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 No.7447[Watch Thread]>>7774>>7967>>8377

what happened to jim sterling?


He didn't like red anymore so he chose pink


Late on the tranny bandwagon whenever most people just stop giving a fuck.


Late on the tranny bandwagon whenever most people just stop giving a fuck.


Is Jim actually trans or is he taking the piss out of it?


literally no one knows


Nothing at all? He was always a shameless whore willing to do anything and everything to get attention.


The things Sterling talks about much of the time, I should support, but there's something about him personally that I just find super offputting.


I know what you mean. My friends like him, and I agree with most of his points when they mention something he says about the games industry, but i can't get through a single video of his because I find him really irritating.


Perhaps the scars of Gamergate will never truly be erased. We will forever be like the old men who still will always remember whether they were Republican or Nationalist for those heady few years.


>the scars of Gamergate
Please, this fucking moron was demonstrating his complete lack of understanding for game design ages before gamergate.


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didn't he get youtube "famous" by reviewing and shitting on asset flipped steam games?


He was moderately successful before that IIRC but yeah basically, the dev of 'slaughtering grounds' trying to sue him was the best thing imaginable for his career. But it's really just punching down, this guy's game probably sold like 10 copies.


>What happened
For one he is a retarded #resistance tier lib, despite his anti corporate talks. Just look at his reaction to boomer Senate raid, he literally started shiting himself about "muh fascism, muh terrorism" and deffending both police and social media crackdown.

As for trans shit, I believe that he was openly NB for a long time, its just that in our current hyper specticalized consumerist shitculture being trans or NB also means you gotta look like a fucking retarded clown from the 80's.


he allready looked like a clown before, that was supposed to be kind of his thing


>>7447 (OP)
He got sucked into the Internet trans cult. I wouldn't really care but the general quality of his writing has gone down lately. I appreciate there's still someone with hundreds of thousands of views critiquing capitalism, but I've personally tuned out because it's gotten so repetitive.

I've been following him since his days at the escapist and I used to really like him. For years his episode would provide decent coverage and critique of something happening with the industry. I would learn some interesting news or tidbit or he would offer his personal take on the problems. Yes, capitalism is at the core of most of the game industry's problems but every video feels the same.


>>7447 (OP)
>what happened to jim sterling?


If he did any it didn't work


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I honestly wonder when this shit is going to hit its peak.

We've got "non-binary" people, who basically sexually identify as androgynous, very self-righteously saying that they don't "owe" people behavior in line with what they claim about themselves. How long will this last? It's crazy to me that this farce has lasted *THIS* long


> who basically sexually identify as androgynous
They don't.


It will last as long as long as the US didn't completely collapse because that shit is tolerated as a diversion for the general festering of the Empire.


They do. That's what "non-binary" means if it means anything at all.




I think it's mostly used as a "secret handshake" between PMCs, a way of identifying yourself as not of the boorish masses now that religion has become unfashionable. Bonus point that it revolves around decadent sex shit.


No I'm correct.

I mean, I may be wrong in that they're not necessarily androgynous, but then their "non-binary" status is completely arbitrary because that's all it means if it means anything at all. Which is my point.

It either is a way of self-identifying as androgynous or it's made up nonsense meant to make you look special and impress your group of dipshit urbanite/PMC friends or get cred with your posse of Tumblr exiles on the internet, similar to shit like "demisexual"


How do you sexually identify as androgynous? It’s not a sexual orientation, it’s expression/presentation.


I don't fucking know. But that's what non-binary means, you're not in either of the "male" or "female" binary and therefore you either identify as some mix of the two (consequently self-identifying as androgynous), are a fucking alien from outer space or are a hipster asshat looking for a sexual minority to be in so you can get attention and the admiration of Brad and Stacy at tomorrow's brunch.


>>7447 (OP)
Yet another Youtuber who has become transgender. Incidentally what do you think "peak trans" is going to be? The proportion of LGBT identifying people has been increasing yearly, where is "T" going to cap out? 1% of the population, 2%?


According to this Gallup poll, Gen Z are 1.8% transgender, vs 1.2% for Millennials and 0.2% for Gen X. I wonder what Gen Alpha is going to be percentage-wise, what with the average transition age getting lower


this is just a random poll, additionally even 2 percent is fairly low
>with the average transition age getting lower
Citation needed


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This is self-identification, not the rate at which people are actually diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

Most "transgenders" on the internet these days straight up don't have anything close to actual gender dysphoria. I don't know how many times I've seen people post shit like pic related completely unironically, describing their "gender dysphoria" not as any kind of deep seated discomfort in their own skin, but playing fucking girl characters in video games or the idea of being a fucking anime girl making their peepees hard. Gender dysphoria is a real thing, and consequently transgenderism is a real thing, but these people don't have it. A lot of the "trans" people you see online are perverts living out a sex fantasy, mentally ill, unhinged attention seekers, or some mix of the three.

Hence why we might hit "peak trans", when the fad dies or people admit the emperor isn't wearing any clothes, whichever comes first..


he really started popping off after totalbiscuit death, people really wanted a "british man is mad at vidya" personality


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lad I'm pretty sure they are posting memes.


It's not just one picture dumbass, that's just an example.


I kind of feel like we already hit peak trans at like 2016-2017 or so. Unless you're on 4chan, then they never stop talking about trannies.


I dunno, feels like it's growing in strength. Jim Sterling trying to pass himself off as some kind of genderqueer being an example in the OP.


youtube dipshits =/= actual masses. They are a part of them (for the most part) but it should be treated as a sub culture.


Taking the pis as a gender non comformist
He is based


>you need gender dysphoria to be trans
spoken like a true truscum shithead


Yes, you do. If you don't have gender dysphoria, you're just playing pretend. You are either a pervert, mentally ill or an unscrupulous attention whore and quite possibly a mix of all three.

The only real opposition to this view is from fucking Tumblrites like you.


What evidence is there that Sterling isn't a reflection of the general population? Do you have any evidence we've hit peak troon?




holy shit shut the fuck up


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I'll keep it easy on the bans this time but if you lot decide to have an off-topic parade about the sexuality of some comic artist and the like then the next time might not be as merciful


Jim was always a faggot who would politically jump to whatever gave him the most asspats. Remember that he was initially an anti feminist ranter who jumped ship to being a pro feminist ranter basically only because of a desire for more social validation and "OMG! Youre so brave…" comments. It naturally follows that he'd hit the tranny button to get even more validation from this crowd.


What's something you liked about the last game you played?


So, was there an actual rule broken?


>muh rule of law
Fuck off liberal.


If you don't have actual rules of discussion, you get r/socialism bullshit with everyone getting randomly banned because a mod got a stick up his ass about catgirls.


The NKVD can do no wrong, you appear to need some reeducation. Reply with MODS = GODS to show your compliance.


Idpol rule, plus on-topic discussion rule.


>why is e-celeb shit deleted?!?!?!?
/v/ might be more up your alley. I'm wondering why the whole thread hasn't been nuked yet.


It wasn't e-celeb shit.


Who gives a single shit about someone else's' gender expression lol. You guys are such losers.


lol sure.


Learn to sage.

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