> My team has lost on Dom Pavlova (Pavlov's House) several frustrating times because too many people set up in the buildings and never pushed forward, and worse, were innefective. Objectives could be taken but not held, because too many people wanted to be another Vassily Zaitsev.
This is what I hate, the game forces you to get killed. Like, it's just a house, if defending it would be more strategically useful to just hold your current position. If attacking it would be better to scout around and get behind to the logistics and avoid the fight altogether. Holding dirt because it holds magical properties doesn't really make sense to me. Holding a bridge so 30th corps could pass to arnhem to relieve troops make sense. Securing Carentan so Utah and Omaha can link up make sense, but rushing a bell tower or a hill on higher ground in 15 minutes or less because *reasons* just boggles my mind. Omaha I understand, the beach is a death trap and it's the only way on the mainland and you have several divisions behind you who will be doing the same thing you are trying to do if you fail securing the beachhead. (but that's 3-6 hours, not hyper 30 minutes.)