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File: 1715056512146.png ( 2.69 MB , 3000x1511 , 167530993304153383.png )


I’ve never been like the other kids, I always felt different. I was bullied in primary school and I thought they were my friends, in high school I was a straight A student for only the first year then I realised nothing mattered and was a Fortnite addict (also spending over €500 of my mother’s money in VBuCks jfl:feelsLUL:). My GPA plummeted (for example 20/A is a straight A I went down to 10/D), I was sleeping all day at school, had only 3 friends that grew apart in the following years, then I just existed at school. Lastly on the final exams before most people go Uni (I didn’t go yet) I decided to commit suicide but couldn’t even do that, my mother and sister found out, went to the psychiatrist and still going out of necessity andnow my father has disowned me cause I’m not talkative nor hard working cause he had left for more than 8 years and wondering why I’m not willing to do what he wants me to do…


You should break your dads kneecaps fr


No wonder his life is shit with a dad this soy


That must be really hard. Is there anything we could do?


Hope ur father never finds happiness


File: 1715058223520.png ( 13.17 KB , 68x66 , 27.png )

I would like to kill myself. I'm a waste

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