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The media blasts pessimism because the bourgeoisie which controls the media is extremely pessimistic over their waning control over the world. The zoomers eat it up because the left functionally doesnt exist since everybody is so zombified by the US two-party system and by their own preference for having stable income that they dont even consider that the only radical form of political party in this country is a decolonial secessionist political party. And since everybody believes the success of the USA is their success and the failures of the USA are their failures, they'll continue not to be revolutionaries because the settler-colonial issue in this country was never resolved. People don't realize that china's rise is their salvation or that the US' fall is their only way to live under socialism. They choose not to realize this because they choose to identify as americans, a cosmopolitan fascist identity like being "israeli" or a "rhodesian".

The sad part is, after having been in the US for two decades now, I have come to the conclusion that this nation is one giant corporation. Citizens are workers. Loyalty doesn't matter. Companies will do anything to maximize profit and the wellbeing of its employees don't matter. I am not implying all companies are like that, but certainly major corporations have this mentality that you, as a worker, are nothing but a folding chair. If you get sick, then you are ready to be eaten live by the healthcare system (not being able to pay for healthcare bills is the number one reason for personal bankruptcy) and that very often doesn't end well. It's insane

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