I'd be interested to know how you actually became musicians. It's the one thing I just don't really understand how people get into.
I know the tiniest amount of music theory and I'm reasonably good at playing the simplest songs (of the "songbook that comes with $30 keyboard, one note at a time" variety), but I'd expect to understand *why* I don't understand how you make your own music by this point. It's like programming by copy and pasting: I'm hitting keys, the sound is coming out of the instrument, but if you ask me to tell you why it works I draw a blank.
I'm no further ahead with trackers or DAWs or anything, but in that case I suspect it's because I'm completely lacking in confidence when it comes to listening to things. I can draw a picture and immediately assess "yes, this conveys what I wanted to show" even if my art is bad. With music in a tracker I can never tell whether the pattern of notes I've made is pleasing, or if I've simply tuned out how irritating it is. Even then it's too small to be anything but one component of a larger tune, so it feels like drawing what you think is a passable three legged chair in what you intended to be a massive picture of a party.
Yet obviously people are breaking through and know what exactly they're supposed to stick at and practice to get good at it, so there's something I'm missing. Maybe being able to identify each note by ear suddenly makes music as intuitive as visual art. Maybe it all makes more sense if you try to write songs with lyrics with a guitar rather than trying to do instrumentals with a keyboard. I don't know, that's why I'm interested in how you all started.