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File: 1725688817278.jpg ( 318.21 KB , 850x1194 , Gradius III.jpg )


Have you managed to free yourself of your nostalgia biases? Let's perform a test. Think of some games in series or franchises that you you experienced first as a kid before trying out earlier entries. Are you capable of recognizing any of the earlier entries as superior games?

My first console was an SNES and I had to think a bit on this one. From my perspective it seemed like games were on a general improvement trend with technology in the early '90s. It's hard for me to think of SNES games that weren't better than their counterparts in previous generations. But I will freely admit that Super C and Gradius II are much superior games to Contra III and Gradius III.


games have gotten objectively worse in many ways

Current games often have defects that prevent you from owning what you buy unless you perform major restorative interventions in the technical guts.
Physics simulation has deteriorated a lot in quality and render speed (technical regressions are unusual, i wonder why that happened)
There's lots of stuff that interrupts game-play like for example the nickle and dime mechanisms "in-game purchasing"
Multiplayer has been ruined with root-kit-malware that pretends to be "anti-cheat" with doubtful effectiveness in stopping cheating.
Many games don't work while offline, and while fixing that malfunction is often possible, that stuff should just work.


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Yes, obviously the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has been progressively making games worse over time. Now what about the test, anon? You're not so rose-tinted to the past to assume that your first youthful experiences were the best ever… are you?


I don't really understand what you want with this nostalgia question. I think i get the most fun out of low-brow modding, you know messing around, finding some variable that can be tweaked with hilarious effect. So in my mind easier to mod = fun game.


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indie games that mimic the 16 bit era are often more fun than AAA games. lack of loading time, lack of being forced to go online, lack of skinner box mechanics, lack of bullshit. Hell I even enjoy ncurses console games like picrel more than a lot of AAA shite

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