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No, seriously, that's the name of the album by Sadboy Sheldon/Sewerslvt consisting of mashups incorporating pisscore elements & cliches from various artists.


is Sewerslvt cancelled?


You dumb UYGHURZ


Taking a slur and turning it into a word that means something different, is the ultimate way to neutralize it. Not sure naming a music Album has sufficient linguistic shaping powers, but it's worth a try. Tho, the musicians probably just chose this name hoping to harvest cancel controversy to get attention and free marketing. Despite the less than benevolent intention, it might still end up diluting the slur.


What about when they named one track 'Bubble Tea Is Gay, Taiwan Is Still China, Fuck You'?


That's something else.
People sometimes use the description-field for a message.


File: 1715015529760.png ( 168.83 KB , 735x817 , obsessed tradfaggotry.png )

Based uyghur.
In this shithole we managed to reverse the meaning of "faggot": now whoever is trying to call out anyone by their homosexing they are immediately called a FAGGOT themselves & reminded that only FAGGOTS would ever think about other human uyghurs' sexuality & how they be always homofucking each other in the anal pooper boipussasshole.
Works fucking wonders, I guess even normoid shits get tired of this kind of retardation to such degrees that they would catch up with you too.

Now if only cummiefucks (= spooked succdam cryptofashits) would remember the meaning behind "we shall make no excuses for the terror".

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