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my money's on the former.


My money is on the former as well sadly. If the last 7 years have taught me anything it's that American proles are fucking retards and thoroughly indoctrinated.




>mocking leftism


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Socialism most likely isn't going to be a possibility at this point. If anyone goes and actually reads Marx it becomes apperent that Marx and Engles we're pretty exclusively speaking about the industrial politariat exclusively as being the masters not the destiny. Now this doesn't inherently become true cause Marx said so but he did have a point.

Industrial society brought people together en mass with a common and shared interest in over throwing capital. That is no longer the case people are more alienated than ever and most jobs in the US are just service industry jobs. The prolotarate has been thoroughly deradicalized.

We missed the boat.


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>We missed the boat.
We missed a boat, capitalism can't resolve it's contradictions, the next boat is coming right up


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>Socialism isn't when the government does stuff.


Ok this is getting confusing; What do you think socialism is and why are you so angry?


Is that what you think it is cause that's fucking retarded.


Your strawman isn't an argument dumb ass.


>Posits argument in the form of a strawman



It's all dumb my guy. You have to be a lolberts or some other retarded right wing political deviant because no one with any sense could make a claim so profoundly stupid. Saying that communists want to "steal" production is retarded. Productive forces were stolen by the expansion of capital through out history. Workers built it with their hands money doesn't generate capital it requires labor to transform itself into profit.



>No argument what so ever and is nothing but a midwit troll.


ITT: People who think the answer to the negative effects of industrial civilization is more of the same


I have you an argument

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