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File: 1608528144332.jpg ( 96.02 KB , 1280x720 , death of minecraft.jpg )


Does this actually mean anything?
A lot of my friends on anarchy servers have been freaking out because of this, personally I think it to do with not being able to use alt websites.


We have a minecraft thread dolt


Microsoft being dick heads and forcing themselves again


Unsurprising since M$ has been pushing Bedrock Edition ever since its release. In the end they'll just stop updating the original Java version because it's "not profitable" (i.e. no paid DLC).


File: 1608528147058.png ( 659.84 KB , 709x677 , ahem.png )

Time to shill a libre alternative to Minecraft.

https://wiki.minetest.net/Main_Page (base game)
https://git.minetest.land/Wuzzy/MineClone2 (mod)


Are you people unable to use catalog? There is a current ACTIVE Minecraft thread. Repost this there you dolts


Shut the FUCK up generalfag.


>Use the thread already made for this
&lthurr no ur a general fag durr
You're mentally ill.


Nice. It would be unbelievably based if this supersedes minecraft. Inshallah.


t. autist


kek rip my fucking 10 year old account then. got it from my brother who doesn't know the email let alone the transaction id.


>use the catalog.. or literally scroll down in the index where Minecraft is a Page 1 thread
&lthurr no ur autist for suggesting logical easy thing
Ok idiot


hmm I never claimed my free Microshaft edition from owning Java since Alpha, and now you can't do that anymore.
So I'm shit outta luck if they just stop making Java completely in favor of their shittified version.


t. mega-autist


it probably won't or atleast anytime soon, the things'laggy af. and the terrain generation kinda sucks




>muh arguments
>muh logic
you just keep getting more autistic bro


You're that samefag who posts "hurr autist" on every thread that has multiple people say "no you're stupid.

Calling people autists because you're stupid and can't think is a sign that you should get some help… maybe take some education courses… or go outside.


>you should get some help
you should get some help


>N-no u


i miss when minecraft was just a simple little block game, now it's this giant corporatized monstrosity


It's pushing me to abandon my years old account, and I'm really sad about it honestly. Outside of perhaps a cracked version, I most likely will never play Minecraft again. Microsoft has Java edition (the REAL Minecraft) in their sights, and it's only a matter of time before they kill it completely. They are just doing it slowly to try and make their takeover as seamless as possible. I know it's just vidya, but the sheer insidiousness of how a tech megacorporation buys out and assimilates one of the greatest success stories of independent game development ever just disturbs me. Like it's straight up not possible to be successful or big without being taken over by big tech. It is impossible to build anything major from the ground up, once you get big enough, you will be taken over and bought out by a company making an offer you can't resist.


>You’ll receive a cool reward once you’ve logged in with your Microsoft account: a special cape!
Fuck off i dont want your faggy microsoft care




>one of the greatest success stories of independent game development ever
Whose success though? Minecraft is one of the greatest cons of independent game development ever. Created from a stolen game idea, marketed as early access by a fraud pretending to be party of the community, and then finally given up and left in a never-to-be-finished state after the owner scammed a billion dollars out of testers. If you want a truly impressive independent game project look at something like Exile III, Wind & Water Puzzle Battles, Hellsinker, or impressive community open source projects like Battle for Wesnoth. Minecraft is a testament to greed from start to finish.


>Minecraft is a testament to greed from start to finish.
But how could it possibly be that since it's unfinished? Checkmate Notch haters.


It's fucking insane that they're forcing this. So if i don't move to Micro$oft this game i've owned for nine years is no longer mine to play? All my shit gets lost? Retarded. Fuck Notch for selling out to Pedo Gates


Of all the bullshit people hate Notch for, selling out to Microsoft is the worst thing by far.


>Minecraft is one of the greatest cons of independent game development ever.
This is just a meme repeated by people who hate Notch and/or Minecraft, and never liked it in the first place.
It's a cultural phenomenon with a massive following in multiple generations of gamers. The "Minecraft was ripped off from Infiniminer" is a bullshit argument, games and media borrow from each other all the time, sometimes rather blatantly. Just because infiniminer came first doesn't mean that it should lay claim to the concept voxel based mining/building forever. That's capitalist intellectual property logic. As for Minecraft being "unfinished", that's also bullshit, it's a sandbox game, they could keep adding new features until the end of time, it would never be "finished" in that sense. Some things planned early in development never came to be, but that's just how game development goes sometimes.

> Exile III, Wind & Water Puzzle Battles, Hellsinker, or impressive community open source projects like Battle for Wesnoth

Are you joking? None of these are anywhere near the level of Minecraft.

The only legit criticisms are the selling out to MS and promising that the game could go open source eventually.


Notch is a retard and Micro$oft sucks.

Move on to greener pastures and help development of free as in freedom alternatives.

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