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Since becoming a religious skeptic i feel free to embrace socialism(in this case, NON sex-positive socialism;lenin executed harlots),anyways, to what orgs,NGOs, etc,should I donate? i am from the upper classes of my country and I feel i want to get the red ball rolling in my life.
>also can i TALK with them before i donate?i want to make sure they're nice and polite folk


Lurk more. Read the material in the reading sticky.
You're still mostly a lib.

If you want to donate money, tell us what country and/or city you're from (you might dox yourself, so take that in mind), and maybe an anon can tell you which is the most based leftist org.

Most leftist orgs in the periphery were literally killed by the neoliberal government or the US, or both. So it's likely you'll get a watered down org that can operate within the confines of neoliberalism without being inta-killed.

bumplocked because you included idpol in your OP, but I guess I'll let it slide for now.


go fuck yourself retard
>religious skeptic
a fucking faggot is what you are


>ill let it slide
uyghur who the fuck do you think you are.


go work for a wage you bitch of-a lanlord

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