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I noticed that all of her veg friends had divorced parents. After awhile when they started preaching, which was always, I would ask, "Are your parents divorced" and they would be stunned because it was always, yes.

Hitler and his crew were vegetarians and he had a broken home.

I believe that hurt and neglected children identify with animals and see the animals as themselves. So, when they are talking about animals, they are really talking about themselves.

So, they do not love animals but rather it's a way for them to lash out and punish people because they didn't have a good life.

I love animals and wish we didn't have to kill them, however, I know it's natural to do so and animals mean nothing to me beyond what they are.

In short, vegans are talking about themselves, not animals.


There's a particular brand of liberal that doesn't give a fuck about any social issues concerning people, at home or abroad, but once some animals are hurt they are all up in arms. Fuck those people.

I do like animals, I wanna get a cat.


Good thread, veganism and other anti-meat movements are anti-human and anti-science.

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