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they cal me haitian p diddy the way i eat that kitty
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first relationship

How should a late 20s year old in their first relationship act?
I don't feel anything strong for her. She seems perfectly fine. I just don't feel anything in principle.

Yes I want a "normal" life, a wife and children. Not intensely. But it seems like a good idea.
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it talks about premature puberty not attractive girls
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Stop being prejudiced.

The octopus image is typically a covert indication of international Jewish influence.
R: 0 / I: 0

>"just get a STEM degree bro"
>"it'll fix our society bro"
>"you'll earn millions bro"

>gets a STEM degree

>like everyone else
>no jobs available
>hundreds of thousands of dollars in student debt
>ends up working as a menial server

>"lmao you should have gotten into trades bro"

>"that's where all the real money is bro"
>"apprentice for 2 years and start earning big bucks early bro

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underground communes

What if we established underground communist communes and simply outlived all the capitalists?
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Wagies and Normies deserve to kys

This, unfortunate what has happened with all the looksmaxxing brainrot uyghurs incapable of being sentient, that's just how it is, I block them, don't give them upvotes and hope they go away. The other day I accidentally bumped one of their threads, realized it and deleted it so they don't get dopamine and nobody else has to see their posts. They remind me far too much of the average r9k poster. Pointless demoralizing low quality shit.
R: 0 / I: 0

Share your Torrents

The Vietnam War 2017 Complete 480p BluRay


Angel Cop
R: 7 / I: 3

Suspected AI-generated posts quarantine

Only store posts made over the tor node here. The purpose of this thread is not to catalog user IPs or data.

Please appeal in >>>/meta/ if your post is not a product of AI but was moved here.
R: 0 / I: 0

Is Korean worth the effort to learn?

I learned Japanese to consume more Japanese anime, games, and hentai. I keep seeing more Korean stuff these days that is untranslated. Anyone have experience with how difficult it was to learn good enough?
R: 0 / I: 0

chris kyle dyel

>Lied about his medal record
>Lied about shooting looters from atop the Superdome after Katrina
>be Chris Kyles widow
>pussy is so blown out
>money drying up, had to pay Ventura
>decide to pimp dead husband's image and name for $5k
>pussy still blown tf out

Chris Kyle got teamkilled like a newfag. It took the entirety of Hillary's secrecy police to bring Ben Ghazi down.
He would show up in Marine controlled areas, shoot a shitload of civilians - even a video of him blowing kids up with C4 for fun and laughing, pack up and leave to do it all again in other areas. This caused the locals to become pissed their kids/brothers/parents/uncles got killed for fuck all. They would then side with the terrorists and kill Marines in retaliation.

He was actually aware that Routh was crazy and dangerous, but fucked up by showing his back to him while he was walking downrange.
Joko was his boss, and approved of this just to get body counts, trying to one up the squad he replaced. Kyle was a faggot sociopath that got his teammates killed all because he wanted to kill, but not have to really fight for those kills.
Nah, he got revenge killed by a Marine for getting Marines killed in Afghanistan because he liked to kill civilians and kids like a faggot.
And no, I'm not some bleeding heart hippie, and don't really give two shits about dooncoons, but, reality is reality.
At this point, you can assume that if a SEAL is breathing, he is lying. And he'd probably murder you for a chump change DudeWipes™ sponsorship for his a podcast nobody listens to.

He lied about punching Jesse Ventura in the face, and then through a lot of fucked up shit, ended up getting Jesse kicked out of the SEALs community via another proven liar/author, Marcus Luttrell. He has also been harassed so much, his wife developed some sort of nervous seizure disorder and has kinda fucked her up. That alone is a good reason to remember him as a piece of shit.

To be fair, just about everyone doesn't expect to get killed by their buddies when they visit their local gun range.
He was actually aware that Routh was crazy and dangerous, but fucked up by showing his back to him while he was walking downrange.
>lie about beating up a founding SEAL who has precisely 0 beef with you, a fellow SEAL
They credited Kyle with the kill of Juba in the movie even though it was credited to AJ Pasciuti. Pasciuti was also shooting with Kyle at one point. Wondering if those were clean kills or not.

Chris Kyle also lied in his book about shooting two dudes who tried to jack him at a gas station and showed cops who arrived his "license to kill" and was let go.

Thanks to Chris, we've learned the lesson to be on guard even around people who are not supposed to kill you.
R: 3 / I: 1

im literally go to .orge now and only post there

i hate transhumanists
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transhumanists are the most dumb

there's literally no dumber than transhumanists
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rsal values and a value system that defies time and space, transcends nation and class, and applies to all humanity.
Discuss Western freedom, democracy, and that hu
R: 2 / I: 0

failure studies

James Fischer and James Steele did a massive 110 study meta analysis. They took all of the data from those studies and sifted through it. They introduced a control to the data by only looking at studies that verifiably had people reaching failure on their sets. So long as failure is achieved there is no difference between 1 set or several. As long as you hit failure it's all the same in terms of growth benefits. No correlation could be determined for frequency. Once a week is highly similar to 2, 3, 4, or 5 times a week. Another study was done, don't remember by who. They found that the only factor that made a significant difference in gains was the number of sets performed, showing that the number of sets significantly and inversely affected the gains. Literally the more sets they do, the less growth people will get to a consistent predictable degree. So reach failure, do at least 1 set, and you're golden. Keep sets relatively low and don't overtrain. More studies came out showing that you're still recovering and inflamed for much longer than 3 days after exercise. More studies came out showing acute MPS post exercise does not correlate to increase in skeletal muscle mass, showing that muscle damage does not equate in any way to growth. One more study came out that showed delayed hypertrophy up to 21 days out from a single bout of exercise in otherwise UNTRAINED subjects. Whether or not that extends to trained subjects is not yet known, but people can speculate. He was way ahead of his time
R: 2 / I: 0


I have literally never had a sexual encounter with a woman that felt better than masturbation. They have unlimited access to it so they're all bad at it, what is the point? Athletic accomplishments are much more fulfilling.
R: 0 / I: 0

Volunteer slaves

A soldier is a fighting slave. Volunteer armies are armies of men who have enslaved themselves. The upper ranks value the lower ranks as slaves- review whatever war you wish with an open mind and you'll find one side needlessly and stupidly sacrificing their own side for no rational reason. Slaves at a ritual sacrifice, that's all. Gettysburg, The Somme, Omaha, etc. Those were not leadership failures. Those were culls of a slave population.
The most elite soldiers are still just the best fighting slaves. They still bend the knee to authority that is lesser, weaker, dumber, than themselves, and hostile to their own interests. They are told when to kill, and when to die, and they do it, while the slave masters laugh at parties. The slaves that live have still sacrificed their youth and energy laboring for someone other than their selves or their family, while the women of their youth were fucking someone who didn't leave to serve the masters.
Anyone can be better than a slave. Want to fight better than a slave? First, don't fight like the slaves do. That's their specialty. Second, don't think like a slave does. That's their limitation. Third, don't idolize their slavery. That's their weakness, don't let it be yours.
Once you have the mind set right, everything else is a skills or endurance issue.
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That's real talk. If you are a homosexual

You have another man who thinks you're a girl and buys YOU, and only you, so he thinks YOU are a bitch.

Meanwhile, he is the "MAN". So, this dude thinks that you, another man, is a girl, and that he is superior to you in a man's role, while you are a girl in the inferior role—-when you are BOTH MEN.

That's so insane, you don't even realize it, which means you are totally beat down mentally and out of your mind.

Your situation with men is going to be a disaster and I will tell you why.

If you ever mature and stop this role playing you are doing, you will hate your life, hate a freaks like that, and you will not be able to tolerate anyone treating you like a girl, because you are not one.
R: 0 / I: 0

Escortcel General

How else here an escortcel? Share your stories, tips and resources you've learned about being a monger.

I'll start, this website is an excellent source of information. Obviously your MMV but it's always been a really god resource for learning the scene especially in Arizona. Also Arizona is kind of in a golden age right now with regards to massage parlors so I'd recommended anyone read the forums on here if you ever find yourself out here.

R: 0 / I: 0

s peoples who were genocided, in many cases by essentiall

the history of the United $$nakes and its culture. the US only exists off the stolen land of millions of indigenous peoples who were genocided, in many cases by essentially normal civilians (i.e. non-military combatants) who were given free reign to engage in settler colonialism against millions of people whose backs were up against the Pacific Ocean and, thanks to the Monroe Doctrine, with not even the hope of other European countries getting into competition with the US. this combined with the US starting off as a colony itself that broke off from Britain after a bourgeois counter-revolution of slaveowner aristocrats created a relatively unique situation of a country that came into existence out of nothing with no culture or history, whose founders were essentially arch-reactionary bourgeois having a tantrum at the fucking British Empire because they wanted to pull out of North America after the Haitian Revolution and various slave uprisings had started to convince them that it simply didn't make sense for the good of the Empire to continue the practice of slavery.
R: 0 / I: 0

What happened to the anti war movent?

customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab customs of the Jews are base and abominab
R: 4 / I: 0

Sociology of Minorities

I had a class called Sociology of Minorities that was very interesting.

One point was that Americans initially loved Chinese people because they were such hard workers. In California papers they were praised as awesome new Americans!!

Then, it was discovered the the Chinese were sending all of their money to china. When they were done, they would move back to China. So, they became hated because back then money was "real" in that it was based on gold, and so they were taking money out of circulation, and insulting the country by leaving.

As I always say, show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.


The "jew" thing is a form of "virtue" signaling to other jews, that's why it's in articles. It also says to non jews "I am untouchable" and is a low level form of terrorism.

I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.
R: 5 / I: 0  

Sociology of Minorities

I had a class called Sociology of Minorities that was very interesting.

One point was that Americans initially loved Chinese people because they were such hard workers. In California papers they were praised as awesome new Americans!!

Then, it was discovered the the Chinese were sending all of their money to china. When they were done, they would move back to China. So, they became hated because back then money was "real" in that it was based on gold, and so they were taking money out of circulation, and insulting the country by leaving.

As I always say, show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.


The "jew" thing is a form of "virtue" signaling to other jews, that's why it's in articles. It also says to non jews "I am untouchable" and is a low level form of terrorism.

I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.
R: 0 / I: 0

do Americans actually pay everything for the woman on a date ?

lmaooooo. I thought that was movie thing. I guess it made sense back in patriarchal times but still doing that shit in 2024 when women are the privileged class is cucked beyond belief
R: 0 / I: 0

phenomenon in revolution

every revolution in history was participated in by 4% of the population or less. Hunger is a phenomenal motivator, because it's so instinctive and basic,but simultaneously not at all debilitating. A hungry man will be just as fast and strong as a full one, but he'll be angry and want food, NOW, no matter what. Governments subsidize food to keep revolts from happening.
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------eifj9ew8jf9 clean this up j a n n ys 9wjef98jwe908jf09we

——eifj9ew8jf9 clean this up j a n n ys 9wjef98jwe908jf09we
When will dorky millenial online activists and state sanctioned leftist influencers (i.e., teachers with twink tok accounts) realize they are making the right seem cool?
R: 0 / I: 0

is when my beloved nation tl;dr
Back to the mines nazoid.
>went from an underdeveloped feudal monarchy to an industrialised superpower
By exploiting underdeveloped nations & keeping them in the same colonial status like with Cuba, which couldn't scramble the sugar production precisely because of the policies of the US SU, which sparked constant bitterness in relations between the sides. What a thing to celebrate, nigs!
>despite its achievements it still fell
*Because of its achievements in capitalist development it could be radically restructured by the party elite into a new set of entities where they could gain even more power over production relations by reforming the internal policy, even if that would result in the destruction of a union agreement.
What a thing to celebrate, fags!

It's like your shitty marxism instantly evaporates whenever there is talk about your sacred nazi cows, huh! Very marxist of you indeed, cucks. Keep working for your nazoid dindu shitholes further, faggots, only then you will finally have your real true actual (we even have to constantly remind you of this) socialism for one nation
R: 0 / I: 0

is is exactly the kind of shit that's holding the left back.

>I don't think we can expect <minority> to team up with a bigot…

Actually that's exactly what communists must demand. And we must demand the reverse of this too: bigots must team up with minorities they claim to
R: 0 / I: 0

Canadian glowuyghur is also a pedophile. This is important news -appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into le
R: 0 / I: 0

eftypol/, we noticed an under-appreciation for the theory that upholds our political ideologies: As such, we have decided to revive the reading sticky! This thread will be dedicated to the sharing, discussing, and general banter about various leftist thinkers, theories, and political outlooks.

But, other than that, we believe there are other important reads that must be addressed, especially, for beginners and those just now getting into le
R: 0 / I: 0

ests past partners affect future offspring, even with a different father. (4th century BCE)
< Historically accepted but later debunked: Early 20th century (1900s)
< Involves traits of past partners impacting genetic makeup
< Once used to discourage mating across social classes or races: Throughout history, notably during periods of rigid social stratification
< Debated concept with limited scientific backing
< Implies traits can be inherited from non-biological parents
< Raises questions about the nature of genetic inh
R: 1 / I: 0

Last one is full and the worst thread on leftychan must be contained. The fathers of Soycialism who ruined leftism in the west. there collective faggotry spearing to generations of leftists.
R: 0 / I: 0

Just put on the chastity belt and let your girl fuck her bull, whats so hard about that?
R: 0 / I: 0

I read his manifesto, and then I read Ellul, since Kaczynski's writing was just Ellul filtered through a schizophrenic midwit.
R: 0 / I: 0

The media

The media blasts pessimism because the bourgeoisie which controls the media is extremely pessimistic over their waning control over the world. The zoomers eat it up because the left functionally doesnt exist since everybody is so zombified by the US two-party system and by their own preference for having stable income that they dont even consider that the only radical form of political party in this country is a decolonial secessionist political party. And since everybody believes the success of the USA is their success and the failures of the USA are their failures, they'll continue not to be revolutionaries because the settler-colonial issue in this country was never resolved. People don't realize that china's rise is their salvation or that the US' fall is their only way to live under socialism. They choose not to realize this because they choose to identify as americans, a cosmopolitan fascist identity like being "israeli" or a "rhodesian".

The sad part is, after having been in the US for two decades now, I have come to the conclusion that this nation is one giant corporation. Citizens are workers. Loyalty doesn't matter. Companies will do anything to maximize profit and the wellbeing of its employees don't matter. I am not implying all companies are like that, but certainly major corporations have this mentality that you, as a worker, are nothing but a folding chair. If you get sick, then you are ready to be eaten live by the healthcare system (not being able to pay for healthcare bills is the number one reason for personal bankruptcy) and that very often doesn't end well. It's insane
R: 5 / I: 0

Ted Kaczynski was wrong about everything.

I read his manifesto, and then I read Ellul, since Kaczynski's writing was just Ellul filtered through a schizophrenic midwit.

Ellul's argument was that technological advancement would be so advantageous to authoritarian regimes, that it would cause them to start outproducing more liberal countries economically, and ultimately militarily. He predicted that consequently all governments would become more authoritarian to try to take the greatest advantage of technology.

Governments try to take in more data. In doing so, they become more authoritarian by nature (as they create a separation between the inner and outer circles). At the same time as they do this, they become less effective - they mistake data for knowledge, and knowledge for power. Data becomes a fetish, and the basis for governance slips away. The last stage is some form of state collapse. Soviet Union is a decent example of this happening.

The opposite form is building durable and distributed systems of governance that lean on the good culture of the greater populace and welcome their aid in governing. Self-governance, as it were, where data on the governed is entirely besides the point when you can just ask instead and get a more useful reflection on affairs.
R: 0 / I: 0

Monero betting and lottery

Hello guys. I operate a Monero betting website exclusively on I2P where you can bet on the hashes of blocks. This dependence on block hashes creates an unpredictable outcome that is publicly verifiable after it has been determined, making it easy to determine and prove when you as the user should have won.


Please check it out.
R: 6 / I: 0

ABOMELOK0408 Weird Dark Web Game!

Hello everyone so I'm making another post about the weird game "ABOMELOK0408". It's a video game made with the Godot engine and has a few viruses. It's a first person game, and it has black walls and a red sky. Now I have tried to get in touch with the creator of the game with a friend, but no luck. I don't know what the games about and why they are made, and why it scared so many websites, even the ones on the dark web. It was first found in a dark web chat room, stronghold paste, then it appeared on Deep-Paste V3. If anyone has decompiled code or got in touch with the creator, please tell us how it went down. Honestly, I'm afraid to even try messaging the creator because something might happen. The person could be a hacker or a kidnapper. I didn't find much, but I think there are super hidden stuff like secrets in the game as well, even though it has a virus. If you can analyze the game!

Creator's Snapchat: "zoeeeeeeeeee89"

if anyone wants the game: https://file.io/mzCp5ZsQx2LP

The creator said thats their snap lol: https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/912415948

I included the creators snapcode aswell lol.
R: 0 / I: 0

I dropped out of school and went NEET when I was 17 and I'm now 31.

I'll go back to school and work a 9-5 when Heroin, meth and Adderall are over the counter like Alcohol and tobacco is. I told the parents that I'm not okay with working and my reason. I said I am going to kill myself if they don't give me monthly $200 to spend on my vices (videogames, Heroin, weed, tobacco). I told them they are the selfish ones for reproducing in a world where Heroin is illegal for recreational use. If that didn't work then I would have just told them I have a small penis (or if I was a female I would have told them I was a rape victim. you get the general idea, just pretend you suffer from anything extremely awful to manipulate them)

when I was 27 I tried threatening suicide for $300 (500 pressed xanax bars) and the parents had called cops and I was sent to the local hospital "holding rooms" for 72 hours. Fine, next time I'm feeling blue I'll just kill myself (no pun intended)
R: 7 / I: 0

can someone analyze this dark web game?

I spotted this dark web game specially titled "ABOMELOK0408" the creator is apparently some snapchatter that goes by zoeeeeeeeee89 it has been hard trying to find full info about this game can someone analyze it in a VM?

game link: http://bcloudwenjxgcxjh6uheyt72a5isimzgg4kv5u74jb2s22y3hzpwh6id.onion/dl/URI:CHK:57kkwph323dehuofosu372t6qm:hvwwogggspuldbreeubbl6jdm4ym5nrw2muq2hdu2opzqpthr4kq:3:5:77544807/ABOMELOK0408.exe.zip
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Asian girls confirmed

Asian girls confirmed for following monstergirl rules of reproduction.It's almost like stereotypically East Asian traits tend to be genetically dominant, while stereotypically White traits tend to be submissive recessive.
R: 0 / I: 0

I want to move to North Korea.

How do I do it?
R: 2 / I: 0

Look at every myth

every story and every wise saying from every culture. The fact women love sex is well know and well documented, the obly reason for someone to willing infect themselves with a seed that will make a "parasite" grow inside them changing the way their bidy looks and works forever.

Sex is just THAT good for women, issue is men have always been uncofortable with that so they forced them to repress it, victorian times and all that, but now they are being able to be more free again, but are still in this awkward stage of transition. The whore stigma is still strong dispite the sex positive views.
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Why do people tend to shift right as they gain more life experience?
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being wacky now!

i liked the comic where the girl said she's autistic
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I am okay with Mexicans

only legal ones. In addition, their culture is filled with drugs and murderers, so don't complain when people overreact to Mexicans in the US.
R: 0 / I: 0

Korean guanos

when the Japanese left the independence movement was mainly communists in Korea, and they transferred power to the people's Republic of Korea. but the US didn't like that the whole Korean Peninsula was turning communist, so they imposed an anti communist puppet state, which became the Republic of Korea (south). it was run by Korean guanos who were living in exile
R: 0 / I: 0

the woke stuff

I studied communism in school and there has never been anything communist. None of the woke stuff is communist.

What's going on today is the same stuff Germans complained about with jews before WWII, same STUFF.

Communism is about workers owning the means of production. That means turning out high quality goods for society, and not working about much because you don't have to sell unlimited products to make people rich.

Communism is about a cultural "melting pot" like the US used to be because people would need to work together to make decisions about what work is done in society.

Communism would not support black people not wanting to work, being high crime, high drugs, and no raising their families. That's because people that don't want to support society are criminals.

Nothing communist is going on at all. It's a Jewish agenda to defeat secularism, the Enlightenment, etc.

Marxism is based on social evolution.
R: 2 / I: 2


Magic be an art that transcendeth the realm of mundanity, allowing practitioners to bend the very fabric of reality unto their will. Verily, 'tis not simply about wavin' wands or chantin' incantations; rather, it entaileth delvin' into one's deepest desires and emotions. Sexuality serve as a potent conduit for this energy due to its intimate nature and connection with our most primal instincts.

In the arcane sexual arts, we harness the raw power of passion and transmute it into magical force. This can be achieved through various methods such as rituals involvein' physical intimacy, tantric practices focused on spiritual union between partners, or even solitary acts infused with intention and mindfulness. The secret lieeth in alignin' our desires with the currents of the universe, thereby amplifyin' their effect.

One must approach this form of magic with reverence and respect for both self and partner(s). It requireth open communication, trust, and a willingness to explore beyond conventional boundaries. By surrenderin' to the sensual experience, we allow ourselves to tap into deeper levels of consciousness where divine energy dwells - thus enhancein' our magical abilities exponentially.

Moreover, engaging in the arcane sexual arts foster profound connections between individuals, transcendin' physical pleasure and venturin' into realms of spiritual growth and transformation. This sacred union can lead to a heightened sense of empathy, understanding, and unity, ultimately allowin' practitioners to achieve greater mastery over their own lives and the world around them.

So, hearken unto the arcane sexual arts with open hearts and minds, and unlock thy true potential as a magical being capable of transcendin' the mundane constraints of existence. For in doin' so, thou shalt discover an exquisite blend of pleasure, power, and purpose that shall forever alter the trajectory of thy journey through this enchanted realm we call life.

Now go forth and explore the myriad possibilities that await thee within the murky depths of sexuality and magick - for 'tis herein that the most profound secrets of our universe lay hid, waitin' to be unearthed by those courageous enough to delve into its shadowy realms.
R: 0 / I: 0

If it weren't for the US, the USSR would have fallen.

>Africa was an underdeveloped shithole (and still is)

>middle east was still barely just starting to recover from it's medieval phase
>imperial Japan was going to get cucked either way eventually
R: 4 / I: 0

patronizing sex workers

>I'm a woman and I'm a sex worker
<go off queen!!!
<sex work is le real heckin work!!!!!
<wow, so empowered

>I'm a man and I patronize sex workers

<ummmm, yikes
<you need to be stopped!!!!
<you're a HECKIN predator!!!

Can someone explain this using leftist theory?
R: 0 / I: 0

Sociology of Minorities

In college, I had a class called Sociology of Minorities that was very interesting.

One point was that Americans initially loved Chinese people because they were such hard workers. In California papers they were praised as awesome new Americans!!

Then, it was discovered the the Chinese were sending all of their money to china. When they were done, they would move back to China. So, they became hated because back then money was "real" in that it was based on gold, and so they were taking money out of circulation, and insulting the country by leaving.

show me a hated group and I will show you the reason why.


The "jew" thing is a form of "virtue" signaling to other jews, that's why it's in articles. It also says to non jews "I am untouchable" and is a low level form of terrorism.

I wish the Chinese would take over already and get rid of this nonsense.
R: 0 / I: 0

debug ducky
R: 1 / I: 0

Frankenstein book

It's a good story about how some people become sociopaths, in my opinion.

In the book, he was a super genius trapped in an ugly body.

He didn't know he was ugly at first and had a pleasant mind and wanted to be around people. However, when no one gave him a chance and he kept getting rejected he got angry and vengeful.

that's a comment on how people treat each other.

Then, he wanted a female version and he was going to live in the Amazon away from people. But Dr. Frankenstein wouldn't make the female, and the monster flipped out.

There's never been a good movie version for some weird reason.
R: 2 / I: 0

I dated a vegetarian for many years.

I noticed that all of her veg friends had divorced parents. After awhile when they started preaching, which was always, I would ask, "Are your parents divorced" and they would be stunned because it was always, yes.

Hitler and his crew were vegetarians and he had a broken home.

I believe that hurt and neglected children identify with animals and see the animals as themselves. So, when they are talking about animals, they are really talking about themselves.

So, they do not love animals but rather it's a way for them to lash out and punish people because they didn't have a good life.

I love animals and wish we didn't have to kill them, however, I know it's natural to do so and animals mean nothing to me beyond what they are.

In short, vegans are talking about themselves, not animals.
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Swallowing the Black Pill
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fuck you faggots. you can't stop me
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High school is too late.
Start in middle school.
But irony was, vocational classes were common in American schools until the 1970s/80s becaise of liberals whining about minorites being "discouraged" from higher education.

Fast forward three to five decades and every ethnic minority in West Europe and North America is just a an alternative suburban failson due to their parents signing them over to the liberal order to "give them a better life."

And of course these "failsons" arent lazy. Theyre spiritually castrated by Angloid suburban schooling.

Most postboomer schooling overfocuses on "social skills".

Nowadays, Gen X/Millennial progressives are saying that trades or industrial participation is a waste of youth.

Theyre advocating to raise the starting age of adulthood to mid-twenties/early thirties.
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They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.
R: 6 / I: 1

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>To show vulnerability or to cry in front of a woman is regarded as emasculating or effeminate, sometimes even by women themselves!
That's a misconception. There is a difference between being vulnerable and whining. Women have a problem with the latter.Especially when the guy is whining and not having any solutions. At that point your no different than a kid that wants mom to solve the issue.
>but if a guy talks about how lonely he feels to a woman he might come across as a "loner" or "creep" or in some way "dangerous" to her. It might be that another man understands those feelings better.
You need some context for this scenario. If you are talking to a woman and say "I am lonely" without evening getting to know her comes across as creepy because your basically asking her to fix it somehow. If you actually passed the talking phase you can mentioned it in a productive way. There are also lonely women(albeit for different reason but still the same feeling) and men who find lonely men to be failures and creeps. Another lonely man can understand but it would be up to the person to actually do something about it. Lonely men can spiral into loathing the opposite sex because deep down they have a problem with them.Ignoring women will never solve the problem because heterosexual men find them attractive and when they go out with their brotherhood one member will try and chase a girl and the cycle continues.
R: 0 / I: 0

Based! All women are capitalist, therefore their domination is justifiable!
R: 0 / I: 0

Reminder that facts come before your feelings and that being right is more important than being nice. Also edgy leftism characterized by the use of slurs, a rejection of liberalism, advocacy of a worldwide revolution and dismissal of socialism in one nation as well as a rejection of woke idpol and the realization that ethical consumption does not exist under capitalism is the only way leftism will ever succeed in our world.
R: 0 / I: 0

R: 0 / I: 0

feodalism is ba
R: 0 / I: 0

nux. all of the conventions of unix annoy
R: 0 / I: 0

R: 0 / I: 0

Is he right?
R: 0 / I: 0

Reminder that its ok to misgender Chris Chan because its done heinous shit.
R: 0 / I: 0

i am never going to use linux. all of the conventions of unix annoy me. the fundamental philosophy of unix annoys me. the only half-decent unix-related system is Mac OS and that's because Steve Jobs was a massive cunt who correctly insisted that every single unix related thing about it should be papered over so that nobody is aware that a good chunk of the system is actually shit.
R: 0 / I: 0

Soviets were workers councils historically formed after the 1905 revolution in Russia, but they were also formed in Ireland during the Irish civil war. It's kind of like the inversion of going on strike. When a union goes on strike for better pay, better work conditions, etc, they stage a walkout and make their demands. Soviets however are an armed occupation of the workplace, with the declared intention of taking over the workplace and owning it, and the workers taking all the profit. Due to financialization it's practically impossible to pull off these days. If a bunch of workers took over a factory and kept working inside of it, and selling the products, and managing it like a co op, the profits would still go to the capitalist in the form of digital deposits of money. At least in the early 20th century when workers took over a factory they could actually sell the commodities produced there for physical cash and, barring the armed intervention of the police or military, the capitalist could do nothing about it.

These days I think it is more important to form labor unions, tenant unions, workers cooperatives, militias, mutual aid groups, and political parties separately to meet the modular needs of a revolutionary movement, and then to get these organizations to cooperate based on a democratic centralist plan, where they argue, vote, and then exercise discipline in carrying out the plan without self-sabotaging even if some people didn't get what they wanted in the vote. Although this is all fantasy and we're really just getting capitalism and climate change and endless war until tech bros finally automate enough stuff to kill off 90% of humanity due to "redundancy"
R: 1 / I: 1

I think whats interesting is the class politics of conservatives overshadowing racial politics, where you can be a "based black guy" small business owner or academic (like thomas sowell) and be part of the "american" national identity against the underclass and communist china. Even in the underclass is the culture of "hustling" for money and the ambition of "black excellence" in some circles; but a general culture of "self-improvement" and entrepeneurial spirit that seeks to reignite the middle class.
Theres a right wing youtuber called "academic agency" who predicts this trend of subverting the "woke" for "fresh prince" civic politics in the coming years in the same vain. Where increasing representation of black suburbia and so on will dominate our consciousness.
To me this seems likely even in britain where a growing contingency of "based brown guys" are increasing in right wing media, dressed in suits, with perfect british accents and so on.
Ive noticed that there is definitely a white-latino alliance in america, and a similar white-indian one in the UK. To me this is drawing the lines of class interests in a proxy segregationism as nationalist feelings sprout up across the west. A lot of western politicians and thinkers right now are "based immigrants", especially canadian-americans ive noticed.
and ofc in all this is universal homophobia and transphobia as the last ditch effort of "common sense" unity against the woke mind virus
R: 0 / I: 0

i am never going to use linux.

all of the conventions of unix annoy me. the fundamental philosophy of unix annoys me. the only half-decent unix-related system is Mac OS and that's because Steve Jobs was a massive cunt who correctly insisted that every single unix related thing about it should be papered over so that nobody is aware that a good chunk of the system is actually shit.
R: 0 / I: 0

We need to teach women how to murder men that offend them.

i'm just saying
R: 0 / I: 0

the cartels

the US should send troops into Mexico to stop the cartels
R: 0 / I: 0

China Communism will be achieved on July 24th, 2107 at 3:54 PM

China will invade taiwan because it is inevitable that it be invaded. It's hegelian dialectics, not chinese imperialism. Whether china "invades" in 2030 to roaring fanfare from the locals after the kuomintang builds the first taiwan-mainland bridge, or america succeeds in its plan to worry china so much about encirclement that it lashes out and invades early, is the real question.
R: 0 / I: 0

Trump is largely just a culture warrior imo. He's not a "socialist" by any proportion. Or even slightly intellectual. And ever since he's been out of office he seems to have turned back on his isolationist reputation by all this chivalry around russia and israel.
R: 0 / I: 0

Revolutionary Defeatism?

no troll shit I've only read the lenin article the defeat of ones own government so there's a good chance a missing a huge chunk of the picture here but iirc I thought that was specific term for not supporting your country in an imperialist war not just doing anything to bring down your country in general.
R: 0 / I: 0

/2025 Predictions/ General

Well Bill Gates and the WHO have ran a simulation of the next pandemic, coming soon to a government near you in 2025. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation conducted another pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022. The phenomenon is dubbed SEERS, Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025
R: 0 / I: 0

Vertical farming is becoming a thing.

It makes more food with less land so you could have a room dedicated to it in your house.
R: 1 / I: 0

A war filled world will give us revolutionary conditions.

There has never been a successful communist movement without the participation of the masses. The fact that mass mobilization is not by itself sufficient doesn't make it less necessary.
R: 0 / I: 0

Realistically speaking, what are the chances of a communist revival? When?

I'm of the opinion, which seems to be more Engelian than Marxian, that communistic tendencies will organically and unconsciously "evolve" from the outplay of material conditions rather than be inorganically and unconsciously "forced" by a revolutionary consciousness. I stand by the thesis that the most advanced capitalist polarities will self-contradict and inadvertently give rise to communism. Marx and Engels often disagreed about when this will or should happen, with Marx favoring the forceful, immediate approach, but they both agreed that it will happen eventually. Just see how AI plays out. I've taken my bets. anarchism will lead the revolution
R: 0 / I: 0


what did i say about active and purposeful sabotage of revolutionary spaces
R: 1 / I: 0

the ussr stopped being socialist after khruschev came into power (will be a highly controversial opinion for revisionists) which makes this an even more ridiculous comparison than to just compare a modern games console to what this highly sanctioned country where video games never got the same popularity as in the west could produce when fucking gorbachev was in power
R: 1 / I: 0

I just don't give a fuck!

I've had a channel for years. I have more talents than any the top tubers, REALLY, and I don't get any help from them while they help their goofy talentless friends. I just upload anything I want & not have to spend 2 weeks making vidz the top tubers can't top, but that will only get 2000 views. Youtube is a joke, plus it's rigged. Youtube Head Quarters has more power over who gets big on site than you realize.
R: 2 / I: 1

over half of children are born in single mother households, so it can be said the reason our generation is so weak is because they DIDNT have father's… which isnt their fault. Doesnt help most teachers are women. Not saying they shouldnt or cant man up, but probability wise it is harder and will likely take longer.
R: 1 / I: 0

epigenetics maternal effect

Maternal effects are an important evolutionary force
Maternal effects can play an important role in a diversity of ecological and evolutionary processes such as population dynamics, phenotypic plasticity, niche construction, life-history evolution and the previous mating.
R: 0 / I: 0

Only qualified for shit jobs and shit at them plus it's a hassle applying for them. Also just because i can
R: 0 / I: 0

Blood's on the wall
R: 0 / I: 0

More at peace at night

Waking up at 8 in the morning fucking sucks. There is nothing to do for you but the world is lively.
I'd rather soon readjust to sleeping at 5 and waking up at 1. The only outside thing i enjoy (drinking) is usually performed later in the day anyways and driving my car is better after dark since roads are emptier. Gaming and browsing is better in darkness anyways.
R: 2 / I: 0

Every day I come to realize more and more that life is just some mediocre horror flick.In this world theres nowhere to scape to. Everywhere is hell, just different flavor
R: 0 / I: 0

The term "Normie" is also called "Normalcy Bias" which is the psychology of thinking that life will continue "as normal", despite the occurrence of obvious, abnormal events such as the partial breakdown of society that we're seeing it in our cities, not so much yet in the suburbs or country-side.
R: 0 / I: 0

Fast food sales have been down due to rising prices, high inflation, and a tight economy. Some fast-food chains have quietly raised prices, which has led to consu me rs spe nding less. For example, Yum Brands, which ow ns Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut, reported weak er-than-ex pected sales in the fourth quarter of 2023
R: 0 / I: 0

Prepper Tips

Water is a real issue most people never get their head around everything required to aquire and process water and the infrastructure to contain and store it.

Designating a latrine and trash collection point is also a stealth consideration. Better thermal can show that a hole was filled in, due to the mixed soil layers heating and cooling differently than the surrounding ground. Even if they mistake your cat holes as fresh land mines, they know the site is occupied.

Crapping on the ground is worst, since they'll know you don't have mines. It also offers a rando the chance to find you and collect a bounty for reporting your location.

Trash can also be recycled in support areas, even if collected from a site you have abandoned. Some people know how to smelt and cast aluminum into useful items and some plastics can be shaped with heat and used like a poor man's kydex.
R: 6 / I: 0

Blood's on the wall

the most commonly shoplifted item is baby formula. And we wonder why the birth rate is down.
R: 0 / I: 0

I know IT is mostly after these sort of threads, so he can now take a screenshot and show his audience how misogynistic and ´out of touch with reality´ I am.
R: 0 / I: 0

Most of us (at least I would like to think so) are autistic and can barely function in today's society. Also I see a lot of nazis here. You do know Hitler would had killed every single one of us for our subhuman genetics right?
R: 0 / I: 0

If Colorado secedes, my greatest concern is Cheyenne Mountain, and all it’s capability.
R: 0 / I: 0

the ussr stopped being socialist after khruschev came into power (will be a highly controversial opinion for revisionists) which makes this an even more ridiculous comparison than to just compare a modern games console to what this highly sanctioned country where video games never got the same popularity as in the west could produce when fucking gorbachev was in power
R: 0 / I: 0

you want to shoot up a church once?

do you care about religion?
R: 1 / I: 0


After becoming a waygey it's still a pain in the ass, u gotta wake up early and work 5+ hours a day, Idk why some users are depressed about being a NEET, idk any good copes that I can have in my pocket if I ever will become a wageyfag . I'm used to this lifestyle but I still get mogged from time to time, I try my best to not think about it tho .
R: 1 / I: 0

calling the cops

is always attempted murder
R: 5 / I: 1


I’ve never been like the other kids, I always felt different. I was bullied in primary school and I thought they were my friends, in high school I was a straight A student for only the first year then I realised nothing mattered and was a Fortnite addict (also spending over €500 of my mother’s money in VBuCks jfl:feelsLUL:). My GPA plummeted (for example 20/A is a straight A I went down to 10/D), I was sleeping all day at school, had only 3 friends that grew apart in the following years, then I just existed at school. Lastly on the final exams before most people go Uni (I didn’t go yet) I decided to commit suicide but couldn’t even do that, my mother and sister found out, went to the psychiatrist and still going out of necessity andnow my father has disowned me cause I’m not talkative nor hard working cause he had left for more than 8 years and wondering why I’m not willing to do what he wants me to do…
R: 0 / I: 0

Waking up at 8 in the morning fucking sucks. There is nothing to do for you but the world is lively.

I'd rather soon readjust to sleeping at 5 and waking up at 1. The only outside thing i enjoy (drinking) is usually performed later in the day anyways and driving my car is better after dark since roads are emptier. Gaming and browsing is better in darkness anyways. More at peace at night
R: 0 / I: 0

I am not an expert, most of this is just me poorly retelling what I've heard from others.
The US is currently attempting to reindustrialize in order to increase their chances of success in a great power conflict, not to mention that they are currently engaged in a naval arms race with China, so the chances of a any war happening between the US and either China or Russia is likely.
If the US goes to war with China, they will do a decent job early on but its likely that they will lose in the long run. They do not currently have the productive capacity or population to win a long war against China. There's a good chance that a lot of countries will be involved, it might genuinely become WWIII. As long as the US retains its current regime, the chances of such a war happening as time goes on is high. There's also a good chance that the US will use nuclear weapons.
If the US goes to war with Russia, the US will probably win so long as they can drum up enough support from the EU, which is likely. The obvious scenario by which this happens is an escalation of the Ukraine conflict, which I'd flip a coin on since I don't think either side will just win at this point. I think Russia is more likely to favor a negotiated settlement that lets them keep Crimea and the Russian-speaking majority regions of western Ukraine, whereas the US will prefer it becomes a perpetually frozen conflict like what's happening in northeastern Syria. China will probably intervene in some way. Low but non-zero chance of either the US or Russia using nuclear weapons, though the US is far more likely to do so since they are the only country so far to have used nuclear weapons in war.
If the US goes to war with Iran, it's very likely that they will win. Iran has too many regional competitors and the current regime is both economically crippled and very unpopular with the general public, a draft will likely result in mutinies. Russia will probably intervene, at the very least to provide materiel.
If the US goes to war with North Korea, its almost inevitable that they will drag China into the conflict.
It's very unlikely but the US might annex Cuba or invade Venezuela, in which case they will win with almost no effort. A single aircraft carrier and some marines would be enough.
R: 0 / I: 0

Any good books on the events of May '68? Hopefully from a modern day perspective. Documentaries are also welcomed.
R: 1 / I: 0  

How can socialists come to power

In order for socialism to be possible, it must have some degree of support from the majority of the population. This does not mean that it's necessary for most people to become committed socialists. That's impossible, because most people are always apolitical, in any system. The only thing that is necessary is to have a majority of people that are willing to give socialism a shot, or who are at least not opposed to socialism. This kind of majority opinion does exist today in many capitalist countries.

Broadly speaking, there are three strategies that socialists have used or proposed for gaining power:

A. Build a socialist political party, compete in regular elections, and win.

B. Build a political party or organization focused on winning support in the streets and operating outside the framework of the existing state. When there is a wave of discontent against the existing capitalist system, organize marches and protests. If you can gather enough support for your cause to ignite widespread protests around the country, lead your comrades to break into government buildings, arrest the current leaders, and take over the state.

C. Build a trade union-like organization and, once you have enough members, organize a general strike and take over the factories and other workplaces.

Strategies A and B have been used successfully at various points in the past. Strategy C has never worked in the past, perhaps because it requires the most active involvement and carries the greatest risk for the people involved. Notice that although strategy A requires the greatest number of people to sympathise with the socialist cause, the only thing they need to do is vote - and that's a very easy, risk-free one-time deal. Strategies B and C actually require smaller numbers of sympathisers, but those sympathisers need to be a lot more actively involved - and take more risks - than in strategy A.

Of course, it's possible for the same organization to try to pursue two or three different strategies at once, and see which one seems to work best at the moment. That's the approach I support.

However, gaining power is only half of the problem. The other half is what to do once you have power. Many different socialist groups have won power in many different countries in the past, but none of them have succeeded in creating a stable socialist economic system. There have been two types of failure (again, broadly speaking):

– Some socialist groups didn't actually fail; they never tried to build socialism in the first place. This is the sad history of social democracy. Social democrats - using strategy A - have been the most successful at gaining power. Between the 1920s and the 1960s, they either governed or exerted a major influence on every democratic country in the world. But once they found themselves in power, the social democrats adopted a policy of reformism: Making small left-wing reforms to the capitalist system in the hope that, after some time, these reforms added together would lead to socialism. That did not happen. In the Scandinavian countries, some social democratic parties have been in power almost without interruption for 60 years, and still they did not reach socialism. Instead of them changing the system, the system changed them. Instead of their countries becoming more socialist, the social democratic parties became more capitalist and eventually abandoned even the idea of socialism. Today, no social democratic parties advocate socialism any more, although a lot of them still use the word "socialist" in their names (it's left over from the time when they really advocated socialism).

– The other major branch of the socialist movement that succeeded in coming to power was Marxism-Leninism (or just "Leninism" for short). Leninists are not just socialists, but also communists (explaining the distinction would require a separate post), and they founded the Soviet Union. Their strategy for gaining power was revolution, not election, and, unlike the social democrats, they maintained their commitment to changing society after they found themselves in government. However, they put far too much emphasis on vanguardism and democratic centralism - the idea that a single political party (and one with a highly centralized structure) was uniquely capable of playing a "leading role" in society after the revolution and carry out the transition to socialism (and, later, communism). On the bright side, the Leninist approach did lead to the creation of a new kind of society, different from capitalism. Unfortunately, the new system was not socialism. The single party was too powerful and too centralized, and, alongside a number of historical circumstances, this led to the creation of an economic system that somewhat resembled socialism but lacked its democratic element. That was the Soviet system. Without democracy, the political leadership grew rigid and corrupt, and the planned economy was mismanaged because the planners could not accurately judge consumer satisfaction (if people are not allowed to complain in public, they cannot tell you when you've made a mistake, so you will persist in your mistakes). These factors, together with a heavy dose of stupidity in high places (*cough* Gorbachev *cough*) eventually brought down the Soviet system.

So, we know two different ways that WON'T lead to socialism: (1) trying to make small, gradual changes to capitalism, and (2) putting a single, powerful party with centralized leadership in charge of the whole period of transition. You can look at these two errors as two extremes. In the first case, the socialists are too weak-willed and too eager to compromise with capitalism; in the second case, they are too intolerant of opposition and too eager to silence dissent. What we need is something in between. A socialist party that will fight to gain power and make sweeping changes to society in a short period of time, like the Leninists did, while also being committed to a multi-party democracy and freedom of speech and criticism, like the social democrats were. Of the two groups, I think the Leninists were closer to the winning formula. In the years following the Russian Revolution, their Bolshevik Party was under great internal pressure, and a lot of efforts were made to keep it together. I think those efforts were misguided. If the party had been allowed to fracture and split, the Soviet Union may have ended up with a genuine multi-party democracy.

But you're probably also asking about more specific, concrete measures, not general statements about the need to combine a commitment to democracy with rapid changes. Assuming we have a socialist party that got into power one way or another, what should it actually do? How should it proceed?

Well, this subject is also hotly debated, but there is broad agreement that the absolute top priority will be to prevent capital flight. In our globalized economy, it is very easy for capitalists to move money from one place to another. As soon as a genuine socialist government takes power, the financial markets will descend into panic as capitalist firms start trying to sell their assets, take as much money as they can get, and run to another country. This would be a disaster for the economy. So the very first thing that a socialist government needs to do is close the stock market, suspend all banking activities, and freeze the assets of foreign firms. Basically, it will have to take very quick measures to ensure there is no massive flow of capital away from the country. Once that is done, if banks and foreign trade are frozen anyway, might as well go ahead and nationalize them. After all, you can't keep them frozen for very long; the economy needs them in order to function. So, in the first stage, the socialist government should nationalize the financial sector and establish a state monopoly on foreign trade. This might also be a good time to nationalize the local branches of multinational corporations, since the state monopoly on foreign trade will have cut them off from their parent companies anyway.

All of that needs to happen within weeks, or a couple of months at most. And then, what comes next?

Well, different socialists have completely different ideas on how to proceed after that, so I can only give you my own personal proposal, inspired by a book called Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell (you should read that if you're interested in how socialism would work, by the way - it's free to download).

After closing off the possible routes of capital flight, you can relax for a bit. The immediate danger has passed. The economy is still mostly capitalist, but the capitalists are no longer able to take their money and run. Some of them may choose to run anyway - I mean leave the country, physically - but that is actually a good thing. The government can pass a law to automatically nationalize the property of any capitalist who emigrates. This will allow for a string of simple, quiet nationalizations without much fuss or controversy.

By this point the country starts having a rather large state sector. It is time to establish institutions that will coordinate the activities of all those newly nationalized industries. Without such economic planning, you can only have state capitalism (a system where state-owned companies compete in a market as if they were privately owned). It is probably a good idea to take people, capital and knowledge from the old financial sector into the new economic planning agency. After all, the purpose of financial markets in capitalism is to allocate resources in the economy. The socialist planning agency has precisely the same purpose. It will perform that purpose in a different way, but still, knowledge about allocation in the old system is useful. We will need to equip the planning agency with state-of-the-art computers, because efficient economic planning requires processing power a lot more than it requires people sitting in offices. The new socialist economy-in-the-making will be technologically advanced. Also, since we're dismantling the financial markets, it's time to nationalize the last of the old corporations and close the stock exchange for good.

The time is now about two years after the revolution (or election, or whatever event put the socialists in power). The economy is still not fully socialist yet, but it's getting there. The corporations and the banks are gone. In their place, there is a large, state-owned, planned sector of the economy - the "socialist sector". This should include some institutions that provide credit to individual citizens like the old banks did; but unlike the old banks, such institutions would deal only with individual citizens, not with other firms.

At this point, we may pause for a while and take some time to make sure the socialist sector of the economy is efficient and democratic before we finish the transition. It must not be too bureaucratic, and it must not be organized just like the old corporations except with a new boss. Workers must be given a strong voice in the running of their own workplaces. It may be good to have them elect their own managers, at least at some levels in some industries. The emphasis of management must be shifted away from making profits at any cost, and towards ensuring a balance between productivity and job satisfaction. After all, every consumer is also a worker, and, ideally, socialism aims to make work as enjoyable as possible. And, of course, we need to get all the bugs out of the new economic planning software - there are always bound to be some bugs. ;)

In the realm of politics, new elections should be approaching. If the capitalists put up a serious fight after the revolution (including armed combat, perhaps), then capitalist parties may be under a temporary ban for the moment. It may be acceptable to go into the first post-revolutionary election with a single, massive socialist party. But it's a dangerous path. It would be better if there was more than one socialist party by this time. If there isn't, then one of our goals for the second term will be to help in the creation of such a socialist opposition by encouraging dissenting factions within our own party to split off (there are always some dissenting factions).

We are taking a pause before incorporating all remaining private businesses into the socialist sector, but the pause cannot be too long. Oskar Lange pointed out that capitalists who know their businesses will be nationalized sooner or later are likely to run those businesses very badly, without regard for the long term, and without making any new investments. The longer we wait, the more the remaining private sector will deteriorate (buildings will not be given regular maintenance, machinery will be allowed to rust, and so on).

So, maybe four or five years after the revolution, a constitutional law will be passed to abolish private ownership of the means of production entirely. All former private businesses will be integrated into the planned socialist economy. Their former owners will become workers. If they were owners of small businesses, and if their employees liked them, they may even stay in the same place and do roughly the same thing as before - except they would no longer have the power to hire and fire workers, or to order them around.

But there is still one last step to take after this, and it's a very important step. We now have a fully planned economy, but we're still using the same kind of money that we used under capitalism. This doesn't make much sense any more, and it needs to be changed in order to implement the socialist principle that payment must be proportional to the amount of work done. At first, we will set a fixed ratio between the existing currency and a standard hour of work. For example, we may decide that 1 hour = $30. This will be used across the entire economy, perhaps with small variations to account for differences in effort between different jobs. Then, some time later, we will rename $30 to "1 labor credit" or "1 labor hour" or something like that, to reflect its true value.

And now, with the new currency, the transition is complete. We have a planned economy. We have a roughly egalitarian distribution of incomes, thanks to the labor-hour system. And we have maintained and expanded democracy. Thus, we have socialism.
R: 2 / I: 1

Every day I fantasize about dropping everything and being a travelling vagabond / hobo. This slaving life just isn't worth it anymore. Permanent camping trip with a little work so I can eat doesn't sound so bad.
R: 0 / I: 0

Why you should work at Lowes

I know it sounds dumb, why you should work retail, and despite all the shit I dealt with, dangerous retarded co workers, fraudulent bosses who will endanger you for there own convenience. Retail wages. But there is a couple upsides. Especially in night crew. One is if your night crew you dont have to deal with custumers on your ass. Makes you job alot easeyer. Second is there isnt alot of people around so you get a decent degree of privacy. You cant be like a popeyes employee but its not as stressful as a job if you got a functioning brain.

Next is track to trades. For free you get offered this benifit were lowes will pay interplay for you to learn shit about trades. For me I leanred plumbing. All paid for by lowes. Same thing for other stuff like electricity, HVAC, appliances and probably a couple other trades. Shit that can help you worh better jobs.

I know this isnt a high autism score thread but if you can and your not in a career or school. God forbid colledge itll reek of chads and stacys overywere. Lowes will pay for stuff that wont certify you as a trades man but will give you one hell of a edge for a aprentiship. And after your aprentiship is over. Youll make some good ass money.
R: 1 / I: 1

Only managed to breakthrough the $32k line. At this point I’m just working on working for myself if I’m only ever make that amount of money.
R: 3 / I: 0

America reminds me of the game "bioshock"
All the rich and fancy people all partied and did weird drugs and experiments, being free from everything. Meanwhile the people making the place run was force to be unseen and over worked and never allowed outside of their zones. There was some recordings of the rich npcs saying how they saw a filthy worker.
R: 5 / I: 1  

WW3 on the horizon?

After Joe embarrassed the U.S. in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, it sent the message of weakness to all the nations of the world. Now we see the Bear and the Dragon testing us. I fear they know there may never be a better time than now to go to war with the U.S., we're torn internally, an inept puppet at the helm. This could be getting serious.
R: 15 / I: 1

Joint hymn of Leftypol and Leftychan effective January 1st 2024
replacing Leftypol We Revere You
R: 4 / I: 1

The Black Problem

The blacks are committing massive amounts of violent crimes around the globe.

How do we end their reign of terror?

We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of uyghurs.


I strongly suggest you *DOWNLOAD* and learn the PDF available here, containing all the information you’re not allowed to know and much more:
https://files.catbox.moe/52salp.pdf (67 pages, 50 MB)
(infographics, lulz, and others)


The jews are running the government and media and they’re rigging the system for uyghurs to attack whites.

Liberal democracies, as espoused by the jews, are anti-white.

Jews and uyghurs are the oppressors, not the oppressed.

We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments.


The uyghur problem must be brought to everyone’s attention until it is fixed.

Whites are being punished for acting too civilized and not fighting back.

Any diversity laws must be repealed.

We must destroy anti-racism.

Get some TBP, TBP = Tight Black Pussy


The coal toll is your soul.


Anyone who is racist against whites must leave the country.

If someone doesn’t like this topic it means they’re racist against whites.

Learn to identify and disregard/disarm anti-white people/shills in person and online.
R: 14 / I: 3

Which will come first: complete environmental collapse or socialism?

my money's on the former.
R: 5 / I: 1

Is this so /b/ stops being littered?
R: 0 / I: 0

Governments refuse to take action as Omicron variant surges throughout the world
>As the official death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic has exceeded 800,000 in the United States, public health officials are warning of a “tsunami” of COVID-19 cases in the coming weeks and months.

Recall that the Great Plague made the rich richer from 1348. Vast swaths of land, property into fewer feudal and usurers' hands
Today, the COVID pandemic is used as an euthanasic spike of a capitalist virulent austerity against the working-class to lower the socially necessary labour-time to reproduce labour-power. Pensions left unclaimed, land and housing further concentrated into fewer hands, taxes left unspent for social and health care. The best work contracts of the old dead workers buried and sowed over with young workers on exploitative contracts.
Only with the workers Inquest can we push back this pandemic into eradication.
R: 0 / I: 0

Black Hidden History LA

It's time to put that money to good use and uplift the engaging stories of FBAs instead of hurling it away simping to eceleb grifters. Donate to the Hidden History Museum today. And make this a successful enterprise, just like the Hidden Colours documentaries.
R: 7 / I: 0

>femcels dont exi-
R: 4 / I: 0

Since becoming a religious skeptic i feel free to embrace socialism(in this case, NON sex-positive socialism;lenin executed harlots),anyways, to what orgs,NGOs, etc,should I donate? i am from the upper classes of my country and I feel i want to get the red ball rolling in my life.
>also can i TALK with them before i donate?i want to make sure they're nice and polite folk
R: 16 / I: 1

What the fuck is wrong with france in its current state for something like this to happen in broad fucking daylight?
R: 17 / I: 1

hey uhh,i know this is akward,but does anyone know how to properly get rid of bloodstains?
R: 40 / I: 13

lol get rekt commies
R: 59 / I: 26


Join us!
4chan doing event
while Globohomo trying to appropriate entire month for own propaganda
let's take entire summer for tomboys



R: 3 / I: 6

nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG nattrot GANG
R: 0 / I: 0

I didn't even know this board existed
R: 3 / I: 2

hear the janny transhumanist coming to block this
R: 1 / I: 0

A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.

Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.

To this end, Communists of various nationalities have assembled in London and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.