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File (hide): 1608526580563.jpg ( 661.57 KB , 1862x2560 , 91d0GXi8lEL.jpg )


 No.7537[Watch Thread]

This video has some interesting takes


Will doing a critical analysis of this movie nobody cares about be what will finally bring about the revolution?


its actually not that bad from a marxist perspective, its almost like a childrens book made under socialist realism (except the "muh both sides" ending). Certainly better than harry potter.

Basically the capitol is an imperialist power subjugating its colonies by creating economic monocultures in the districts. It has a sophisticated culture industry that reinforces the subjugation of the districts.


>A thread died for this
And it's libshit by the way


File (hide): 1608526580912.jpg ( 25.29 KB , 259x383 , Divergent.jpg )

Shitty shit lib shit.
Liberal entertainment is garbage for smooth brain corporatists.


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It has good concepts, but it fails pretty badly in execution.
You could actually improve the movie and actually make it pretty damn interesting.
But truly, it's really just corporate trying to skimp out on costs by watering down their swill and then hoping to sell the consumers cheap hooch without them noticing it's crap.

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