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>Lied about his medal record
>Lied about shooting looters from atop the Superdome after Katrina
>be Chris Kyles widow
>pussy is so blown out
>money drying up, had to pay Ventura
>decide to pimp dead husband's image and name for $5k
>pussy still blown tf out

Chris Kyle got teamkilled like a newfag. It took the entirety of Hillary's secrecy police to bring Ben Ghazi down.
He would show up in Marine controlled areas, shoot a shitload of civilians - even a video of him blowing kids up with C4 for fun and laughing, pack up and leave to do it all again in other areas. This caused the locals to become pissed their kids/brothers/parents/uncles got killed for fuck all. They would then side with the terrorists and kill Marines in retaliation.

He was actually aware that Routh was crazy and dangerous, but fucked up by showing his back to him while he was walking downrange.
Joko was his boss, and approved of this just to get body counts, trying to one up the squad he replaced. Kyle was a faggot sociopath that got his teammates killed all because he wanted to kill, but not have to really fight for those kills.
Nah, he got revenge killed by a Marine for getting Marines killed in Afghanistan because he liked to kill civilians and kids like a faggot.
And no, I'm not some bleeding heart hippie, and don't really give two shits about dooncoons, but, reality is reality.
At this point, you can assume that if a SEAL is breathing, he is lying. And he'd probably murder you for a chump change DudeWipes™ sponsorship for his a podcast nobody listens to.

He lied about punching Jesse Ventura in the face, and then through a lot of fucked up shit, ended up getting Jesse kicked out of the SEALs community via another proven liar/author, Marcus Luttrell. He has also been harassed so much, his wife developed some sort of nervous seizure disorder and has kinda fucked her up. That alone is a good reason to remember him as a piece of shit.

To be fair, just about everyone doesn't expect to get killed by their buddies when they visit their local gun range.
He was actually aware that Routh was crazy and dangerous, but fucked up by showing his back to him while he was walking downrange.
>lie about beating up a founding SEAL who has precisely 0 beef with you, a fellow SEAL
They credited Kyle with the kill of Juba in the movie even though it was credited to AJ Pasciuti. Pasciuti was also shooting with Kyle at one point. Wondering if those were clean kills or not.

Chris Kyle also lied in his book about shooting two dudes who tried to jack him at a gas station and showed cops who arrived his "license to kill" and was let go.

Thanks to Chris, we've learned the lesson to be on guard even around people who are not supposed to kill you.

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