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File: 1631862527617.png ( 210.22 KB , 300x300 , ClipboardImage.png )


I need a picture in the same vein of this i.e lots of women
albiet with less nudity

I need it for my music collection, but this is too risque


File: 1631872903673.jpg ( 137.32 KB , 560x374 , croak8-19-10-5.jpg )

here ya go


i explicitly said women
you just posted one girl


File: 1632209677121.png ( 651.48 KB , 1024x683 , ClipboardImage.png )

ok nvm i need to find a new art
it's people united but in the album art style

i'm trying to find something that looks like this
arms united


File: 1632211276444-0.jpg ( 133.45 KB , 736x735 , discoshock.jpg )

File: 1632211276444-1.png ( 211.27 KB , 320x320 , brainstormcover.png )





File: 1632390347844-0.png ( 629.72 KB , 557x365 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1632390347844-1.png ( 1019.11 KB , 500x712 , ClipboardImage.png )

File: 1632390347844-2.png ( 1008.89 KB , 484x700 , ClipboardImage.png )

found these cool latam posters while finding united people album art for that chile song "el pubelo jamas sera vencido"


leftybooru is vvv underrated

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