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 No.2413[Watch Thread]>>2414>>2415>>2419>>2421>>2425>>2433>>2443>>2451>>4737

What's /games/ opinion on the whole conterversy?


>>2413 (OP)
Pay your staff or get fucked!

Also I haven't looked up the ending but the ending of TLOU 1 sucked anyways and killed my interest in the story.


>>2413 (OP)
> What's /hobby/s opinion on the whole conterversy?
Shows the amount of retardation gaymers have


Haven't heard of the controversy as I didn't care for the franchise. What happened? Is this about that lesbian kiss thing?


Employees leaked some shit about studio not paying. Gaymers as usual supported the studio over workers right to unionize for better pay.


Reactionaries are trying to pass off the cause of the leak as a disgruntled employee finally rebelling against le ebil SJW culture when it's clearly someone fed up with insane crunch culture meeting working-from-home.

Well, if we can talk about the original game, I thought it was a really solid shooter. The hardest difficulty, Grounded, is very well-balanced which surprised me considering how annoying Crushing difficulty is in Uncharted 4/Lost Legacy. I also enjoyed Keith McNally's free book on the game which reads more like an oldschool let's play (back when they were written blog entries, and not meandering live commentaries). Lots of funny observations about the setting.


>>2413 (OP)
It's an edgy, fuck the fans twist on its face but the character at the center of it turns it into a bizarre sideshow.


See video related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6f6mmuh_04
TL;DR: Rad-lib idpol is shit


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>>2413 (OP)
>Bitter incels eat seethe because there are lesbians in the vidya
>Employee fucks the company because they didn't pay him
Even better.


>Bitter incels eat seethe because there are lesbians in the vidya
That wasn't the issue TBH. People weren't interested in it, but didn't care until the game began inserting radical-liberal idpol, where a skinny black girl somehow over-powers a well-built, battle-hardened man, just to pander to "le strong woman of color" idea. Nobody would care about the lesbians if it wasn't so forced and made into a SJW plot-point. Though by now any lesbianism is hated from the get go, because of idpol tainting almost every fucking franchise in the past decade, from Star Wars, to Star Trek, to Oceans 11 to Marvel.

I think its sort of like with gay fanfiction. Gay fics can be fine, but slash-fiction and fujos have tainted it so much that I click off anything even remotely gay, simply to spare myself from reading possible cringe.
>Employee fucks the company because they didn't pay him
This is absolutely based tho.


You have to admit that outright idpol was a factor in the leak, given how much of the game and cutscenes get all these extra lesbian-inserts, (which is extra work for designers making the game).

> about that lesbian kiss
Partly. It's just straight up softcore r34, there is better porn out there of those characters, so why bother with a piss-poor imitation in the game? Total waste of time for the designers at the very least.


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idk but i laughed at this


>>2413 (OP)
I thought the "disgruntled employee" thing was just a rumour.


Good lord, what the fuck.

Nope, found the poor bugger too. Probably going to get sued.


Every gaymer I've come across is usually very bitter desu. Thank god none of my friends are gamers.


Having no IRL accomplishments or skills, let alone theoretical knowledge can be incredibly frustrating.
Media consooomers (outside of maybe tabletop gamers) as a whole mostly come off as freaks to me.
I'm not talking about people who play video games, watch anime/tv or whatever. I'm talking about people who ONLY do those things.


>umm, sweetie, that's literally reactionary!
Christ, where did all this /r/socialism come from? In short, the studio did MASS firing and scamming of workers, particularly graphics artists and writers to save money. They tried to attract the liberal crowd to financially save the game by claiming cut corners were "progressive statements". For instance they used male models for female characters and claimed it was to make the game "trans friendly". The plot was also given a liberal activist edge.

Some absolute legend leaked the game early and revealed it was a total pile of shit, most likely because of the company refusing to pay its workers. I hope more employees take up his example, megastudios can go to hell.


>>umm, sweetie, that's literally reactionary!
Are we reading the same thread?


I'm not referring specifically to the thread, that's just been the majority of discussion I've seen and heard about it. Effectively libtards going "Ummm, sweetie, you have to take a bite of the shit sandwich or you're homophobic", with a little whining about gayniggers on the side. I had an image to give it context but it didn't want to upload.


Well find another copy of the image (or run it through waifu2x) and upload it.


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>>2413 (OP)
It depresses me that there's so much more discussion among chuds about there being an (allegedly) trans character than there is about the company's bad business practices. This ought to be a great opportunity to school them on how devs should be paid better for doing so much work, but no. All this vitriol has to be directed at "the LGBT lobby" and es-jay-dubyas because the chuds would rather froth at the mouth over this imagined battle between good and evil rather than any actual issues that affect real people's lives. It's shallow and moronic, like all chud nontroversies.


It's been the opposite for me, as most of what I've seen has incessant whinging about the alleged LGBT agenda.


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>ss jay dubus
Stop dismissing that as if its irrelevant. The entire crux of the matter rests on the insertion of needless idpol of minorities who are so small that appealing to them in a videogame about surviving a zombie apocalypse is inane. The fact that they wanted to shove in this crap (with Anita Sarkeesian advising to boot), despite it being cost-ineffective and abusing workers to get it made, should demonstrate that it isn't a one off issue, not when an entire cutscene is dedicated to a "graphic lesbian kiss" of nauseous quality. Honestly, as a straight guy, lesbian stuff can be hot, but I'm not interested in seeing two almost under-age 3D 'girls' french it out in such a tasteless manner. For that there is real-life porn. Inserting this explores no real message outside of "gay bony black girl stronk, big white guy sucks!". While some people on 4chan complain about the gays, the mainstream position (twitter, news sites, facebook, reddit) have been shutting down any attacks on this inane idpol with cries of "racist" and "homophobe". Also Anne Hennig, who was essentially kicked out of Naughty Dog, was hinted to have voiced disagreements over this gender pandering, something that is evident in her prior video-game works, where women were strong, sexy and hinted at bisexuality without making it blatant or plot-relevant.

For fucks sake its an apocalypse situation, if they really wanted to have a gay (sub)plot that didn't look stupid they would introduce interesting ideas and concepts. For example:
>2 lesbians and a guy travel together through the wasteland.
>They are the last hope for the human race they know of.
>However the 2 girls cannot fertilize themselves and have to turn to their male companion to impregnate them, putting aside emotions and sexuality for pragmatism; and dealing with the feelings afterwards.
>That would be a story/conflict to explore as 2 (now 3) lovers try to reconcile their relationship with the greater good of humanity and how far they could/should go.
>Perhaps it could also explore an awakened bisexuality and the possibility of a ménage à trois between them or just a sad moment between the three of them over the situation they find themselves in.
&ltYou have; gay representation, actual exploration of an apocalyptic dilemma, lewd appeal to both gay and straight audiences (bisexual), and you don't have something that is "gay girl good - white straight man bad"
All that would be a legitimate idea for an apocalypse survival game like this, and still allow for the exploration of identity and sexuality and facing the issues in that, yet not have the Humans are the Real Monsters trope, and "muh grey morality" faggotry.
But no, we get the equivalent of gang violence from an 'androgynous women' specifically made to pander to trans people who is a psychopath, killing Joel, the protagonist of the previous Last of Us game. This psycho is then supposed to be the NEW protagonist and the game tries to make her violent actions and lack of ethics to be normal/good and instead laying blame for anything bad on someone else. For example apparently Joel killed her father sometime in the prior game… though there is no hint of her even existing or how she knew HE did it.

The Last of Us Part I is great. I found it a very well balanced game, and one of the few vidya I enjoyed. Part II looks like a shitty slashfic story… certainly has the traits for it. Anyway Rant Over.


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All the anti-sjw ideologues saying shit like:

>No one want's to play as a well written relatable character like Joel. People want to play as an angry vengeful lesbian

Joel is generic and boring as fuck, I do not find him relatable. And what's wrong with games where you play as an angry, vengeful lesbian? I love Bayonetta.

Why do we have to pretend as if a game can't be full of queer stuff while being entertaining, insigtful and relatable? Fuck yes they can be, these things are not mutually exclusive. Not claiming Naughty Dog succeeded, because they didn't. They were out of their element. If anything, they failed because were not nearly radical enough. Anita fails because she's not radical enough.


>Joel is generic and boring as fuck
Video games work best as a rule with the protagonist as a cypher Consider for portal, even bayonetta is a cypher of sorts even though she is very much a character
Anyway you could play an angry vengeful lesbian in this game from 1990
It isn't shoehorned in, the option falls straight out from the game mechanics
At least some of the pushback against the sjwin of games comes from olds who've already seen it done masterfully a long time ago and would like games to still be made at that level again thanks

The shoehorning of sjw themes is just an added insult to the injury that is video games in general these days

Which is to say what happens with the last of us for both of you where an unrelatable character as a protagonist spoils the game
The game is already shit precisely because these characters are not avatars
Not being able to relate just makes you notice how shit it is in both cases
This is to say, the complaint against sjw characters and the complaint for them are exactly the same complaint


>Video games work best as a rule with the protagonist as a cypher
not if it's explicitly story-based without any actual roleplaying elements, why the fuck would i want to place myself in the boots of a boring white bread assfuck AND not be allowed to speak or take decisions for him? funnily enough, in TLOU2 she's probably supposed to be a mary sue to act as a cypher for at least someone
if you want to self-insert that's fine, but a lot of games do just fine or work better with actual characters. or none, are you RPing as a central planner in Tetris?


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Okay, the writing is tacky and hamfisted, what of it? I don't see how this aspect of the maelstrom is any more substantive than the outrage that dumb Captain Marvel movie received. Like, yeah, it's annoying when big companies put on this pretense of being socially contentious. Marketers want to appeal to a broader demographic of people by appearing inclusive. Corporations cynically appropriate IdPol all the time and I'd be hard-pressed to say this is even the worst instance of that in the past decade. It's one thing to point out that it's dumb and move on with your life but the Reddit chuds are indigent about it to a perplexing degree. What concerns me about this is that 1) it associates criticism of bad video game pandering with chud IdPol (IE, shit like that "Far Cry 5 is anti-Christian" nonsense), 2) it (seemingly) vindicates woke neoliberals and makes it easier for them to dismiss criticism of bad video game pandering out of hand, and 3) this story detail still isn't as important as the developers being overworked and mistreated. This overworking has presumably been going on during the development of ND's previous games that lacked the alleged "woke" agenda so that stuff really shouldn't be as big a deal as these r/ConsumeProduct twatheads have made it out to be.

What I especially don't understand is why this series is being treated as this important cultural touchstone that's now been sacrilegiously defaced. The Last Of Us was okay. It was a fine enough game with a familiar, oscar bait-y story that we've seen done better dozens of times before and wasn't particularly deep. The character writing was adequate in a bland "Hollywood action movie" sort of way to begin with so I don't see why these new characters being blandly-written lesbians is such a point of contention. You shouldn't be going to Triple-A games if you want deep narratives with interesting characters because these games are designed to have as broad an appeal as possible… which means making everything formulaic and unadventurous. It's like capeshit where it's designed with the profit margins in mind rather than challenging general audiences with a bold authorial vision.


>what's wrong with games where you play as an angry, vengeful lesbian
Because the character is a boring personality-less cunt
&ltbeing the above
Take that back slut
>Joel is generic and boring
>I do not find him relateable
How is he generic? Or do you honestly enjoy mary-sue characters?
>Why do we have to pretend as if a game can't be full of queer stuff while being entertaining, insigtful and relatable
Nobody said that you fucking radlib. I literally made an example of this >>2435
The problem is the obvious idpol pandering when its not relevant to the plot or fan-service.
>hey failed because were not nearly radical enough
Oh god you're one of those. Just stop.


>the writing is tacky and hamfisted, what of it
Its beyond tacky, its downright disgusting.
>how this aspect of the maelstrom is any more substantive
Because, just like Captain Marvel, its shallow garbage. Captain Marvel was outraged for the same reason, they take a relatively intelligent attempt at a powerful female superhero and made them the most insufferable Mary Sue who learns nothing and blatantly spurns any moments in the movie that try to teach a lesson that even IMPLIES that she isn't a perfect need-no-man princess.
>Marketers want to appeal to a broader demographic of people
No, marketers were not for this, and lesbians and cucks are a narrower demgraphic than straight people (not mentioning that the game prior had no important emphasis on sexuality, which let lesbians fantasize in fanworks without making straight people being pushed out too. That's why Part II sucks ass, it makes Part I worthless and kicks a big portion of prior fans in the nuts.
>why this series is being treated as this important cultural touchstone
Its not, until this thread I was unaware of this whole situation. I looked into it, since I recalled Part I as being a rather unique and interesting game for me, and the sheer disregard for it by Part II bores and annoys me.
Worker abuse is shit, but its applicable to every single large corporation across all industries, especially with the pandemic being used to prepare mass-firings and pay-witholdment.
SJW shit is just more overt and galling out of sheer frustration of it tainting all media. One can't enjoy a movie without having needless idpol make it vomit-worthy, ruining any escapism one could enjoy.


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>Video games work best as a rule with the protagonist as a cypher
some video games. Others work better when the player is a cypher for the protagonist. pic related.


>>2413 (OP)
So has the drama died down yet?


In popular view? Yes. Gamer-fags are still whining but that's chickenshit


>the writing is tacky and hamfisted, what of it?
liberal idpol derailing a story that has charisma and is appealing.


They are always whining.

It's not like they chill in games calmly and then suddenly a wild whine cause appears – they are constantly actively seeking the issues to bitch about and blame le SeJeWe.


>game’s message is killing and revenge is bad and meaningless
&ltspent several hours killing hundreds of mooks in creative ways
>preorder the game if you want an upgrade in your inventory to kill more people in creative ways
This is why videogames aren’t considered art. They’re still to much of a product


it’s just a shitty poorly written movie with some mini games in between. games can’t be taken seriously as art if the solution is to downplay the actual gameplay.


>games can’t be taken seriously as art if the solution is to downplay the actual gameplay
The problem isn't downplay of game-play but the moralisms and use of it.
> constantly actively seeking the issues to bitch about and blame le SeJeWe.
Not without reason, but true.


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>>2413 (OP)
Joel could have died in a better way (story-wise, he could still get bashed to death), and Abby is an unlikable bitch that never properly parallels with Ellie. She's a horrible cunt, and at no point did I get to thinking she was good. I also don't like that Ellie let her go. I would have liked a more depressing ending that has the whole cycle continue. This attempt at a happy ending is just stupid as fuck.


>get fucked over by your boss
>get shit on by retarded gaymers and /v/fags
>get barely any recognition while the “game director” goes around comparing the product to Schindler’s fucking List
Why are game devs so cucked?


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>The problem isn't downplay of game-play
no it's absolutely a problem. TLOU gains nothing by being a game, but it's released as such so the shitty soap opera tier "plot" becomes the main focus. it's such a mess. it's made by English major screenwriters that want nothing to do with videogames for English major journalists that want nothing to do with videogames. it's a joke and would be regarded as nothing more than a pointless "modern technology" novelty if it didn't capitalize on headache inducing American identity politics.


Look, I hated the plot, but the gameplay is pretty good. It isn't a bad game. It's just not great.


Watching a playthrough, my main problems with the game's story is the pacing, dialogue, and overall theme it's going for. Sections drag on too long for their own good and a lot of flashbacks should've appeared in better places. The dialogue is fine for the most part but during the walk and talk sections (especially between Ellie and Dina) you can tell the writers are masking the fact the two don't have much chemistry via "funny banter" that says little about either other than playing up one trait for amusement. And the story itself is about as predictable as any other revenge story is at this point. The real highlight of my problem with it is how it presents itself as if it's making a profound statement on revenge and violence.

Can't wait for the multiplayer.


>The real highlight of my problem with it is how it presents itself as if it's making a profound statement on revenge and violence.
Watch as it eventually gets pumped as a profound work of art with an unreliable narrator and watch both emotionally invested sides have a meltdown over that
The salt will be glorious


>SJW shit is just more overt and galling out of sheer frustration of it tainting all media.
AND? Burning police stations and destroying statues is a lot more overt form of violence than housing segregation, employment discrimination or even "everyday" police brutality. This doesn't mean that the former happens on a larger scale or causes more suffering overall. This mentality is behind the current republican outrage from the believers of Law and Order which seems to include you. This is just a tool for pandering to liberals, dismissing criticism concerning other elements as sexist, homophobic, etc and most importantly creating an outrage which in turn brings in free publicity. There is no real reason why would anyone get so hung up on pandering, since it only affects the story and character design still perfectly allows for good characters and story. There are a lot more extensive and scummy practices like impossibly tight deadlines or every new monetisation model that got popular in the last decade.


If you hate TLOU2 without TLOU, you are a fucking poser since both games faced similar problems and tryharding in its story telling.


They're both on par with one another, but I'd say at least the first game has way better pacing (at least from what I remember). If tlou1 was paced the same as 2 you'd have the flashback with Sara happen during the winter chapter after Ellie meets David.


>Burning police stations and destroying statues is a lot more overt form of violence
Way to reply to a post from before this whole looting and anarchy began sure showed me!
>This doesn't mean that the former happens on a larger scale or causes more suffering overall
And where did I imply that?
>the current republican outrage from the believers of Law and Order which seems to include you.
Stop making it about your fetish for BLM and their marauding, that is an utter nonsequitur and a false equivalency. How the fuck does anything in my post IMPLY me "siding with your 'republicuns!" boogieman
>This is just a tool for pandering to liberals
That's literally what I said, nothing you're saying is news to anyone here
>There is no real reason why would anyone get so hung up on pandering
&ltMuh pandering which completely derails characterization and story with its pointlessness is nothing at all!
Why are you defending this? We have every reason to condemn liberals and drag their centrist asses through the mud, especially when their trend of SJW bullshit in media has tainted everything horridly.
>since it only affects the story and character design still perfectly allows for good characters and story
You're contradicting yourself.
>There are a lot more extensive and scummy practices like impossibly tight deadlines or every new monetisation model that got popular in the last decade.
You don't fucking say? Again, this is well known and pointed out, you're not saying anything new. The difference between TLOU II and other vidya that also abuse their workers, is that TLOU II also has dumb SJW shit on top of that, which makes it even more detestable; hiding it shitty self under a veil of liberal ideology.

TL;DR all idpol is garbage end of story. 'diversity' for no reason is just tokenism, and when tokenism becomes the central part of the story, it isn't worth anything but scorn.

>faced similar problems and tryharding in its story telling
Yeah no, TLOU had some issues, but they're nothing compared to those found in the 'sequel'


>Reactionaries are trying to pass off the cause of the leak as a disgruntled employee finally rebelling against le ebil SJW culture when it's clearly someone fed up with insane crunch culture meeting working-from-home.

Didn't it turn out to be some rando who hacked into one of the workers computers?


Critical Drinker did a good, balanced review on the games merits and flaws: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGtKUaPhdfk


I honestly wanted to add that this the only review I've seen that doesn't either deep-end into /v/tard drama or SJW idpol defense or any other rubbish that drifts around the game. It was a fair review that pointed out he stupidity but admitted where it had strong points.


I forgot to add that Critical Drinker is not a leftist but he does provide good analyses.


Just out of interest, is your actual problem with the game that you got outraged thinking there's was a trans playable character in it but that turned out to be fake, so you shifted to being angry at the lesbian?

I have no interest or knowledge of the company outside of them treating their employees like shit, but as far as I can see the only "idpol" they're shoving down the players throat is that the protagonist is a lesbian, which was established previously, and she does some lesbian things at some point

Would you rather being lesbian was made a more significant part of the plot, so its inclusion was "justified" enough for you, or is the character supposed to be a sexless robot if she isn't explicitly 100% straight?


Thanks for reviving mods


It's another shitty fucking movie game, so I can't be bothered to care one way or another. It already is a mockery of what video games are supposed to be about, whether its story is controversial or not.


The correct opinion
It should have been a film, even if you like the story (I think the overall story is fine) the moral inconsistency of killing 100's of people without a problem like a psycopath than balking at killing one person you've been chasing obsessively ruins it


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>is your actual problem with the game that you got outraged thinking there's was a trans playable character in it but that turned out to be fake, so you shifted to being angry at the lesbian?
Nope. I don't mind lesbians at all. Hell, that shit is hot. I also don't mind muscular women, (Kurkulina is sexy, pic 1 related). However the execution of both things as well as its ridiculously PCness in a LITERAL zombie apocalypse is irritating. The lesbian "kisses" are just pointless pandering which is made worse since that tiny portion of the story was put into the trailers. Its like the talking kangaroo in Kangaroo Jack, its barely 5 minutes of the film but was the primary trailer material.
As for trans… where did that even come up? Do you mean the muscle-lady?
A) The problem with the beefy masculine woman is that she isn't even actually trans but is clearly meant to pander to them, which is shite. Pandering to a minority demographic for NO reason is just virtue signaling - a liberal copout
B) (A minor gripe)How in the hell did she get that buff during an apocalypse. MEN find it difficult to maintain such a form without steady exersize and food, and women even harder due to the hormonal differences, its why female body-builders are a lot less impressive in size than males, and without access to steady amounts of good food and exercise that's not happening. This isn't a steam-punk/diesel-punk fantasy, the whole appeal was that characters and abilities were grittily realistic.
>which was established previously, and she does some lesbian things at some point
In the first game it was not established almost at all. It was all conjecture by lesbian fans, and the fact that it was left open ended was fine, because both lesbian and non-gay players could be satisfied. The portrayal of the lesbian relationship feels like a forced "hah, fuck you cis white scum, now lets slobber together gurl!"
It's tasteless, forced and boring, not to mention almost irrelevant to the story. This should also be offending to lesbians; they shouldn't have to stoop for such lazy virtue signaling. Like shit, look at a film with some possible lesbian themes like Thelma and Louise, that shit was good and you really felt for the characters and their relationship, friendly or romantic. Here you feel nothing. With Joel-Ellie, their relationship was father-daughter, and you feel for them. With Ellie and her grillfren, there is nothing.
>Would you rather being lesbian was made a more significant part of the plot, so its inclusion was "justified" enough for you, or is the character supposed to be a sexless robot if she isn't explicitly 100% straight?
You're clearly offended with your loaded questions but I'll answer nonetheless.
1) If you're gong to make them lesbians, make it story relevant OR depict it in a way that isn't pussy-lust. That is more degrading than no depiction at all. And I don;t mean give her a butch haircut or something, but an actual personality that still has some characteristics of lesbians. Or do an 80s and give her some snazzy shit to be cool and bad-ass who knows her value. That would still be more creative than this garden variety bullshit.
2) You don't have to show intimate kisses or sex to have a character display sexuality, and you don't need to pointlessly spit on males in the story for some unknown reason to inform the viewer that "oh hey that's my Ex". It's just so petty, stupid and poorly written that its sounds like a shitty romcom from the 90s… in the middle of a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. That behavior is what I expect from a middle-class liberal feminist in college, not a experienced young woman who has been taught the value of human lives by her time surviving.

Lastly the touchiness about the lesbians (of people in general) is because for the past decade that's all that we've been getting; shitty, shallow depictions of "yas queen slay and get da pussy!" where 90% of the time its taking a male character of a popular series and replacing them with women and redoing a schtick but poorly and with dull liberalism plaguing it. People are tired of it, and reviews for the media involved show this with "critic" reviews were 'high' (applauding the diversity and braveness) and the audience reviews being low (because they're sick of pandering and just want a good story). As I seem to be repeating today, 'themes without substance are useless'.

TL;DR: lesbians or muscular women are not a problem, its how its written to be unnecessary and presented to be flat and lifeless. The most romantic thing in the entire game is when the big-muscled girl talks with her boyfriend about her struggles and he comforts her despite them both being capable fighters and leaders. For the lesbian couple they don't have this, just typical teenage "I luv u so much, just 'cause!!!" It's shallow and dumb and given the past 10 years of liberal bullshit, this is just fuel on the fire.


>It was put in the game to pander to them
Fairly sure it was put in there because she's supposed to be the super soldier girl, nobody even mentioned trans people in interviews or anything until the leaks happened and /v/ assumed a non rail thin female character had to be trans
>Where did she even get buff/maintain buffness in the post apocalypse clearly that's impossible even men can't do it in setting
She is clearly shown to have access to a pre-infection gym with coaching and large amounts of high quality food, if you had played the game and paid attention instead of seething about mediocre writing like it was a personal attack you would have noticed this

Have you played the game or do you just get upset at things online instead?


>Give her a personality that has actual characteristics of lesbians
Like, being a normal person, but into girls instead of guys?
Like she's presented?

>middle class liberal in college

hmmm do I smell chud?
How would you like your character to talk?
>audience reviews are low
Lel, no, the game got review bombed by /v/, r/consumeproduct and the usual crowd of retards, the game's sold well and most people seem to have liked it except how incredibly dark and grating the tone is

Everything else you are complaining about is poor writing, but keep seething




>/v/ assumed a non rail thin female character had to be trans
Did you think maybe WHY hat assumption was made by them? Because it was consistent with the liberal pandering that has been going on. OBVIOUSLY its wrong, which is why I never stated outright that she is trans or supposed to be trans.
>She is clearly shown to have access to a pre-infection gym with coaching and large amounts of high quality food
Yes, but not at the level to get THAT kind of musculature. Do you even lift unironically? The muscle and strength she displays is beyond what "daily casual exersize" is capable of And remember, the game covers a long period of time, yet her body build is consistently the same.
> instead of seething about mediocre writing like it was a personal attack
I'm not seething, I'm just annoyed because the first game was really damn good, which is notable because it was the last video game I played in 5 years, I'm not a gaymer at all and I have never posted on /v/ only lurked once or twice during the political drama to see what those morons were posting.
Also the fuck am I supposed to critisize about the game? The writing is literally the most important part and flaw in this kind of game.
>Have you played the game or do you just get upset at things online instead
&ltHave you played the game or do you just nitpick and defend bad liberalism online instead?
How do you live in such constant passive aggression? Or do you have PMS this week? I don't know where your hostility to me is coming from, but whatever.

>being a normal person, but into girls instead of guys?
>like she's presented
No, she isn't. The entire game her lesbianism doesn't come up for long periods and then we get sudden 'oh did ya know I was a lesbo yet' scenes. Its so jarringly unsubtle it clashes with the characterizations
&lthurr pointing out liberal demographics is le 'chud' meme
Do you even socialism?
>How would you like your character to talk
Like human beings who survived an apocalypse and not angsty teenagers from highschool.
>the game's sold well and most people seem to have liked it except how incredibly dark and grating the tone
&ltreview bombed by /v/ and retards
You sound like a Disneyfag talking about how its all just a loud minority. Yeah know, high sales don't mean shit today. Nearly every garbage movie with a big name on it is making good money. They got bought because people, despite misgivings wanted to give it a chance since the original game was so good. As I pointed out before in my posts, the game has good aspects, but it executes them poorly, which is why there are good reviews at all (not including the obvious bots).
>Everything else you are complaining about is poor writing
You have no legitimate argument about the writing which is the main problem. Where have I stated that the writing wasn't the problem? What is even your beef here? That I didn't complain about graphics or something?
>but keep seething
Says the person who nitpicks and misrepresents my arguments along with poorly made pepperings of 'insults'.


>2 lesbians and a guy travel together through the wasteland.
>They are the last hope for the human race they know of.
>However the 2 girls cannot fertilize themselves and have to turn to their male companion to impregnate them, putting aside emotions and sexuality for pragmatism; and dealing with the feelings afterwards.
>That would be a story/conflict to explore as 2 (now 3) lovers try to reconcile their relationship with the greater good of humanity and how far they could/should go.
>Perhaps it could also explore an awakened bisexuality and the possibility of a ménage à trois between them or just a sad moment between the three of them over the situation they find themselves in.
&ltYou have; gay representation, actual exploration of an apocalyptic dilemma, lewd appeal to both gay and straight audiences (bisexual), and you don't have something that is "gay girl good - white straight man bad"
Anyone else have some interesting game/fic ideas like this for post-apocalypse media?


>Anyone else have some interesting game/fic ideas like this for post-apocalypse media?

Zombie apocalypse where one of the societies that has risen up from the ashes of the old world is a socialist one


Sounds cool, expand please? might as well get some fleshed out ideas.


Game where the main setting is a region long, long after some sort of super hard but now not understood apocalypse, like 500-1000 years after a massive event that put mankind back to living in villages, the environment is heavily effected (like the zone from STALKER but slightly less lethal) and nature has reclaimed much of the region but people have learned to more or less live as part of the ecosystem and are slowly building up new civilisations, technology level would be all over the place due to the new environment and loss of knowledge, with things like cancer we consider super serious being easily treated with the resources from the new flora but concepts like epidemology still not being understood so things like cholera can potentially kill whole villages

No breechloading guns or at least they're considered very high end technology that only the most developed civ's have in limited quantity, spears, swords and bows would still be common, ancient technology from the prefall civilisation would be considered important enough to risk war over

I keep playing around with wether or not to write a twist in where its actually an Island country like Ireland that this is happening in, there's some weird time dilation thing happening and its only been about 20 years to the rest of the world and they just thought the whole island had been swallowed by the sea or something, then when it suddenly reappears scouts from the outside world show up with early 20th century level technology to figure out what happened and BTFO the natives/Get BTFO by the local Fauna, environment and natives


This sounds fucking metal and a fairly decent post-apocalypse idea as well. It reminds me slightly of this one comic of a dude rescuing animals from a radioactive environment and bringing them into a sanctuary of sorts, isolated from the world.

>island country twist

Sounds interesting, but it would limit the extent of how large the story can grow. An Island the size of Madagascar would probably give you a larger range of territories and highere variety of ecosystems.
>time dilation to 20th century
&ltnatives/past people clash
sounds a bit like GATE to be honest, but cool idea.


I don't really like post-apocalypse, but here is an interesting spin on it:
Its the early 16th century. A mutated strain of the Bubonic plague destroys the majority of human population. Cities die out and what is left disperses or starve as most peasants, and with them the food supply, are wiped out. Nobles, trapped in their estates, either starve or are forced to become wanderers. This strain reaches the new world and destroyd the early colonies, as well as the native civilizations they were in contact with. A small portion, around 10%, are left due to immunity. Communities reemerge - survivors from villages or cities that all but died out become wanderers, which both ensures that practically no settlement remains unaffected and that eventually new ones are formed from fellow survivors.
This idea is very fresh in my head, so not too well fleshed out yet. I believe this setting could offer a lot of interesting scenarios. Both what would happen to the Old and the New world, how would religions cope with this event, what would be the fate of the abandoned cities and castles and so on.


It would be a hefty set-back for human progression, we'd be beyond medieval levels in terms of societal regression. Throw in a few dragons and other mythological creatures though and you get a pretty good Dark Fantasy.


>It would be a hefty sack


>Anyone else have some interesting game/fic ideas like this for post-apocalypse media?
Zombie apocalypse, but the zombies don't die, they can only be destroyed, and they sense immediatly where the living are, severed limbs can live independently, and the zombies just fuck crush your organs or break your neck/slit your throat. Everyone who dies becomes them the moment the brain stops working. Zombies can wreck their muscles because they give it their all all the time


tbh I just realised this thing I've been writing up for like a month is basically just the Nausicaa manga and STALKER mashed together and I'm feeling sad now


Top kek we really are running out of ideas for stories in this world.


I don't think you should dismiss your work in that way.
Even if the broad strokes seem to line up, more interesting takes on a common idea is usually fun to go through.


eh, I don't think most people even would write anything like that, go with it mate


thats basically just Kenshi, if you added ronin-punk


So basically the Pirates from Pirates of the Caribbean 1


no, the zombies are dumb and just mindlessly kill people, since the general theme of zombies is that of death consuming all, I felt having them be killable was stupid


>>2413 (OP)
Based since it makes rightoids seethe


>Only right wingers dislike it!!!
This is the kind of dogmatic liberalism that makes /leftypol/ a sandpit. Not everything is based just because it "owns the libs and fashies!"


So, half a year later, what's the sitch with the game?


It just lands flat. I don't believe someone is going to travel across country to get revenge, lose a finger, and not finish it


It's another shitty disposable movie game.


This game now has a decent chance at winning GotY now that Cooberpunk 2069 has been delayed, so expect this game to be content milked for awhile.

Too bad Nioh 2 will never get any of these awards.


I was surprised to see how much 4/v/ hated this game


Even reddit despises this game fam.


Because of trans baiting and feminism garbage. It wasn't as bad as they make it sound, but frankly, with all the garbage being shoveled out in mass media, at this point people are growing MORE intolerant of that crap because it's screaming "Be tolerant bigot!" at people.

An example is the years of shitty Mary-Sueshit and feminist liberalism in movies like the Star Wars Sequels and the Ghostbusters 2016 and Captain Marvel and other trash, which made people absolutely detest any hints of that in the Solo movie, despite the feminist and liberalism being toned down, because at this point people are sick of seeing it to the point of raging out at the slightest hint.

TL;DR: Excessive overexposure to liberalism has made most people have a hairtrigger against anything remotely feminist.

Ironically this also means that merely mediocre movies with female leads are getting flak because people just don't want to even hear it.

Also Naughty Dog literally fired a female game developer who created the franchise because she was against several of the "creative decisions" inserted into the game, so it's blatantly hypocritical too.


Upon reflection I think they were trying to pull an Itachi or Pain, and convey the "revenge and hatred affects everyone, and that if you kill someone in revenge you are only continuing a cycle of hatred" but they fucked it up completely, so you only notice this if you disregard some dumb shit.


And I'm surprised that you're surprised that 4chan hates everything under the sun. But in this case, the only people who will probably defend this dumpster fire are either completely braindead Sony zealots or more likely knee-jerking radlibs/EsJayDubyas.


Yeah, this piss me off. They could have given a way to be complete pacifist or stop being preachy about violence in games, just don’t have it both ways. But in the end since they’re lazy corporate fucks that couldn’t even care enough to pay their workers a decent livable wage, they just copied the first game wholesale and added some better gore graphics.
Dishonored is still the only action game that do this right, where the world just go to shit when you decide to be a murderous psychopath.

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