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 No.826[Watch Thread]

i'll start with
Johnny Wright - Hello Vietnam


"We must stop communism in that land
Or freedom will start slipping through our hands"


but the theory that communism would spread geographically was absolutely correct



Dunno if it's anti communist per se but this pretty much sums up American exceptionalism


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>Remy: Better Now? (Post Malone Parody)
I boomers idea of a communist dystopia. Whcih such deep lyrics like "Thought that things would be so nice and friendly/So why am I eating my neighbors dog benji?"
>Drain the swamp
Not anti communist, but conservative rap (which is a surprisingly big genre?)
>The Red Scare ("Call Me Maybe" Parody)
Nothing political besides the basic 'ha ha communist lazy'. I just found it funny


>With the largest pool of natural resources and an agriculture completely mechanized the poor american snowflake thinks he's gonna starve.
It tells you something about the burger.


Here’s one from my country. The anthem of Viet gusanos.
Hilariously enough the song was originally composed by a communist in the 1930s for the Vietminh but then was stolen (with a few word changes to the lyrics) by the Southern puppets as their anthem. Gusanos still use it to this day and always get pissed when people point this out to them. To the point that they continue to try and change Wikipedia articles on the song to say that the composer made the song before he’s a communist when this is objectively false on every account and never sourced (aside from the glowie US anthem database).
Here’s the original lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCltPtbEY4g


lmao the bit about selling plasma is pure projection. remember in the late stage thread those capitalist advertisments saying "wanna pay off your student debt? sell plasma" or some shit?


>they continue to try and change Wikipedia articles
isn't this common with gusanos? i recall someone saying there is some polish dude (not a gusano, but this is just a similar example) who barred editing on certain threads about communism. either that, or it was an ARVN fag i can't remember exactly.


Extremely so with Viet gusanos. Being the second most salty bunch about the revolution (only behind Miami Cubans), they get triggered constantly about anything remotely related The communist party. Even try to attack a household for simply using the current flag or having HCM on the altar. Cringe alert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjIHe5VSHc4
On the whole Wikipedia shit, most articles on the death toll of the war, the NLF (they insisted on calling them the derogatory name of Vietcong), HCM or the multiple made up massacres supposedly committed by the NLF are barred from editing by a bunch of gusanos even when new numbers and data on the war surfaces.


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Not anti communist, but more anti 'SJW boogey man'. That doesn't stop how weird the songs are. I know crazy leftist exist, but with songs like 'Antifa HOES' and 'I Like Trump (clean version)' and lyrics like 'Swimming through their sea of marxist tears/ allied with my fellow red pilled peers' you know exactly how much they know about leftism.



>lol gommunism bad

>we aint like your type of folk 'round here




>dropping the nukes to trigger the commies


I really like this one
Is it anticommunist though?
I think it potrays capital as the bases of histroy
From Babylon to today and how every leader is a slave to it


Read the lyrics, watch the video. Read the links.

The video chastises "socialist" leaders (somehow including Saddam and Muhmed) as living in luury and lording over everything being no better than capitalists. It also implies that individual choice is what matters. Essentially Left-com lib-succ message.


Well the link is an opinion
But i see the leader's more of a representation that even the one's fighting against capital are part of it
The video shows large exports of the edgy countries (cigar's and rume for Cuba, oil for Venezuela, nuclear bombs for the Kim's)
I don't feel he criticizes their leaders more than the capitalist's
And also the whole Babel things is really random, it never show's them trying to conquer the world
They are just parts of the realm capital dominates


It’s more of a radlib song but the lyrics shit on the endless destruction of capital to humanity and nature much more. The imagery could be seen as anti-communist but it also could be seen as a criticism toward the weak attitude of fighting the strong arm of capitalism. For instance, Hugo’s overreliance on oil exports and in turn still dealing with the capitalist devil.


Yeah but how does someone like Saddam relate to Communism?

The song is catchy as fuck and the animations are really trippy and fun but its very obviously centrist and anti-industrial, with specific equivalency of capitalists and communist leaders.


>Yeah but how does someone like Saddam relate to Communism?

not the guy
But all the leaders in the video claim to be free of capitalism realism but in praxis they are all servants of it
Its more anarcho leftcom than anticommunist


>all the leaders in the video claim to be free of capitalism realism but in praxis they are all servants of it
&ltservant of capitalist realism
Even Quaddafi would be a better choice. At the time of making he was still alive.


Tbh Cuba is seen by most people either as tourist attraction or a symbol
Like he didnt attack the leaders directly he satirized the whole cuban cigars and party rum


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From the guy who brought you a famous song about a cop murdering a minority


I'll provide you with a playlist instead.
It has a bunch of redneck, anti-Middle East and Nazi songs, or just songs about Nazis.
(I was looking for some Communist metal on YT and accidentally added this one to my library because I missed the "against" in the title kek
On that note, I wish there was more communist metal, something really good, or actual songs instead of just instrumental "metal version"s of communist anthems)


Why is metal so meaningless?
Like there is punk edgy and the there is metal edgy cause edgyness is cool(see the communist crusher)


>the song start advocating fascism half-way in
Why am I not suprised to see this coming from 卐卐卐anti-communists卐卐卐


Because metal is supposed to be as "underground" and unmarketable as possible (while being as complex as classical music), otherwise it's pop shit and objectively bad music, according to the folks at Death Metal Underground and similar people that think extreme metal is the only true metal. And the only political message that metal is allowed to have are Nazi, satanic, pagan, radical right or anti-communist lyrics. I mean, just look at the Nazi black metal scene.
Nevermind the fact that there have been a ton of protest songs throughout the whole history of the genre, criticizing war, propaganda, and the American society, government and patriotism (even the entire style of thrash metal was born from punk influences and protest music against injustice).
Metalheads, especially the extreme metal kind, are the ultimate contrarian hipsters, likely a consequence of being social outcasts in their adolescence and in the early decades of the genre, which fascists have been appropriating since then. Also, metal fans in general are extremely pretentious when it comes to the musical aspect.


Tbh metal is one of those things few people get to enjoy while most people (including me) hear only annoying guitar's (power metal and other "sell out" metal excluded)
In general i think the reason the right attracts metalheads isn't the alienation of being a music nerd
Its just that a lot of petit bouj and bouj kids are attracted to edgy shit , like Nazism, being a Nazi thug and listening to edgy music
So a lot of people who get involved already have an attraction to edgynes
Unlike punk which is more teen angst and radical politics
Another thing is that listening to metal is an identity
Like metal head's (60% of the time atleast) have a specific look
As a fun of weird music and Goth girls i respect metal although that song (communist crusher)
Must be very old cause the lyrics are less Bible and more boomer fb post


oh no why marty robins why was he a dumb anti-communist
>famous song about a cop murdering a minority
please say that song is not Felina or El Paso


Old metalhead here. Yeah, the kvlt bullshit is the worst kind of cancer. It tries to be both artsy enough for the classical crowd and shocking enough for the edgy teens. As you know, the result is clown-painted try-hard weenies playing cacophonic noise in keys that nobody uses for a reason. They do not even have any meaningful commentary to make like thrash used to nor insight into the human experience through mythic tales like classic metal did. In trying too hard to be valid art kvlt shit has reduced itself to something less than art, intricate form without message. I miss the old storytellers. At least we still have Judas Priest for a while longer.
>Also, metal fans in general are extremely pretentious when it comes to the musical aspect.
I am guilty as fuck of that.


Isn't a lot of metal just really fast 4/4 shit anyways?


You tell me:
(drone metal)

But for real, yes, the majority of metal is on the faster side, doom metal subgenres (like the above) are kind of an aberration to the norm.

This is more like the average metal track:
just kidding, no pure metal is as good as this - this speed is indebted to (grindcore) punk

This is metal stripped to its bare essentials, no extremity, no punk influence, just what you'd expect:




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I never realised just how on the nose Steel Panther ws with its parody before.

>metal stripped to its bare essentials

Wouldn't that be more like Black Sabbath or 70s Judas Priest? That stuff it what the 80s hair band stuff followed.


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I cried laughing. That was way funnier than my Steel Panther video.
That's the hardest metal known to man right there.


>Wouldn't that be more like Black Sabbath or 70s Judas Priest? That stuff it what the 80s hair band stuff followed.
Yes I agree, was just being a bit of a teasy prick. Personally I've always preferred rock music that's very close to or influenced it.
Sabbath is of course also a direct historical link for doom metal and even the drone metal I initially linked in that post, although with a few steps of differentiation via sub-genres. You could definitely feel it when the guitar chug becomes more audible.


>to it and punk/hardcore*


I would imagine that you have a special place in your heart for Motörhead then. I have always found it funny that they tend to get grouped in with Heavy Metal when they are primarily punk.
>Sabbath is of course also a direct historical link for doom metal
One could say that Black Sabbath made Doom Metal before they made classic metal. Even in later years, Iomi's guitar did Doom like no one else could.
Those always annoy me. I wish that bands could just play all kinds of different music under the metal umbrella the way that Sabbath did. All these tiny niches seem to me to preclude the emergence of another eclectic metal band like Rainbow or Judas Priest that can excel at different sounds.


Seems to me like you have an understanding of punk and metal from Vice articles. Punk has DRAMATICALLY more right wing and neo-nazi bands than metal thanks to the existence of RAC, straight edge (not inherently right wing but they're trying to 'claim' it) and the entire nazi skinhead scene trying to co-opt OI for decades. It also dramatically more explicitly white-power labels for the same reason.


>which fascists have been appropriating since then.
What the fuck are you talking about? There has been no "fascist co-option" of death metal or grindcore, especially not since the founding of the genres. And the nazi black metal niche is tiny and mocked outside of a few celebrated bands like Peste Noiri.


This one is better.


well in my country most punk groups are pretty lefty(i also like punk and was a schene kid since i was 17)
As far as i know straight edge is really pushed by nazis
But in my country nazi pagans tend to like metal a lot more than punk
Although the most famous metal fans in my nation is a zionist rabbi(boomer metal mostly) and a dude weed leftists
But i have never seen a rightist punk only i have seen some rightard american punks on utube
Its really just a matter of time a place
Like ofcourse the older and more radical genre of punk will have more nazis, the whole skinhead movement started from young british dudes
But statistically metal nerds have more rightards in their ranks than punks


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>Punk has DRAMATICALLY more right wing and neo-nazi bands than metal thanks to the existence of RAC, straight edge […] and the entire nazi skinhead scene trying to co-opt OI for decades.
And [b]still[/b] less than lefty punk, which eclipses it by comparison.
>Seems to me like you have an understanding of punk and metal from V*ce articles.
Pot calling the kettle black.
Here are among the largest punk genres that always have been explicitly or overwhelmingly anarchist/communist:
street punk
crust punk
hardcore punk (
riot grrrl

Right-wing punk is negligible in size and get beat up / shows cancelled (just like nazi black metal bands) by (actual) punks whenever they attempt to play.


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>Punk has DRAMATICALLY more right wing and neo-nazi bands than metal thanks to the existence of RAC, straight edge […] and the entire nazi skinhead scene trying to co-opt OI for decades.
And [b]still[/b] less than lefty punk, which eclipses it by comparison.
>Seems to me like you have an understanding of punk and metal from V*ce articles.
Pot calling the kettle black.
Here are among the largest punk genres that always have been explicitly or overwhelmingly anarchist/communist:
street punk
crust punk
hardcore punk (
riot grrrl

Right-wing punk is negligible in size and get beat up / shows cancelled (just like nazi black metal bands) by (actual) punks whenever they attempt to play.


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Right-wing punk? How the hell does that work? I have been out of the scene since the second wave, so that just sounds insane to me. Incidentally, it is fun how wearing the old Bad Religion crossbuster always gets various reactions even now.


In Uk as far as i know they mostly just say "paki go back to africa"
Although in america i think there are some 30 year old boomers who are like muh sjw muh leftist
But they dont create right music


right wing*


>Right-wing punk is negligible in size and get beat up / shows cancelled (just like nazi black metal bands) by (actual) punks whenever they attempt to play.
That's my point. It's ridiculous to judge either genre on a mocked niche of right wingers


In the 90s there was some punk festival in Stockholm(?). One of the acts was someone dressing like Hitler, complete with a mustache, hand having a little nazi song or something.

If I interpret this right, this way just their mocking of the nazi punks.


Anyone remember that recent edgy anarchsit song about le soviet oppreshun? It was from some ancom band but their wording comes off as ancapshit.


>features on villainsong.wiki


>nobody's posted "I'm no Communist"
That's the textbook definition of cringe anti-communist song.



Marty Robbins is lovely tho


It's anticommunist, but I wouldn't call it cringe


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Lyapis Trubetskoy - Ogon'ki / Ляпис Трубецкой - Огоньки
Not cringe and actually pro soviet if I interpret it correctly but by the same singer and from the same album Kapital



pretty sure hes talking about big iron


song sounds good but lyrics are gay


There’s something called low-hanging fruit anon. When it’s so blatantly bad there’s no need.


It's not as bad as some of the trash in this thread


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HD edition


Taken down by YouTube

It's extremely fucking hilarious holy shit


Even when I was a teenager these lyrics made me cringe


because we metalhaeds are nihilistic

>t.egoist metalhead


thnx to ian stuart and sid vicous


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It's beautiful.

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