>>6374 (OP)For context, this guy almost made me drop the main storyline and not touch it ever again out of sheer frustration that his recruitment mission is.
First, he starts the race in an invicible Sabre Turbo while Tommy has to settle for a humble Sentinel. Then, approximately 15 seconds into the mission the cops join in and start chasing you and ONLY you. If you're lucky, he'll crash into some wall and thus give you enough time to outride him. However, if you somehow lose momentum then you're FUCKED, because the game spawns traffic only relatively to you so he'll have no problem catching up and outriding you with no obstacles.
Secondly, when you finally win the race you'll be in for a letdown. This fat fuck contributes fuckall to the actual heist and when he gets a chance to be helpful, he instead decides to stand up to the fucking SWAT and promptly gets shot to shreds.
Seriously, what the fuck R*?