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File: 1704631142545.jpg ( 494.11 KB , 1920x1080 , wonder.jpg )


Currently stuck here. I kinda wish the special world wasn't as easy to find, because I don't wanna back out until I beat it but I got bored of trying this level.


<playing proprietary slog from the infamous copy-monopoly-take-down mafia.
may i suggest 2 FOSS games

Similar to Mario, but it has a portal gun
Well polished plattformer featuring Tux


Super Tux has turned into complete garbage these days, with the devs removing any semblance of risk-reward dynamics by taking out the lives system. Now they expect the players to collect the coins in every level… just because they're their and the player is assumed to be a perfectionist who finds that interesting. If you're gonna recommend a Tux platformer, at least say Super Tux Advance.


>If you're gonna recommend a Tux platformer, at least say Super Tux Advance.
Today i learned Super Tux Advance exists.
thanks for letting me know


File: 1705496394434.jpg ( 103.9 KB , 640x912 , Super Mario Bros. 2 Mario ….jpg )

Speaking of Mario, what's the deal with this game? I've always really admired its creative level design, and then it occurred to me recently that it was made as a sort of advertisement for a technology expo. How could they put so much effort into that?


AIR this game's got the same case as Quake 2, which is not Quake in the first place.

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