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File: 1608525508281.png ( 173.13 KB , 1346x342 , Filteries.PNG )


Political and Economic simulator. Just for fun. Post your results.http://filteries.com/politics


File: 1608525509437.png ( 509.99 KB , 1433x814 , Captura de pantalla 2019-1….png )

>>975Yeah i'm still kind of a brainlet in the economic part


File: 1608525509574.png ( 240.99 KB , 1900x850 , polsim.png )

don't worry about the budget, labour vouchers take care of all that.


>>988oh it should be state atheism


File: 1608525509753.png ( 262 KB , 1900x902 , Pol_sim.png )

Closest I can get to Cyber-Eco-Socialism


>>990>State socialismas opposed to private socialism?


>>991Market socialism


>>988Japan's national debt is 240% of their GDP. Balanced budgets and forcing taxes to equal spending are retarded neoliberal lies used to justify keeping the poor poor.


File: 1608525512817.png ( 488.65 KB , 2434x1829 , FireShot Capture 040 - Pol….png )



File: 1608525512981.png ( 199.96 KB , 1360x768 , filteries political spectr….png )

Older version but w/e


WTF is this idiocity?
> Inheritance tax 100-100%
> Sectors: publicly owned 100%
> ????
> Economic system: Market Socialism


File: 1608525544808.png ( 249.65 KB , 1520x648 , Capture.png )



If people buy stuff from the government with money and production is based on what sells, then you are basically talking about one big monopoly conglomerate that is also the government. It's kind of right but highlights that Filteries has other problems, like not accounting for the mode of production.


File: 1608525546216.png ( 8.36 KB , 238x211 , download (7).png )

>be me
>get Egoist Anarchism

Sounds about right.


>>1327 (me) was just the tip of the iceberg.
I wanted to make a governmentless society without banks AND money… a sorta AnPrim utopia but with tech.
Also i tried to get Posadism but it seems like it's unobtainble in this game.

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