▶ No.7593
Based as fuck. The first one was better, that's almost always the case with sequels, but it was still great.
Do people really mix up Kazakhs and Cossacks? Well, I shouldn't even ask, I know most people are ignorant…
This is also how it seems obvious to me. Many people take Borat at too much face value, and while I understand Kazakhs being offended by it because it "misrepresents" Kazakhstan, 99% of those offended won't even watch either the first or the sequel. If they did, they would get it. Even Nazarbayev got it after he watched it, and even referenced it in a speech!
Ultimately what Baron Cohen is doing is critique of problems that are nearly universal in societies, with a focus on the US from the perspective of "even in the most caricature shithole things are better".
>On the other hand I HIGHLY doubt that it lead to any actual discrimination or hate crimes against Central Asians.
Not sure about the US, but where I'm from it did increase genuine dislike for Kazakhs and many kids saw it as mocking Kazakhstan and liked it for that reason… but I'll argue it must however be an improvement, because old racist stereotypes were replaced with fictional stereotypes from Borat. Of course old racist streotypes didn't disappear, but they're less common than before Borat.
What is unfortunate is that some very uneducated people may see Borat and don't know Kazakhstan is a real country, so they'll think it's fictional if they meet Kazakhs. These are the people who couldn't even name more than three foreign countries and are proud of their ignorance, though.
>SBC should've just made up a country and this all would've be avoided.
This, I agree with. Most Americans are too stupid to know it wouldn't exist. Especially when the first Borat was being made, no one would even remember what he said long enough to look it up later. Now they might look it up on the spot, but probably wouldn't in his face, so it would still work.
Many do, but they are only showing their stupidity by liking it. It's good if they then talk with their non-/pol/ friends about Borat and it opens discussions about racism. I'm not even American but one of my friends exposed his racism by missing the point of the first Borat (he thought it was making fun of Kazakhs), and then I could explain to him what it was really about and his eyes opened. I don't know if they stayed open because we're not friends anymore, but they opened at that time because of Borat.
>I can understand why Kazakhs hate Borat.
I believe most Kazakhs who actually watched it didn't hate it? My only source for that is a Kazakh friend who I'm no longer friends with, though, but he said it was just those who refused to even watch it that hated it and nationalists. Well, Kazakhs are often very nationalistic so that could include many people…
>I would hate Borat too if the country used was the one I'm from.
I don't know, if it was done as it is with Borat but with my country, I'd still find it just as funny. The problem would be that he wouldn't make it the same way, at all…
>SBC shouldn't have used a real country in my opinion.
>But it's far from /pol/-racism
Cringe. I bet these right-wingers are trying to pull in the support of leftists by doing this.