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File: 1608526817260.jpeg ( 26.59 KB , 554x554 , images (36).jpeg )


Post Doom/sludge slow shit only

Warning - watching from a distance
Great album


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Eyehategod is my favorite band


I just bought that album lol

Btw heres a good band


>lets make a half-dozen metal threads that all have less than 10 posts.
Why are you so retarded?




Why do you care faggot?


Suck a beaner dick cunt


>assmad over facts
Because you're shitting up catalog like wastrels. It's not that fucking hard to use a search function.


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>that transition from Funeralopolis to Weird Tales

How the fuck can one album be such a masterpiece all these years later? It's probably even better today now that everyone is being JUST by covid.


>that derp face reaction
Who is this?


Pretty sure it's not a real thumbnail, but the face got to be one of those godawful top 5 youtube movie reviewers. Chris Stuckmann or Jeremy Jahns idk.




shut the fuck up generalnigger


Is Electric Wizard still good? I've only got their albums from the 90s and 2000s.


Latest albums are time to die and wizard bloody wizards.
pretty decent albums


Check out Bongripper if you are into instrumental stoner/doom/sludge.


Here's some doom bro


Listening to this one rn


Corrupted - Llenandose de gusanos
wait for it


Some favorites of mine

Longing by Bell Witch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXit3Jy4a_E
Unanswered Hymns by CHRCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZFTnzD6XdU
The Omnipresence of Loss by URZA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJZPmyYJsHk
Dead Landscape by Black Sun Void: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyZN1jnvOAE
Y Proffwyd Dwyll by Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y2g0g3r6hY
Wretch by Wretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnIh2KCI26M


I smell


welcome to


aww yeaa youre getting sludgefested


Some real low and hard sounding doom with growling guitars


Amammoth. We're raising all the mammoths from extinction with this one


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