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 No.1847[Watch Thread]>>1867>>1926>>3040>>3118>>3151

>Game features some type of Kalashnikov assault rifle and an SVD as available weapons
>They're inexplicably the weakest, shittiest weapons in their categories whereas some type of NATO or Amerifat weapon is the strongest
The only series I can think of that doesn't do that is STALKER, where the SVD actually owns.

On a similar note:
>Fire a shotgun
>It has an effective range of like 10 feet
STALKER also thankfully averts this, as does Far Cry 3 from what I recall.


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>we're making a horror/atmospheric game so it's important we have shitty controls
Worst cliche of all time.


>Chosen One plot
Should have retired this bitch after FO1


>battles you are supposed to lose, but can win, and you still lose in the cutscene anyway


The game would be over if you really beat Yggdrasil early.


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>>1847 (OP)


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>game with post-apocalyptic setting
>all the fucking buildings have tons of notes and logs detailing the history of the survivors
I'd rather have environmental storytelling than having to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of poorly written bullshit.


>>1847 (OP)
>political options
Did Civ the first game that started this shitty trope?


Japan is classcucked as all hell though. They probably would kill themselves befor jump over it.


In Civ II or III communism is democracy with extra bonuses as long as more than 50% of people are happy


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>horror game
>found notes end with SpOoKy 'demented' scribbling or blood stains


i quite like tank control and the resident evil camera




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>”open world” game
&lteverything is a fetch quest
>rts game
&ltdevs constantly try to shill to game for consoles and e-sports


Actually it's more like turbo monarchy/despotism.


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What are you talking about, Starcraft was made for the Nintendo 64


>>1847 (OP)
Weapons cliches are some of the stupidest. Ther was this one game (a cheap one) where a fucking automatic grenade launcher didn't shit to target unless you hit them dead on.


Stealth that consists of crouch walking, pressing one button to execute enemies, and hiding in tall grass in lieu of actual levle design


>>1847 (OP)
>Any game with the Soviet Union
&ltMuh human wave tactics
Fuck CoH2 and Red Alert 2 for popularizing this meme.


I know the soviets were fond of full frontals, but can you elaborate on their tactics so no one has to fuck this bit up


nvm, it was actually designed to win wars of atrition by (for ww2 era shit) attacking varying locations before steamrolling in, hopefully having left the enemy reeling from the first part, it's a two-punch KO, first punch to weaken, second to kill


You're forgetting the
&lt1 rifle per 3 men
&ltle evul commissars shooting soldiers in the back


most of that shit was right at the start I think, and any other army executed deserters, the worst the soviets did was have it done on the spot


also it wasn't lone commisars, there were full on 'barrier units'


most of this didn't happen with the army, rather penal battalions and militias, any shortages occured there, so sometimes they would be armed with melee weapons, grenades, and molotovs, but no rifles


oh, and barrier units typically arrested soldiers, and deserters were normally sent to penal battalions instead of shot, not to mention barrier units consisted of the worst of the worst because commanders didn't wanna waste their men


>>1847 (OP)
the AK owns in Counter Strike tho…

RDR1-2 and Max Payne 3 have realistic shotgun ballistics


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>Cursed or evil stuff is more powerful
Very poor game design if you have to buff up the evil side to be threatening




Jumping off of this because of how prevalent the mentality is in stealth games, freedom of choice being executed as separate delineated paths rather than varying options to a challenge. In other words you're not really focused on figuring out a strategy to overcome a challenge, you're deciding on what flavor of gameplay the devs have laid for you.


You can especially feel this in the Divinity series


You know what's bullshit? The graphical setting caps. Some of them are capped at "high" but some are at "highest" or "ultra" or whatever so you have to recheck every one. Fuck this shit.


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>Retarded morality systems where your two options are being Hitler or Mother Teresa
>'Sprints' in modern fpses that make your default walking speed as slow as continental drift


heh, fuck morality systems, have a reputation system, make people react organically, etc, may be hard but you don't half-ass rpgs, and fuck sprinting, and ADS, god fucking dammit if I can't have bullets go to crosshairs, some asshole is getting lynched, to say nothing of lootboxes


I mean Halo and Quake were the only mainstream FPS multiplayer games with non ADS and no sprinting and accurate crosshairs but both series are dead now so the consoomer obviously wants that shit in their games.


yeah, fuck that shit's annoying, why people eat that up, I'll never know


I'd rather they just put some mechanic in that guarantees defeat. Cutscene losses always feel bullshit.


Which game are you talking about?


Tales of Symphonia


cs and overwatch are still there.


You have helped every person of the planet, reconstructed communities, exorcice the evil and put a new ecumenic era of progress and prosperity…

You see the game ending, and after all, all is absolutely the same.


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>Balancing your game for ESPORTS so you iron out the jank and you're still left with an unbalanced game, just now it's also not fun.
>No limitations whatsoever to your soundtrack, so you go with generic, harmless orchestration that leaves zero impact on anyone
>Cool game exists, it even has a playerbase large enough to sustain itself, but getting people to play it is like pulling teeth because it's not the genre focus


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>final boss is a piss easy joke or uses entirely different controls or gameplay so there is no penultimate test of the skills you've been honing the entire game
Stop doing this. You're not a special snowflake movie director doing something different. You're a pretentious hack.


Enemy at the gates was what really made that bullshit popular


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>ending involves drastically changing the way the world is and functions, perhaps for the better
>post-game is just doing side quests minutes before the ending happens and there's no way to explore what the world is like afterwards
>the actually fun stuff is reserved for the penultimate boss instead of the very last one, which is just gimmicky bullshit


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>optional side boss that's harder then the final boss
>gives you a bunch of completely useless equipment you don't need on beating it because [b]you just beat the hardest challenge[/b]
Worst RPG trope of all time. Optional content should unlock some kind of extra final boss form or challenge, not be content for its own sake that trivializes the game's actual finale.


Undertale did that and got showered in praise for it, but I think the main reason it got the praise was the music distracted you from the fact you literally could not die.


tbh Undertale in general is a pretty shit game that lucked out through being cute and gimmicky and having many forced emotional moments


The music's pretty good.


The music carries the game, it makes a lot of the fights and events a lot more exciting and emotional than they would have been.


The main appeal is a shitload of hidden triggers which change a myriad of things, your actions having direct impact and having ripples across the game world. The whole cryptic atmosphere was the main draw, before it got datamined to all hell. The only other game that did something like this was probably Silent Hill 2.


I don't mind this trope if "cursed/evil" items, enchantments/magic, etc actually have a negative aspect to your character using them. Then it becomes a question of is the risk/benefit worth it? Also "evil" stuff that is just better is boring. What's the point of it being evil then?


Do you think Deltarune will be any better? I like what I've seen so far, despite my opinions on Undertale being mostly mixed. Only part of it is out so hard to judge I guess.


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>Do you think Deltarune will be any better?
I don't really trust Toby Fox on that regard, but he'll probably make some really nice tunes and cute characters for porn artists to slave over for years to come along the way so i don't care.


the most annoying cliche is the Soviets being caricatures of evil and also incompetent AF for no fucking reason.

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