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 No.6875[View All]

ITT "villains" who did nothing wrong.
243 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


He was weaker than normal superman because plot and there were all sorts of dumb "muh communist dictatorship" garbage thrown in to make him look bad.




He's an attempted mass murderer who kills for fun essentially because he's utterly mad. He's not supposed to have "done nothing wrong" because the point he brought across was a conflict of falsely dichomatic ideology of humans being civilized vs being animals pretending


toys aren't real


>toys aren't real
<physical objects aren't there!
There's a difference between breaking a toy accidentally and intentionally mutilating a toy, the latter displays sadistic, psychopathic tendencies.


>kids aren’t allowed to be creative
>let’s anthropomorphize branded products
Yes let’s bully a poor ass kid with an abusive alcoholic father that vent his frustration with his creations. I guess kids making scale models and blowing them up for fun are also monsters? Or model builders that rip apart toys to make miniatures?
You guys are blind if you don’t see the obvious capitalist propaganda in everything Disney does. The first toy story was literally consumerism = good, diy = bad.


I was kidding but the point I was trying to get across is that toys aren't sentient beings. Also, this >>7124
Sid did nothing wrong, he was just a kid. When he grew up he ended up as a garbage collector who apparently has grown out of his troubled/"psychopath" kid phase but still has a shitty life. However it's likely that they tried to frame this as some well-deserved fate for "hurting" some magical sentient toys that he rightfully thought were supposed to be inanimate, since toys try as hard as they can to remain motionless in front of humans to not break the illusion for some fucking reason.


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>toys aren't sentient beings
Not in our world perhaps (or to our awareness) but it is in Toy Story, and even if this held true, breaking and demeolishing toys for fun is unhealthy
>t's likely that they tried to frame this as some well-deserved fate
I don't see how, when the point of the first movie was literally "play nice", they eve did this WITH Sids toys to teach him not to abuse theme. Moreover we don't actually know if it was Sid, it was an Easter Egg of a shirt.
>for some fucking reason.
We don't know the reason but I expect it could just as well be the risk of scaring kids or provoking the adults.
> an abusive alcoholic father that vent his frustration with his creations
I'm just going to point out that while that MAY be a reason, it is not an excuse. We don't see the Mother or Daughter acting remotely like him.
>Muh models
Those aren't toys and are usually created with being destroyed in mind
>see the obvious capitalist propaganda
Capitalism wants you to buy more and to buy more your possessions have to break or be devalued to make you want to possess more, promoting a fantasy that they're alive and you shouldn't hurt them is counter productive to that idea. Hell it is actually very leftist idea to try and make things last longer by using them carefully instead of utilizing things with wild abandon
>first toy story was literally consumerism = good, diy = bad
That's literally wrong even from a marxist perspective, Sid isn't DIY, he's being destructive, buying things t not taking care of them properly.

Lastly It's Not That Deep People - It's a children's movie about living toys and a story about their hidden lives, Sid is an antagonist, not an outright villain, because it's not a story about Heroes and Villains, but about Old vs New and how that is a false dichotomy.


>Davy Jones
Literal self-hating cuck
>>Davy Jones: and finally, when we could be together again, you weren't there. Why weren't you there?
>>Tia Dalma : It is my nature. Would you love me if I was anything but what I am?
He loved her for being a sloot then was angry that she turned out to be a sloot.


>breaking and demeolishing toys for fun is unhealthy
Sounds too autistic for me man. Toys aren’t alive unlike small animals. So it’s good for a kid to try pushing the play abilities of a toy to its limits. I’ve seen creative kids that cut soldier toys in half and added bits and bobs to it to create battle scenes. Or maybe convert some goofy toys into monsters and miniatures. Hell toys can still be alive and well afterwards. None of the toys he “killed” are truly dead, they’re still there as the movie showed.
>Capitalism wants you to buy more and to buy more your possessions have to break or be devalued to make you want to possess more, promoting a fantasy that they're alive and you shouldn't hurt them is counter productive to that idea.
When has capitalism ever exist rationally? Reminder that Toy Story belong in the long line of bourgeois movies that anthromorphosize products for advertising. Also toys especially has another side of it as collectibles, they want you to think that they have more value than the cheap plastic that made it.
>it is actually very leftist idea to try and make things last longer by using them carefully instead of utilizing things with wild abandon
Since when? All I see of people who preserve things based on nothing but nostalgia are extremely reactionary.
>Lastly It's Not That Deep People - It's a children's movie about living toys and a story about their hidden lives
<Implying story tropes came out of the writer’s mind entirely without the already existing material conditions that mold them into using the trope
Everything has a subtext to it. It’s fine for you to not care about it but saying that it doesn’t exist is just laughable.
More like a weird volcel that can’t get over a break up.


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I really don't give a fuck about anything southern.


>Toys aren’t alive unlike small animals
But when you're a child, playing pretend if part of it, and in Toy Story THEY ARE alive.
> it’s good for a kid to try pushing the play abilities of a toy to its limits
Again, it's not breaking a toy while playing that's a problem, even if that sucks, it's just blowing shit up "for fun" that is fucked up.
>creative kids that cut soldier toys in half and added bits and bobs to it to create battle scenes
But that's a battle scene, not just destroying toys for the fun of it
>None of the toys he “killed” are truly dead
Literally half the toys he busted are only alive because they're put back together. He nuked a soldier at the start with nothing left and abandoned other toys in the mud where they lay forgotten.
>When has capitalism ever exist rationally
Capitalism isn't the Joker; an insane person. Capitalism is a system based on the rational self-interest of the capitalist class and depends on the promotion of ideas of capitalist consumption.
>oy Story belong in the long line of bourgeois movies that anthromorphosize products for advertising
1) children do this all the time without any advertizing. I was doing that to cars literally decades before Cars came out. It has been exploited into being about toys because it's created under capitalism and so must exploit culture to this purpose, thus the numerous Toy Story rip-offs that ARE just advertisements (such as the Emoji 'Movie')
>as collectibles, they want you to think that they have more value than the cheap plastic
Again, both the second and first Toy Story movie promote messages against this with the main anatagonist being a collector and salesman of antiques and Andy giving away his toys at the end of the 3rd movie.
>people who preserve things based on nothing but nostalgia are extremely reactionary
That's not what reactionary means and preserving/conserving something is not automatically reactionary, to assume otherwise is inane ideological dogmatism.
>Muh material conditions for tropes
For fucks sake not this again
>dozent exist
The point isn't that it exists or not, the point is that in the case of this film it doesn't fucking matter.


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>Cuck cuck cuck
<incel, volcel, femcel
Can you people think in terms outside memes and buzzwords? Do you even understand the meaning of these words or just think "they relate to people relationships failing, so they must apply!"
Did you even watch the movies, or are you just stuck in a perpetual circlejerk of mocking everything you see (because you're self-hating yourselves?)
>loved her for being a sloot
<imagine being so sex-obsessed that you simplify everything to such a base level
It's a romanticism about a sailor's tragic love of the sea, with magic and other insanity thrown in, anthropomorphizing it. Have you people fallen in love before and known how irrational it can be?
>can’t get over a break up.
That's not what it was at all. Imagine you have a girlfriend or wife, who promises loyalty as you do your duty to her and the people of the sea, then you come back after waiting and working so long to find her gone, abandoning you and your sacrifice and betraying your love and efforts. Are you supposed to just accept it lying down like a dog? Or does this only matter if its the man who betrays the woman?
The idea that the worst hatred originates from love is a story as old as human society.


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>The raping, looting, burning faggot who basically pulled an Einsatzgruppen against ordinary civilian workers and their families for no strategic benefit and only provoking long-term hatred for the Union in the South doesn't like Southern things.
Color me surprised!


I'm just going to clarify since I realize I may not have gotten my point across and this has led to a bit of a derail in regards to Sid. Sid isn't a villain by human standards, and his behavior makes sense. He appears as a villain to the toys, because he is destructive on purpose. However he is not aware that the toys are alive and clearly his parents did not discipline him to value and cherish his play-things and not just arbitrarily break them. So my point about him being not an example of "nothing wrong" is merely that he did do something wrong, but isn't aware or fully responsible.


The franchise is, but people have only HEARD of it, but barely know about it outside of "humans appear in a society of apes who rule humans". Few people would even know who Doctor Zaius is today if you mention him without explicitly explaining where this character is from.


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>only provoking long-term hatred for the Union in the South
And that is totally fine by me. There is nothing about the burger south that isn't tied to slavery.


>nothing about the burger south that isn't tied to slavery
Amazing historical stupidity. Imagine being unable to understand the difference between porky socio-economic bullshit, and ordinary workers. Imagine thinking that the culture of African-Americans is 'nothing'. By your logic there is nothing about Africa except slavery nd violence too, or need I remind you who sold slaves to the slavers?


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The real TLoK answer


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He just wanted to develop the productive forces of Mobius


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BTFO'd humans that treated Ajin like guinea pigs. Was way better than the main character who was a bitch that sided with the people who literally dissected him


critical solidairty with comrade robtnik


>Zaheer the anarchist who literally did nothing but create a power vacuum and essentially enable utter misery.
Fuck no.

Outside of the SAT AM cartoon, Eggman is pretty much a humanitarian who realized that people and governments are impossible to rely on and so elected to become supreme leader with Cybersyn organization. His Grandfather was similar until he went batshit and created a moon-busting weapon.


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Shen just wanted to unite and industrialize China.


he was on that sigma grindset


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I cannot into image


his design was fire

what is the economic system in the world of kung fu panda

why were the pandas genocided


Basically the economic system is generic feudal rice farming with no industry. The Peacock royal family had the only city with any major production and it was used for frivolities like fireworks. Their son (Shen) wanted to make his parents proud, make utility of this innovation and spread this to all China, but to do so he needed to conquer it and establish industrial production. The Pandas were farmers but it was predicted that a "warrior of black and white" would beat Shen (basically it was a self-fulfilling prophecy thing).


kung fu panda is feudalist apologia


link to debunk in avatar thread pls


…. just open the Avatar thread and CTRL+F the term Kuvira


On second thought there is a lot of discussion there (and even more that discussed hinduism in depth got deleted because of Melon-faggot, dammit)





Most of Kora’s villains are just a liberal flanderization of the ideologies oppose the them:
>the equalists are communists but hypocrites
>the black lotus are anarchists but retarded
>the earth empire are fascist ethnic supremacists that are good but “went too far” (because the guys that created the show love Israel)
Notice that the only ideology that got portrayed in a positive light is fascism.


I mean both are my posts lol

<in positive light intentionally
I already argued about it not being fascism before. Kuvira isn't fascism at all, she wasn't installing private interests or promoting ethnic discrimination, she was uniting under a collectivist rule a country, at worst she was a nazbol, though there is an entire reddit post made by a comrade, which explicitly argues and explains her parallels to Stalin.


>Kay And Skittles
breadtube bad


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>I mean both are my posts lol
thank butt rude


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huhuhuh yes suh I's a good uygha I luvs me some rope 'round mah neck.


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>edgy 2016 white boy post
i didn't know my buttermilk biscuit was bad owo


Take this "muh South" shit to /leftypol/


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no u
i don't get butthurt with idpol over based rednecks


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He just wanted to teach Gawain a lesson


I'm not against rednecks, retard, I'm the one who made the post on Song of the South and told Sherman-poster to fuck off, this just isn't the thread for discussing the South.


He's an antagonist, which can be, but is not necessarily the same as a villain. Ergo he's did nothing wrong and was never a villain to begin with.


>this just isn't the thread for discussing the South.
tell that the other user, my post was just about rednecks lel


why is this movie about the director and his mother



It's more about the struggle to not be a failson and what makes a man worthy of respect in his community but every artist weaves a bit of themselves in their pieces


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Perseus and Bell were comrades
-Finishing Adler
-Perseus treats Bell like a HUMAN BEING
-Bell's real comrades don't betrayed him

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