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 No.478[Watch Thread]>>483

New tool album is out.Thoughts? Sounds good to me.But, it feels like their swan song. They seem to agree. Anyone else listening?In some respects it really sounds like they are pushing their boundaries in other it sounds very cookie cutter (not a bad thing for tool)Thoughts?


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It's boring as fuck. Sounds like the band had some riffs left over from 10K days and used some Kraftwerk techniques to stretch them into 10 minute long songs. Record company wanted a longer album so they stuck in some 3 minute "songs" consisting of random noises. Nothing in particular is outright bad, but it's just so painfully mediocre, especially coming form a band that was known for being cutting edge(y).


>>296Yeah chocolate chip trip was pretty fucking disappointing. There will be faggots that will fawn over this album and unscrupulously praise it for years to come though,


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>>478 (OP)
I think it's amazing and one of their best so far. It was challenging sinking my teeth into it, but I find myself more and more re-listening to it, moreso than any of their "classics". I liked the Easter eggs, like the Aenima bridge "hidden" in Invincible, incidentally the most accessible song on the album; 7empest is my favorite song on it, Pneuma and Fear Inoculum are also highlights. Chocolate chip, Litanie feel like jokes, but don't detract from the overall quality of the work. I think Maynard's other projects have some cool songs here and there but can't hold a candle to Tool, so I'm certainly hoping it's not their swan song (although very hard to top this imho).


I did not like when YouTube started forcefeeding me this album when I tried to get away from Tool due to reasons. I still think they peaked at Ænima but at the same time, Lateralus and 10K Days ain't bad. I really don't know what to say with this one though


I love 10K days and aenima, but Lateralus is truly special to me, I think it's one of the best and most thematically cohesive records ever made.

Fear Inoculum kinda feels like they're treading water on a few tracks but the title track, Pnuema, Culling Voices and Invincible are all great, if a bit same-y
The first half of Descending is fucking incredible, atmospheric, bleak, then it drops the ball and becomes boring and overwrought
everything else is forgettable.

6/10 album, it's good but full of wasted potential

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