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 No.5437[Watch Thread]>>5438>>5753>>5790

This is not a discussion thread this is a declaration. What I am about to say is NOT up for debate and you CANNOT possibly dispute anything written here.

Remember how early cars could only be operated by literal mechanics because they were so unintuitive and shit? Games pre-1993 were exactly like that. Games had no plot and shite gameplay which does not hold up at all these days, nevermind the unbearably primitive graphics. Gaming was the nichest of hobbies and considering the fact that PCs used to cost like 15'000 dollary doos in todays money, it was never going to become mainstream.

Then in 1993 Knack came out saw the release of Doom and Ultima VII: The Black Gate (whose expansion Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle would surpass the base game), the mother and father of modern gaming.
Doom as every brainless chimp knows invented the modern FPS and by extension TPS genres, the two most lucrative and popular gaming genres and showed how fucking rad vidya gaems could be. It was mainstream, caused just the right amount of moral panic and sold millions. Doom would then be surpassed by Doom 2 and finally by Blood, the best non-3d shooter period.

Ultima VII was the first genuinely good and playable Ultima game that still holds up. While the plot is hot trash, it proved the viability of the open world. Serpent Isle would then go on to prove that games could tell an engaging story. Together, they laid the foundation for every modern RPG including the Baldur's Gate series which has yet to be surpassed in excellence.

Not only did the 90s see the most influential games of all time, they were also the best. Why? Because during this time, the industry had struck the perfect balance between technological capability and commercialisation. Games before did not have the tech to be good and games after were ruined by capitalism. Ideas could flourish and were unburdened by investor interests, at least not to the degree of today. All of this culminated in 2000 the undisputed best year in gaming. BG 2 is the best crpg of all time (Planescape Torment has the best story but is lacking as a gaming experience). Red Alert 2 is the best RTS of all time. Diablo 2 is the best action rpg of all time. Deus Ex is the best PC game period according to some.

These days, no risks are taken. Games like Myst, Myth 1 or 2 or even Planescape could never be made today. Games are so fucking expensive to make and in order to make back their money, devs are forced to pander to the most common denominator. Gamers are Nazis, who cry and whine about idpol anytime a woman is on screen. Nerds back then were progressive and you never heard anything close to the gamergate bullshit of today. Graphics move more copies than concepts and plots are dumbed down so that every shitlib can understand them. Indiegames provide some refuge from the modern hell that is 21. century gaming but even things considered these days to be masterpieces like Undertale, Cave Story or Disco Elysium pale in comparison to the golden age.

Im not gonna proof read any of this lmao


>>5437 (OP)
The good games from 90's are exception, not the rule. Just like now. Most of the stuff was shit like this https://youtu.be/wrrPUbzflrc?t=260 .
Don't idealize the past.


Not the point I was making


>Remember how early cars could only be operated by literal mechanics because they were so unintuitive and shit? Games pre-1993 were exactly like that.
That's what you think about Pong?
>Games had no plot
Games don't need to have a good plot or any plot at all to be good games.
>and shite gameplay which does not hold up at all these days
SFII, SMB3 & SMW, M.U.L.E., Elite, Sim City, Little Computer People, Tetris… all arrived before your magical date.
>Doom as every brainless chimp knows invented the modern FPS
Your usage of "modern FPS" in the above sentence is highly idiosyncratic. People usually mean by that something in the mold of CoD.
>Ultima VII was the first genuinely good and playable Ultima game that still holds up.
Why not IV?
>Not only did the 90s see the most influential games of all time, they were also the best. Why? Because during this time, the industry had struck the perfect balance between technological capability and commercialisation.
Before you write pompous statements like that, look up stats about how many Gameboys etc. were sold. A few 90s gaming franchises were big enough for movies and gaming in the 90s as a whole was bigger than movies.
>Games before did not have the tech to be good
Since you seem to care about story and writing so much I don't see how you can say tech prevented good games before 93.
>and games after were ruined by capitalism
You have an innovative idea about when capitalism started?
>Ideas could flourish and were unburdened by investor interests, at least not to the degree of today.
I'm pretty sure Doom and Ultima IV were made by teams of people working in game companies for salaries and not by independent individuals, and likewise for most other hits of that era.
>Games are so fucking expensive to make
People still have lower expectations about graphics for mobile and puzzle games. Besides, when doing a 3D game you can buy model assets and 3D scan things and it's pretty cheap actually. You are just looking at the top end of things when most people don't work on AAA titles.
>devs are forced to pander to the most common denominator. Gamers are Nazis
The most common denominator… Nazis 🥴


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>Ultima VII was the first genuinely good and playable Ultima game that still holds up.
Not so fast, OP. Level up.


>This is not a discussion thread this is a declaration. What I am about to say is NOT up for debate and you CANNOT possibly dispute anything written here.

>That's what you think about Pong?
Im talking about PC games lad
>Games don't need to have a good plot or any plot at all to be good games.
Never said that did I, I was making a point of how primitive games used to be
>SFII, SMB3 & SMW, M.U.L.E., Elite, Sim City, Little Computer People, Tetris… all arrived before your magical date
Still talking about PC, also Sim City does NOT hold up you madman
>People usually mean by that something in the mold of CoD.
Citation needed, also no
>Why not IV?
Cuz you cant beat IV without a guide and does NOT hold up
>Before you write pompous statements like that, look up stats about how many Gameboys etc. were sold
Christ I am still talking about PC games put down the goalposts already
>Since you seem to care about story and writing so much I don't see how you can say tech prevented good games before 93.
Still never said that
>You have an innovative idea about when capitalism started?
Uh no?? Did I make any statement as to when capitalism started?
>I'm pretty sure Doom and Ultima IV were made by teams of people working in game companies for salaries and not by independent individuals, and likewise for most other hits of that era.
Stop being autistic you know exactly what I mean
>People still have lower expectations about graphics for mobile and puzzle games.
>You are just looking at the top end of things when most people don't work on AAA titles.
No I am comparing mainstream titles of today with those of the past
>The most common denominator… Nazis
Absolute non-sequitor, reading comprehension of a chicken

Now shut up I told you you cannot dispute what I said


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&ltYou can't criticize me, I forbid that in my thread EULA!
Another day, another cybercrime against innocent OPs on Bunkerchan. And there's nothing you can do about it.
&ltIm talking about COMPUTER games only!
The list was: SFII, SMB3 & SMW, M.U.L.E., Elite, Sim City, Little Computer People, Tetris. With the exception of the two Mario titles, all of these got official computer releases. You don't seem to be very familiar with gaming in the 80s and 90s.


ok boomer


wow is that le BASED antijournalist gayming redhead :OO


Wrong because Wizardry was released in 1981 and the exact style of gameplay it had is still really popular to this day.


>>5437 (OP)
I mostly agree, except gaming used to be apolitical and non-partisan until progressives went on the attack. Gamergate and the politicalization of gaming in general is their fault and we are still dealing with the repercussions. People literally never seethed about women in games, yes that is a correct statement. However, the reason isn't that people randomly started getting butthurt and were "progressive" beforehand and flipped. It's that the issues of gender and feminist idpol were never a part of gaming back then. Forcing these issues into this hobby - where it doesn't belong at all - is what has caused this, and the people who pushed it profited massively. Some of them are still making money to this day, off of the pointless chaos they've sown.


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If you stop at 2000 then you miss out on great games like Hellsinker and La-Mulana, OP…

>the Baldur's Gate series which has yet to be surpassed in excellence.

>BG 2 is the best crpg of all time
>Diablo 2 is the best action rpg of all time.
Ahahaha, wait, you're a total shit eater.


>Gamergate and the politicalization of gaming in general is their fault
Why do reactionary babies never man up to their ideals like someone forced them at gunpoint to adopt those beliefs


How old are you exactly?


God you are a loathsome cunt. You're right, but jesus christ could be more of a dickweed about it.


>>5437 (OP)
>These days, no risks are taken. Games like Myst, Myth 1 or 2 or even Planescape could never be made today
Disco Elysium, Cultist Simulator, Return of Obra Dinn, Pyre, Hades, Darkest Dungeon, Shovel Knight, Papers Please the entirety of Souls-like series etc.

>Games are so fucking expensive to make and in order to make back their money, devs are forced to pander to the most common denominator

True. Games industry as a wider form has degenerated, especially with the death of the mid-tier games. However 1) the indie scene is doing real well and is over time moving onto the mid-tier territory on its own, 2) an atarii crash is innevitable, as well as a reneisance that it will bring, 3) it only recently (over the past decade) went to shit like this, and arguablly it was the 00's to 10's+ that was the best years for the wider gaming industry (KotoR's, Bioshock, Dragon Age, Warcraft 3 and WoW, Return to Wolfenstein, Morrowind, Arcanum, Witcher and others), while even the early 10's to 20's had good stuff from larger companies, like aformentioned Souls games, Witcher 2 and 3, and, of course, the CRPG reneisance (though many of those are more indie).

>Gamers are Nazis, who cry and whine about idpol anytime a woman is on screen

And do people treat then seriously? They are a joke, the lowest common denominator that you talk about.

>Nerds back then were progressive and you never heard anything close to the gamergate bullshit of today.

That's just culture shit making a backswing, only tangentially related to gaming. Also, again, only really a problem since 2012ish.

>Graphics move more copies than concepts and plots are dumbed down so that every shitlib can understand them

Again, mostly true for AAA, but not so much for indie. And I don't really recall old games, outside of those well remembered monolithic cult classics, to be much different story wise. Oh, and the graphics shit was just as true back then, for instance see Quake 2, or that Deus Ex was lowkey mocked for its dogshit graphics.
As for concepts, the entire indie sphere is crawling with them, especially the games I mentioned in point one.

>Indiegames provide some refuge from the modern hell that is 21. century gaming but even things considered these days to be masterpieces like Undertale, Cave Story or Disco Elysium pale in comparison to the golden age.

Didn't play Cave Story, but how do Undertale and Disco pale in comparison? And again, you are cherry picking the best of the best games from the past here.

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