect fascism and to mobilise Western forces against Communism.”

Martens, Ludo. Another View of Stalin.
Antwerp, Belgium: EPO, Lange Pastoorstraat 25-27 2600, p. 113 (Pg 96 on the internet pdf) [11]

> “This destruction of the productive forces had, of course, disastrous consequences: in 1932, there was a great famine, caused in part by the sabotage and destruction done by the kulaks. But anti-Communists blame Stalin and the `forced collectivization’ for the deaths caused by the criminal actions of the kulaks.”

Martens, Ludo. Another View of Stalin. Antwerp, Belgium: EPO, Lange Pastoorstraat 25-27 2600, p. 79 [p. 66 on the pdf]

< *Famines are always because of Communism*



File: 1723495723053.pdf ( 17.24 MB , 212x300 , Anti-Communist myths debun….pdf )

This is originally from a google doc called "Anti-Communist myths debunked" that was linked on the /r/GenZedong subreddit.


didn't the links broke?


A lot didn't and you can probably go find a different URL if you were so inclined.


>some of the website linked can't be opened or is no longer there


< The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933 by Mark Tauger
< Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933 by Mark Tauger
where is the links for these?


Just checked my files, those links are missing there too. My guess would be linkrot.


I can't archive anything because of OCD symptoms. Can anybody do the archiving for the pages? Or put links directing to an already existing archive of the unavailable pages? And the likes?

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