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Thoughts on Roblox game 'Dress to Impress'?

Gameplay revolves around each person dressing up according to a theme and people vote whose fashion walk they liked the best, which is related to democracy in Marxism, because of voting.


>which is related to democracy in Marxism, because of voting.
quality bait.


Here's a good video about democracy, you can watch at 1.5x speed.


Do you have to spend irl money on the clothes I remember that being a thing in roblox


Yes. While there are many free clothing options in the game for players to choose, there are also clothing items that require Robux which cost real life money.


You're not convincing me that this game is marxist anon


Please explain your self, why is it Marxist ?


They're saying it's not marxist. OP is saying it is. It's on OP to convince everyone else.


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It's related to Marxism because democracy is a thing in Marxism, which relates to how people vote in the game.

From https://www.marxists.org/history/archive/brailsford/1927/soviets-work/ch03.htm
>How the Soviets Work: Chpt. 3
"The "Soviet" conception of citizenship is based, of course, upon work and not upon passive residence in a given electoral area. This idea sprang rather from the necessities of the class struggle than from theory, and it cannot be carried out with any precise symmetry. It works best of all in the towns, where each factory or workshop is a natural unit which elects its members to the municipal Soviet. But housewives, and men and women who work single-handed or in very small groups, have to vote by districts, very much as people vote else-where, while in the country the villages or small group of villages form the unit."


Whatever, post your fits


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>It's related to Marxism because democracy is a thing in Marxism, which relates to how people vote in the game.
Can they vote on how the video game company is run ?

so it's fashion for aliens ?
pic related


cute tbh


First one looks like a Masha from Moscow, and the second one looks like a Becky from Brooklyn. 7.5/10

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