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File: 1716089269100-0.png ( 331.83 KB , 419x500 , Red Arremer.png )

File: 1716089269100-1.jpg ( 44.13 KB , 394x400 , Firebrand.jpg )


How do you deal with this asshole?


i don't know who that is


Why don't you settle your conflicts with words instead of resorting to violence?


Does this look like the kind of bloke who will listen to reason?


get the pc version the internet says it's got better difficulty settings, that let you beat the game.

It's a really hard enemy character from a really hard 2d side-scroll game
go to time index 00:04:44


From my experimentation, aggression will get you nowhere but a quick death. The trick is to patiently wait for him to do a swooping attack at you, and then jump backwards away from it while shooting at him.


Give peace a chance


Buy him a beer and he'll come around

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