There is a mild pull towards reactionary politics in fantasy fan groups in general or maybe it's that reactionary people tend to be drawn to fantasy a bit more on average. (I'll repeat it's mild in the grand scheme of things and you shouldn't go on a witch-hunt over that.) Fantasy worlds tend to be populated by groups strongly distinct, a distinction not just based on economic position or technological differences, but due to extreme genetic differences, far more extreme than the wildest claims of white suprematists about human differences.
In human history, technology plays a big role, so espionage plays a big role (example: silk). In fantasy, there are often chasms between groups that can't be ever bridged. For example, a minority can do magic and the others can spy on magicians as much as they want, they are inherently unfit for doing it themselves. So, in these story worlds, having a very conservative outlook just is very obviously right, more obviously so than in real life. Monarchies and caste societies fit together with how the rest of the fantasy world works. If the Queen of England had the ability to turn the tide in wars by magic, I would be a monarchist in real life, too.