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File (hide): 1608525513788.jpg ( 475.37 KB , 2400x2400 , jucika.jpg )


 No.5633[Watch Thread]

jucika thread pls


File (hide): 1608525513932.png ( 1004.57 KB , 1017x458 , Jucika.png )



100 Ft a hideg lánogos gyere vissza Kádár János


File (hide): 1608525514244.png ( 997.25 KB , 1000x450 , jucika3.png )





FYI you got a booru for this


Since my post here was deleted. I would like to applaud this OP for bringing to my attention and interesting caricature I was not aware of. Mods need to learn to moderate properly instead of deleting everything they see when asked to help after hours of spam.


I want to sex her


She wants to sex me :^)


who is Jucika?




File (hide): 1608526531020.png ( 305.45 KB , 1128x836 , Juci 2.png )



Hello Paheal


File (hide): 1608526531311-0.png ( 143.34 KB , 1280x702 , 1573968159.cr-toons_jucika.png )

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File (hide): 1608526531311-2.jpg ( 184.66 KB , 751x1280 , 1596210443.breezesart_juci….jpg )

Some actual content (if it isn't on the booru please post it)


File (hide): 1608526531602.png ( 2.41 MB , 3000x1000 , 3392423 - Jucika Jucika_(c….png )

I like this thread, if only because it made me laugh and reminded me of Betty Boop and Amelia Bedelia and other wholesome lineart girls.


Why the hell would you do such a thing, a toothpaste blowjob would be horrible for both parties


It's supposed to be a funny cartoon my dude, shut your brain off. Do you try pick apart Looney Tunes or Calvin and Hobbes like what you just posted?


Its so transparently awful it breaks suspension of disbelief, Jucika is supposed to be slightly risque but still grounded, like cheeky moments from everyday life not whatever the fuck that was

Like I could imagine someone doing/being in these situations
But no sane human being would ever do that


File (hide): 1608526534385.png ( 2.72 MB , 3000x1000 , 3396826 - Jucika Jucika_(c….png )

>transparently awful it breaks suspension of disbelief
No, no it doesn't. Toothpaste isn't fucking acid dude. And people love to fuck around with this kind of shit. Do you complain about porn ignoring morning breath too?


Calvin and Hobbes makes much more sense.


Bruh I've put toothpaste in my butt, it's not that bad. Feels tingly.


It's rule 34. Don't question the logic of fetish art.


I hate you guys so much. What the fuck is wrong with you


this is your brain on america
This is your brain on the right side of the cold wae


>manlets AND lanklets btfo
dangerously based


>omg how could you sexualise this obviously sexual character


what's a "lanklet"?




>Rule 34 that keeps the spirit of the original


I fucking love Jucika. The only good thing I got out of Twitter was learning about this comic.


File (hide): 1608526803636.jpg ( 53.32 KB , 700x284 , 435432453245.jpg )



This is an original one right?


WTF ı'm neoliberal now


File (hide): 1608526804919.png ( 677.28 KB , 1484x677 , EUQy9e_WAAEaqgJ.png )



Now this is a good one, lol. It's just the kind of asperger-tier thing to pull off.




the old man should have thrown away an entire pack


File (hide): 1608526810284.jpg ( 1020.77 KB , 1727x2440 , 2b1cb76ffcdf21c9cc5182f357….jpg )

> Creator: Pusztai Pál rajza


File (hide): 1608526845137-0.png ( 14.55 MB , 2400x2929 , 3491636 - Jucika Jucika_(c….png )

File (hide): 1608526845137-1.jpg ( 3.79 MB , 2894x4093 , 3493019 - Jucika Jucika_(c….jpg )

File (hide): 1608526845137-3.png ( 101.76 KB , 2894x4093 , 3499780 - Jucika SquishyBl….png )

Of course they make futashit


File (hide): 1608526848512.jpg ( 41.62 KB , 683x799 , 831c57caf232b8371fc47b25e9….jpg )





These modern remakes are so fucking soulless.


why is she so perfect?


What the fuck even is this?


What the fuck even is this? Is it porn or is it garfield for soviets?


it was during Hungarian socialism, the porn is fanart I think


It's the product of severe and long-term mental illness.


lmfao, I can tell.

ngl the comic makes me horny but I am also a mentally ill autistic.
I am interested in actually reading the comic now tho.


eastern eurotards deserved it


u gay

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