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the history of the United $$nakes and its culture. the US only exists off the stolen land of millions of indigenous peoples who were genocided, in many cases by essentially normal civilians (i.e. non-military combatants) who were given free reign to engage in settler colonialism against millions of people whose backs were up against the Pacific Ocean and, thanks to the Monroe Doctrine, with not even the hope of other European countries getting into competition with the US. this combined with the US starting off as a colony itself that broke off from Britain after a bourgeois counter-revolution of slaveowner aristocrats created a relatively unique situation of a country that came into existence out of nothing with no culture or history, whose founders were essentially arch-reactionary bourgeois having a tantrum at the fucking British Empire because they wanted to pull out of North America after the Haitian Revolution and various slave uprisings had started to convince them that it simply didn't make sense for the good of the Empire to continue the practice of slavery.

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